The first floor of the Institute of Magic was an entrance, with a large, horizontal counter in the centre.

The counters were divided by purpose, such as library use, museum use, etc., with people lined up in each location.

And then one of them, at the counter that says, "Visit," we go.

"There's a library counter or something lined up there, but you don't seem to be here."

"Well, there's always room here. Thank you, and let's keep going."

When Saki says so, she stands before a woman of the Spirit Species sitting at the reception.

It's just that the woman of the Spirit Species seems to be doing some downward work and writing something down, and she hasn't noticed this one. So,

"Hello. May I help you?"

That's what Saki said. Then the woman of the Spirit Species turned this way,

"Oh, excuse me. What can I do for you? - What? 」

Speaking of words, did you try to get business started as usual? But the utterance stopped halfway through and the expression was full of surprise.

"What... and oh, you are... a magical brave man, aren't you!? 」

"Yeah, well, that's right"

"Oh, it's been a while. It's also an honor to meet you..."

and after raising a fine voice that was somehow touching, the lady at the reception sifted her neck and shook

"That's not true. Um... how can I help you if you're here? 」

"Exactly. Well, as always, can you call me? 」

"Yes, I did. Right now, I'm going to call the director...... please wait in the back room now! 」

After talking to Saki, the receptionist put us through the reception room behind the counter.

And after putting out a cup of tea and all that, he withdrew from the reception room.

What a tame move. Maybe it's because I'm a rep at the interview counter, but I've been more concerned about it than that.

"Saki. The receptionist said, again. You've been in this facility for a long time? 」

I asked Saki, who was speaking tea on the side.

From what I saw of the exchange, it seemed like we had already seen each other. He was right about the idea, and Saki snorted.

"Yeah, when I was at the University of Magic, I was cooperating in research, etc. Because I made appointments directly to the director here every time. When I came here, it was customary for me to face the director."

To her words like that, Baselia, who was eating all the tea and sweets next to me, tilted her neck.

"Is that it? That means you're here to see the director this time? 」

"Right. Because this institute does not only look at magic, but also the geography and geography of the Spirit City. You also know about the Spirit Fountain that it is in this land."

"Yes, yes. I really wish I knew. Well, I know how to fix it, but I'm not familiar with it. I thought it would be nice to rely heavily on Saki's connections."

Saki exhales small, while Daisy says with a bitter smile on my shoulder.

"Hehe, if you can help with the accelerator, it's above all. It's worth a lot of work."

"If Liz Noir hadn't cooperated with the director here, she wouldn't have known him."

"Oh, not exactly, Hydra"

"Hmm? Did I say something wrong? 」

"No, I'm sure I made a loan out of research cooperation, but the director here was originally in a different workplace. I've known him since I was at work before that."

"Workplace before I got to know Saki - is that a college thing? 」

Though it doesn't cover all of Saki's friendships, there was hardly any such thing as dating during the valiant years.

Before I became a brave man and after the Demon King's War, it was about magic college when it came to where she was, but if I thought,


Behind the reception, I heard that voice coming from another room connecting without a door.

When I looked at you, I saw you walking from the back room.

It's a little girl with a triangular hat and a robe.

"No, I'm sorry I did something like eavesdrop. I can hear you."

She comes here with a nostalgic grin.

Saki was the first person to react to her like that.

"That's a lot faster. Did I make you hurry? 」

The girl shook her head beside her with a puffy in her words.

"Wahaha, a great genius has come beyond the eagle to be his former godson. Flying around trying to be busy. - No, really, it's been a long time. You've come a long way. Keep me straight."

So I put my hands on my hips and nodded, yeah, yeah.

Seeing how it was, Baselia let her eyes squeeze,

"Uh, Liz Noir? Is this little girl the director? He said something about a godchild...? 」

Saki affirmed, yes, to the voice he uttered with such doubt.

"That's right, Hydra. She became the director of the current Institute of Magic... who was the former dean of the University of Magic where I was enrolled."

Try to get on with Saki's words, and the robe girl laughs nica.

"Mm-hmm. Thanks for the introduction, Saki. The eagle is Katrea Handlet. Kiri is 100 years old. The dean is retired, but he's still an active witch. Nice to meet you, you flying hauliers."