Between the thrones of the Spirit City Involk.

"― ― Axel has entered Involgue!

Laurier was already looking up from the throne when such a report came from Palm.

"I know, Palm! Above!"


I can see through the window.

A part of the space that builds the Spirit Realm is broken.

The long-necked dragon is coming in to be blown away.

There's an accelerator. That's why

"We'll be on the battlefield soon."

"As a precaution, I will begin evacuating my immediate residents!

"Yes, please. --I 'm going to build it so that we don't have to evacuate."

Laurier took out the scroll that was in the slit of the chair, spread it out, and lifted her wand.

"You've been lurking there forever, Magic Beast Uroboros...!

The wand begins to shine, and at the same time the scroll spreads.

It's like drawing a sphere.

"I'll give you a place to fight so you can't escape or hide anymore...!

Along with words, magic is brought in, and eventually a three-dimensional map of the Involgue is born in a sphere made of scrolls.

As she directed the sky above the city, Laurier cast a spell again.

"[Build and deploy the arena]...!

For a moment.

An arena made of semi-transparent light was born above the cityscape visible from the palace window.