= = = = = = = = = = =

What do you want to do?

Don't feed it.

Digo and the axe eat again.

Do you eat like that and go back in?

I saw the remaining meat.

The amount was enough.

“Let's call.”

Lind said to me,

"Are we the only ones? This isn't normal torture. We were just like you before you came along."

“I'm going to do it anyway. ”

"Whoops, pour."

He said, chewing the meat out of his mouth.

"Swallow and tell, you son of a bitch. It pops out."

My nose is the same.

At least the four reserves who remained here and the soldier who could not see a drop of meat oil now were in the same position.

I raise my hand to point at the soldier.

The soldier looks at me and points his finger at himself.

I called out to him with a broken wrist.

They rush like the wind.

Digo wakes up before he can say anything.

“I'm done. ”

Yeah, stop eating. I could have been a real beast if I ate more.

I eat a lot. I think I'll get double the cover.

“Sit down.”

The soldier staggers before his nose as he dives into the stone tablets as fast as he can.

“Sit down.”

He tucks his butt in a squat.

The saliva in my mouth keeps flowing.

Chi Yin.

I baked a speck of meat and threw it in the mouth of a new soldier.


Meat oil will warm his mouth.

Well, well, well.

I don't think I've chewed a few times.


Shed a little elasticity. He looked like he had eaten and spilled.

Oh, I wanted to chew more, but you didn't even know it.

I hate it when I recognize this.

Well, I've never had one or two bad experiences in my life.

“A lot.”

Let me give you a quick word. The soldier looks at me.

Your eyes look moist.

“Can I eat it? ”


I think I'm twenty years old now. I see a long scar across the cheek on a face as thin as ours.

You can see whether you got it in the last battle or not.

When I open my mouth wide, my wounds open and I bleed, but I don't care.

Well, I chewed it very carefully this time.


I exhale deeply. My skin turns red quickly and my hands turn blue.

Is it that good?

I also ate a point next to him.

It looks too good to eat next to you.

The soldier who ate the second point suddenly froze his face.

There are saliva marks on the mouth, and blood is spilled from the wounds.

He looks at me with much thought and opens his mouth.


“Tell me.”

Now that you're all squirming like that, I know someone has something to say to you.

“There are a few more in the barracks. ”

I couldn't breathe and replied to the blurred soldier.

“Bring it.”

I don't know if there was less meat, but it was enough. Twenty people will be able to feed it.

“Well done. Don't let anyone be too grumpy. You said that.”

Lind said to me,

“It's good to eat together. ”

My nose agreed.

"When there was a severe drought when I was a child, the grain warehouse next door was on fire."

Then my father withdrew the food that year in half and endured the past times like the house next door.

I didn't know why I did it then.

But now I know better.

One side of the bean that I handed out during a difficult moment was as heavy as a golden goose.

Soon there will be a group of soldiers.

"Hey, this isn't the only one left in the barracks."

There are more than twenty.

It looks like you've brought all the soldiers around you who are tickling and swallowing.

All the way from the nosebleeds to the lid, step back and widen the seat.

Soon the soldiers fill their positions tightly.

Behind the barracks, a small party of meat.

The White Captain, or the Dowager, had no idea.

"Erai, let's eat hard."

I spoke and reached out my hand.

"Give it to me, bake it all."

A soldier steps forward, delivering a meat loaf and slicing it with a dull blade. Someone hands it over.

“Put this on. ”

I see a well-sharpened blade.

I was frustrated to get rid of what I used to use and use it for something shoddy.

The supply level was low, and it was hard to get a dagger.


Meat chops again.

Chi Yin.

Smoke and fragrance soon spread among them.


‘I ate too much. ’

I thought of yesterday's party.

There was not a drop of alcohol, but I was drunk by the meat and atmosphere.

I remember all the soldiers asking my name.


I got up.

It's time for the sun to hit your head.

I felt a tender muscle pain.

‘Quite a move yesterday. ’

The muscle pain gets worse every day. It's the price of a busy day every day.


As I move, the cub sits on my head moves.

I carefully examined his legs with my fingers.

The bones are almost in place.

A young beast. It has different resilience and different bone flexibility.

The bones of the young beast that have not yet settled down are not broken, but bent.

The umbilical cord cut right off, so it didn't twist much, so I didn't have to hold it apart.

I just tied a branch to a large leaf to prevent it from shaking.

It will be uncomfortable, but a few days will suffice.

"Hooray, morning workout?"

Lind asks.


I ran every day when I opened my eyes in the barracks.

Whether it's fighting, gathering herbs, or raising wolves.

Health is essential.

This is what all the teachers who taught me said together.

So I ran every day.

This is the same routine I had in my previous life.

I have a habit of clearing my head while running.


Jump through the cold dawn air.

Clean air sweeps through the lungs.

I liked the freshness.

As you run around the barracks like that, you see the soldiers coming out of the tent, one by one.

“I'm sleepy.”

I could see those who came back from their bedside manner.

There are a number of soldiers who learned their faces yesterday.

“You're up early. ”

“Good morning? ”

“Let me know if you need anything. ”

“Come to get your boots? ”

To those who passed on the words, Chris greeted them with a mighty greeting.

