From Sidekick to BigShot

Chapter 509 Jian Yichen's Bar Looking For Qin Yufan

Jian Yichen left the apartment and drove to the bar.

Hot, sexy, and super-looking girls attracted the attention of many people as soon as they appeared.

In front of the bar, Qin Yufan was drinking alone, and suddenly a graceful girl came next to him, greeted him actively:

"Beauty, do you mind buying me a drink?"

The young girl's voice sounded fresh and clean, mature and capable.

"Mind." Qin Yufan did not turn his head, drinking intently.

He didn't even give the opponent a look.

She would come to the bar to drink almost every night in the last few days, just to drink alone, no matter who came to strike up a conversation, she ignored it.

However, men usually come to strike up a conversation with her. It seems like this is the first time such a woman has come to strike up a conversation today.

But even as a woman, Qin Yufan remained indifferent, alienated and indifferent.

When most people encounter this situation, they walk away witty.

There are many handsome men and beauties in the bar. This tree with a crooked neck doesn't work, so try another one.

But this time the people are a bit different. The woman not only sat down, but also ordered a glass of wine.

She was holding a whiskey glass with a pair of slender, white hands, her wrists swaying, and the ice ball in the glass slowly swayed, making a crisp sound when touching the glass.

"You have something on your mind? Let me guess, is there conflicts in the family, unhappy with relatives?"

Qin Yufan turned around and looked at Jian Yichen.

"Do you know me?" Qin Yufan asked.

"Qin Yufan, the eldest of the Qin Group, isn't it normal to know each other?"


Qin Yufan turned around and continued to drink.

"Ms. Qin is something bothering me? Why not tell me this irrelevant outsider, maybe I can give you some advice."

"No, I have nothing to say." Qin Yufan looked cold.

"Then how about my fortune-telling to Miss Qin? If Miss Qin thinks I am right, please take this wine today. If I am not sure, then please take this wine."

This remark evoked Qin Yufan's interest.

"Tell me about it." Qin Yufan was drinking alone and was fine, so he wanted to see what medicine the woman sold in the gourd.

"Then you show me the palm of your hand." Jian Yichen said.

Qin Yufan put the palm of his right hand in front of Jian Yichen.

"Miss Qin went smoothly in the first half of her life, but it was bumpy in the back, there were many conflicts in the family, and love was bumpy."

"You know who I am, you can tell it without looking at it?"

This is a bit obvious.

Anyone who knows the affairs of the Qin Group should know that there is a young master in the Qin Family, and the current contradiction in the Qin Family.

"Miss Qin, don't worry." Jian Yichen said. I have something to say. "According to Miss Qin's palmistry, in the next few years, people who care about you will die one by one, and you will not get what you want. And you yourself will be imprisoned in the villa. There is no one you can trust around you. At the age of twenty-seven, you will cut your wrist and commit yourself to the bathroom."

"Are you scaring me? Make up something decent, too?"

Although Qin Yufan's first reaction denied this statement.

But there was still a slight strangeness in my heart.

"Miss Qin really didn't feel the crisis is slowly approaching you?"

"Heh, no matter how there is a crisis, I, Qin Yufan, will never put myself in that situation."

Qin Yufan didn't want to talk about this kind of thing with someone he never knew.

"Then if I tell you, I have a way to break the game?" Jian Yichen said again.