The car stopped in front of a single three-story building in the suburbs.

Building architecture looks no different from ordinary residential buildings.

The exterior walls are made of red and black tiles, which look very old.

After entering the building from the gate, you will find that the decoration style inside has nothing to do with the outside.

It is completely modern office building style, full of sense of technology.

"You are here for the first time, do you want me to show you around?" Team Leader Ruan asked.

"No, it's important to do business." The soft voice, but the person was extra serious.

"That's fine, I will take you directly to the autopsy room."

Jian Yiling entered the dissection room on the second floor, Team Leader Ruan also followed, and a small assistant was nearby to help.

Team Leader Ruan was watching carefully when suddenly his team members were knocking on the door frantically outside.

Team Leader Ruan could only walk to the door, "What's the matter?"

"Something happened and someone came to the door."

"Then send it away."

"No. These people don't seem to know what we are doing here."

"Nonsense, many of us here don't know what it is."

"But they are here to find the fault. Many people came and asked us to let them go, and they said they would call the police."


Team Leader Ruan looked back at Jian Yiling who was busy dissecting.

Then he said to his team members: "Okay, I'll deal with the outside affairs with you first."

It's not good to be so noisy outside. Although they don't look very similar here, they are a serious criminal investigation team.

Specializing in solving strange and mysterious cases.

Team Leader Ruan came to the door and saw a young man in his early twenties standing outside.

The man is tall, black shirt, well-defined eyebrows, Ruifeng eyes, narrow corners of eyes, and sharp eyes looking at him bitterly.

The young man was followed by two bodyguards.

Come to give the heads?

Zhai Yunsheng squinted at the person in front of him.

Originally, he came to get people, but when he got there, Zhai Yunsheng found something wrong.

this place……

A bodyguard came over to report to Zhai Yunsheng: "It's confirmed, it's the car parked at the door."

Team Leader Ruan looked at the people in front of him with interest.

"Where is the person?"

Zhai Yunsheng opened his mouth and asked Team Leader Ruan.

"Who are you asking?"

"Jane Yiling."

Are you here to find Jian Yiling?

Then he has to confirm his identity, Team Leader Ruan thought.

"Who are you from her?"


"Friends?" Team Leader Ruan said with a smile, "How do I look at your battle, you are more like a boyfriend?"

"Nothing to do with you."

Indifferent voice, impatient attitude.

If it weren't for the awareness that this place might not be what he thought at first.

He doesn't even have this patience at the moment.

Seeing Zhai Yunsheng's impatient appearance, Team Leader Ruan knew from the experience of people who came over that this person was very nervous, Jian Yiling.

Team Leader Ruan smiled and told Zhai Yunsheng: "She is in a small room now facing the blood of death."

After Team Leader Ruan finished speaking, the hostility and anger in Zhai Yunsheng's eyes became more obvious.

Team Leader Ruan’s smile grew stronger: “Okay, okay, don’t tease you, don’t demolish this place for me in a while! The person you are thinking of is currently busy with something and can’t come out for the time being. If you don’t believe me, you can follow me in."

Of course Zhai Yunsheng has to follow up.

He would not give up without seeing Jian Yiling.

"You must be mentally prepared, because you may not be able to bear the picture you see later." Team Leader Ruan reminded Zhai Yunsheng.