So I sweated and poured the water from the barrel on my head.


It's cold but refreshing.

It's early morning.

Keeping your head down like that, a pungent aroma pierces your nose.

It was the smell of animal manure. Immediately, I smelled so bad that my goal was trembling.

“I can't do this. ”

“Now I don't know if I smell it or not. ”

I know this face. It's one of the guys from yesterday.

They can't see me because they're bent down.

Fucking pigs.

As I was walking by, I hit my head unknowingly.

Why didn't you think of that? ’

Not all food can be solved by hunting.

They also bring pigs or livestock for senior commanders.

Especially if they are serious within their territory.

The 7th Infantry is often in charge of errands.

Among them, it would have included cleaning up the pigsty.

“Anybody got a baby van? ”

I raised my head and asked.

“Huh? Chris? ”

The smell was unappealing, and I approached him.

“The little van? There has to be.”

“Milk? ”

“· · · It comes out. ”

A confused face.

‘Good. ’

“You know the barracks? ”

I nod, blinking and looking at my face.

“There's a small pond 200 feet behind the barracks. Wash there.”

Yesterday, I caught a wild dog.

“We can go to the thornbush. ”

A tree standing next to a weed where the White Herb grows.

The branches looked like sharp thorns, so everyone called them thorns.

"Oh, really?"

“Only two. Don't talk about it.”

As you wink and speak, they nod loudly.

“And can you get me some pig's milk? ”

“· · · What do I use it for? ”

A Soldier asks.

I'm trying to make an excuse, another soldier says.

"Hey, if you save me, I'll just save you. What are you asking?"

"Well, there's got to be somewhere we can go."

"I have to be there this afternoon, so I'll get it for you."

The two of them said so and quickly got out of sight.

I could hear the two of them talking in their ears.

“There are some perverts who like milk. ”

"Oh, no way."

"No. I heard the barbarians who live far away feed and hunt."

You guys, no.

I'll give you a wolf pup.

I stopped trying to catch them and explain them.

Yeah, you think what you want.

I don't think I can believe it.

When I returned to the barracks, I drenched the sweaty clothes and washed them.

I wiped my body with water.

“Let's light a fire. ”


A nosebleed rises to light a campfire.

It is common throughout the barracks.

I don't have enough to eat, so I usually eat rats or other animals that wander around.

Of course, it is rare to eat properly like yesterday.

And if you're not very good at it, it's hard to catch a rat with your bare hands.

I dried my clothes and put them back on.


Someone called me outside the barracks.

I knew who he was before I even saw him.

“What is that smell? ”

Lind grabs her nose with her fingers.


Two people give me the barrel neater than morning.

When I opened the lid and smelled it, I smelled a sheer aroma.

As you shake it, the opaque liquid fills the entrance.

"I've filled it up. It won't be enough."

And I'm on my way back, and I see two soldiers looking at me and expecting something.

“· · Huh? ”

“You don't drink? ”

One of the two asked.

“You free?"

I ignored them and returned to the barracks.

And I found the cub.

“Why do you have a dog? ”

When you're a cub, it's not easy to tell a wolf from a dog, so this is normal.

“How convenient it is to have a hound. ”


You reflexively answer Lind's question and shed milk on the wolf pup's mouth.

Then, Digo brought a flat clay vessel somewhere.

The shape was a mess, but it was worth digging into.


You milk the pigs there, and the cubs pounce.

Is this how you're supposed to feed them for a month?

I examined the eater's leg.

It's awkward, but I see it on the ground.


I want to step on the ground with my four feet. Looking at the injured leg, the bony figure returns to its original shape.

Resilience is different and standing is fast.

Less than two days old.

‘Cause he was born different. ’

The White Wolf is enormous, and so is the Golden Wolf.

Born in forbidden love.

“What's your name? ”

Lind asked.

It's a name. It's convenient to have one. I remembered the moment he was born.

You cannot name an affair, adultery, or forbidden love.

A combination of the White Wolf and Golden Wolf.

What are the chances of you two loving each other, babysitting?

The same wolf, but two different animals to say the paper is different.

And it's extremely unlikely that other species will be able to valet their offspring.

So there won't be a species like this one anywhere in the world.


And the two symbols were not golden eyes, nor blue eyes, but amber eyes.

I've given it a rather unobtrusive name.

“There is no castle. ”

Digo said.

So, what, I'm naming her, like, a famous nobleman or something?

“You can call it a pumpkin. ”

And because you don't know it, it's very well built.

“It's a fever.”

You hear the soldier's voice outside.

"Oh, is it already like that?"

It was a scheduled time.

Coming out of the tent, all the soldiers come out around the centre of the barracks.

All seven infantry.

There are over eighty people.

‘Hülken. ’

I went outside, swearing at Wheelken from the inside.

“Reserve Chris. ”

“Yes! Soldier Chris. ”

I answered.

In the middle, there were seven men.

It's in the middle.


The gentle man looked at me, his eyes dropped and said,

His name was Canneruck, White Captain, and a man with the title of commander of the 7th Infantry.