From the Apocalypse

Chapter 143 Falling from the sky!

The change happened suddenly, and the whole world seemed to freeze.

The tumbling and roaring waves calmed down like a gentle lake.

By the sea, on the pier.

In the Shen Guang base, the entire base was empty, and no one moved.

Those who received Shen Guang's notice, although they didn't know what had happened, all followed the orders and went back to the house to hide - it's just that the location chosen by the brains is more advantageous.

After hiding, the changes outside made these reactions sluggish and knew what bad things had happened.

At this time, they have no choice but to bury their heads in the sand like ostriches, waiting for the fate they are about to face.

Click!It was like the sound of ice cracking, and there was a tendency to expand and crack.

Ka!Wow!After the final fragmentation reached the limit, a big fragmentation was formed, as if it had broken through the ice surface——

boom!There was a sound of something falling outside, causing Shen Guang to recover from the crack of the ice.

"There is movement outside." Little Lori whispered, her voice is very small.

Even though her voice was very small, it was still heard by everyone in this depressing environment.

"Shhh!" Shen Guang put his finger on his hand and motioned to her in a low voice.

boom!There was a loud noise outside, making little Lori and others shake.

Then there was more movement outside the building.

Bang!Bang bang!Just like rain, the difference is that the weight of this "rain" is very unusual, causing a lot of movement.

Every time, it makes people's heart twitch.

"Ah!" someone screamed.

"Don't come here! Don't come here, help!!! Ah!" Someone called for help, and the scream of the woman pierced the dim world.

"Bang! Bang!" Someone shot. It was from the police on the dock, but the gunshots were not intense, just a gun, and then disappeared.

The movement was far and near, not just one place, but the call for help quickly disappeared after that.Every time they hear a voice that disappears, everyone feels cold-those who lose their voice, needless to say, have been killed.

A sweaty little hand was passed to Shen Guang's hand, it was little Lolita.

It was cold and trembling, restless like a frightened little rabbit.

Shen Guang rubbed little Lolita's head and patted it lightly, which was comforting.He also saw Gaocheng Saya holding a gun, but wiping sweat secretly in his hands, but it was too late to comfort her-the outside voice was approaching them, and he had to be ready to fight.

"Come!" Shen Guang said in a serious tone, and walked to the front window.

"Woooo-" The puppy Jike also whimpered in this direction, releasing the anxiety and warning in his heart.

Bang!Wow!A black shadow slammed through the glass.

The glass shattered, and the shards came like a knife, and the cold wind poured in, causing the people in the house to shiver.

Everyone saw a tall figure, half of the body appeared in the window, but it was dim outside and they couldn't see the monster's appearance.

A long sword had appeared in Shen Guang's hands, and he was swayed randomly by Shen Guang, shooting the broken glass pieces flying out, and resolving a crisis lightly.

Everyone looked at Shen Guang, only feeling that a big mountain was generally reliable and safe.

But Shen Guang looked at the blocked monster outside with unprecedented concentration - the window above broke, but the brick concrete wall below did not break.

With this kind of obstruction, it can't get in unless it climbs in.The monster was a little dissatisfied with the obstacle, and swung a steel fist against the wall that blocked it.


One punch hit the wall, but with just one stroke, everyone in the room felt that the whole house seemed to be shaking!

With a bang, a big hole was opened, but its size was too big to get in.

Everyone's breathing was stagnant, as if they were being grasped, and they felt very uneasy - if they came again, the other party would break in.If they come here a few more times, their reinforced concrete house may be destroyed.

The women nervously took up their weapons and prepared to shoot.

Bang!In the other direction, behind Shen Guang, the glass that could not be taken care of was also attacked.It was just that the strength was not as good as the one Shen Guang was about to face, the glass made a sound, and it did not break.

Bang bang bang!Although the force of hitting the glass is not large, the frequency is high, and it takes almost a second to attack three times.

Wow!The glass shattered, and cold wind poured in from behind.

Can't wait!


At this time, Shen Guang had already killed out - when he heard the movement behind him, he knew that he couldn't wait for the enemy to come over, and he had to take the initiative to attack.

Sensing a trace of pressure coming from the front, Shen Guang didn't dare to keep his strength, his true energy surged, extended to the sword and stab at the top of his head.

The thing that broke in was not flexible and didn't mean to avoid it. He just stood there, and then raised his steel-like thick arm to grab Shen Guang.

The long sword flashed away, and then was pulled out by Shen Guang, without looking at the result, turned around and killed it behind.

"You gain a little experience!" Shen Guang didn't even notice the system reminder.

The thick arm stopped, and the whole body slowly fell backward like a hill.

When it hadn't fallen to the ground, Shen Guang clashed behind him, and cold wind was filling in.Saya Gaocheng and the others were looking at all this in exclamation, too late to make other reactions.

Shen Guang turned around at this moment, facing the place that he hadn't taken care of before, against the cold wind that poured in, pierced up with a sword to meet him.

thorn!It is the most powerful way to use the sword when using the sword. Especially now, it is unmatched by the momentum and the thorn of a sharp weapon.

Stabbing is a bit more troublesome than slashing. Many people use it, but they are not flexible.Shen Guang was accustomed to slashing. Until now, after he was promoted to the "master" level, when he used the thorn again, he stabled it at his fingertips, and there was nothing jerky anymore.

No matter how labor-saving and suitable, he will come, looking down on the extremely natural and light spirit, which is in line with the spirit of the sword.

puff!The long sword is like a snake hunting, and lightning sinks into the glass-breaking monster, and then pulls away.

Bang!The sound of a heavy object falling like an iron plate sounded-but it was the first monster he killed before. This monster fell to the ground when Shen Guang killed the second intruder.

Listening to the sound of it landing, you know that the weight of this monster is extraordinary.

Snapped!The second monster that was killed by Shen Guang landed a little later, and its landing sound was a little softer.

When they fell to the ground, the vibration caused by them also let the people in the house understand that the weight of the two is not the same level.


The front and back are transparent, and the cold wind flows in, making the cold teeth tremble and make a sound.

At this time, everyone did not immediately block the two holes, but looked outside through the holes.

The sky outside seemed to expose a hole, and objects fell from above. After those objects fell, they were alive and well, and they were not injured.

"Monster!!!" When they saw the fallen monster clearly, they saw that these things were not human figures, but some strangely shaped things.

Looking at these things with the aesthetics of everyone, they are very disgusted and shocked.

What horrified them even more was that monsters fell from the sky?

It rains, hail, snows, even the black snowy night does not surprise them, but are the monsters in the sky surprised?

Didn't you wake up in the morning?Still dreaming?

Shen Guang looked at these things without saying a word. He could see more clearly than others. This thing didn't fall from the sky, otherwise, it would just fall to death.

They appeared directly in the air, and then fell.

"It should be related to the previous click sound?" Shen Guang guessed, looking at the attribute board by the way.

"You got a little experience!"

These are two prompts, one after the other, the difference is less than one second, and this is the time when he killed the two monsters.

The first time the system reminded him that he hadn't noticed, this time the system reminded him that he had noticed.