Full career passive inheritance system

All Occupational Passive Inheritance System Chapter 11

Sure enough, Chen Mo Jun, who is a swordsman, is very strong!

After a while, the shaping of the sword was completed.

Without the tears on the face, he called out the system directly, and fixed a few tips that appeared on the light blue interface.

"[] shaping complete"

"Rating 53 (100)"

"[]: Sword is condensed with swords, and the sword is sharply rising, and the resident talent skills [sword pressure], when the Sword Pressure used is lower than the sword bone score, it has greatly enhanced the Quality of the Sword. When the Sword of the Wesdom use is higher than the sword bone score, the sword is started. "

"[Sword Pressure] (MAX): It causes oppression to the goal of the master Swordsman. If the target strength is higher than the host, the larger the strength gap, the smaller the degree of affected, and the state can be closed."

On the exclusive skill tree of [Black Swordsman], and [One-handed sword] parallel position, Hedd more than two skill figures flashing bright silver rays, is [] and [sword pressure] .

Keep staring at these two sudden talent skills, Chen Mo's hands are slightly shaking slightly.

This, really developed ...

"Guest, you ... can pick up the momentum first ..." Belt that Chen Sileble is not in the sword pressure that is radiated outside, the boss is smirk again.

"Ah ... oh, sorry!"

I heard the boss reminded that Chen Mo did not pay attention to the shoppers in the shop all kinds of expressions, even a few sisters began to shake, so he quickly entered the system interface, turned off the sword pressure. Often open state.

Feeling that Chen Silen, the feelings of the sharpness were gradually dissipated, and the kind of people who were harmful when I just entered the store, the boss was relieved, raised his hand and wiped the peep peaks on the head: " Guests, you really, suddenly let go of such a strong momentum, I thought that the store would be dismantled by you. "

I saw a little, Chen Mo quickly apologized: "Sorry, I am sorry, I can't help but help ..."

Well, I can't help but help him create a sword, this is not lying?


The afternoon.

The second floor of the underground city.

Wearing a deep black long swing windout, Chen Mima right is gently pressing on the dark sword holder, while keeping around around, slowing down while going to the passage.

"Listen, Chen Mo Jun ... is not a place where the dungeon is home, starting from the moment of going into the Dungeon, you have been stared by the monsters, they will continue to be born from the underground city, not afraid Pain, not afraid of death, before going to take the life of the adventurers ... Although you are worth the current ability, the front ten monsters should be paid, but should be careful, don't fall into the monsters. In the case of a circle, it is time, even if I violate the ban, I can't save you ... "

Before entering the Dungeon, Hersida has said to him. At this moment, it is still clear in the mind. It is also because of these warnings, Chen Moi did not rely on himself to strengthen the human limit. The attribute is a step, but step by step, it is very cautiously explored this underground city that is only seen in anime.

From the first floor to the second layer, the circumference of the cave wall exhibits a deep dark blue color, with a slightly dark light in the underground city, which makes people feel some depressed.

I don't know if it is good for luck. Until now, Chen Mo has entered a third of the second floor, but it is still a monster that has not been encountered. Only his footsteps are aloud.

This monster in this underground city seems to be so much that Hostan is said ...

Just when Chen Mo thought ...

"- !"

Some of the sounds that are squeezed from the closed moist cavity, there is no longer far from the front.

"Wow, wow, wow !!!"

Then, it was a burst of snoring, like two grinding paper, and it is a sound of the 78-year-old child.

"Goblin ..."

Looking at the black shadow standing in front of the front channel, Chen Mo suddenly thought of the monster encyclopedia in the union.

Will be out of 1--4, although the individual strength is very weak, it is often a group of bows, hardening and disgusting little ghosts, goblin.

While identifying the identity of the monster, Chen Mima's right hand clen the sword handle, and slowly pulls the follicle-black long sword.

" -"

The sword blade is rubbed with the sword sheath, and the cold metal sound is made, and Chen Mo's accelerated heart is very good.

What is the truly battle?

It is undoubtedly a problem that is very difficult to answer for Chen Mo, who has not played several times from a small to the big consequence.

Although inheriting the occupation of [Black Swordsman], it has three skills such as [single-handed sword], [swords and bones], [sword pressure], but these skills are all passive skills, no skills can be Tell him how to be sword, there is no so-called "epiphanity", even if you hold a sword in your hands, he is still a silent.

The only thing that can give Chen Mile courage, let him turn around the monster, immediately turn around, only after the system is strengthened, the five-dimensional properties of the human limit are reached.

The strength of a single Goblin is very weak. The strength and speed are only a little bit more than the ten-year-old child. If the translation is measured, it is estimated that only 3--4, with Chen Mo's 10 o'clock, it is not It should also hang these little monsters can be hanging.

He originally, it is so thought ...

Chapter VII Rational Cracking

In the dark underground city of the light, Chen Mima is holding the sword handle, and the dark sword blade extends outwards, with the Niblin that is not far from the front.

"Wow wow -"

Goblin is also staring at Chen Mo, and it has a rough wooden stick in the hands of the wolf tooth stick, while the mouth is still constantly making a bad low calm.

Compared with the image recorded in the monster encyclopedia, this brother's skin tone is slightly dark, dark green wrinkled skin is covered with gray spots, small head, pointed ears, mouth flowing sticks flowing at the mouth ... very It meets the shape of the monster encyclopedia nausea.

But let Chen Mo feel that some accidents are that this short ugly brother not only does not flush directly, but it keeps a long enough distance with him, and a pair of green bean-sized eyes are not stopped. Sweep, it seems to be looking for something?

What is looking for it?

After the spendling of Copiron, staring at the little eyes revealing the rays, Chen Mo suddenly jumped, vague, some understand why this Goblin is not willing to take the initiative to attack.

Because it is observing your own action, weigh the strength gap between each other, and find if there is a fatal flaw of fatality ... It's just like a skilled hunter.

What joke is open?

There is a monster in the district, the weakest monster in the underground city, how can there be such high intelligence?

Although I don't want to believe, the situation under the moment, but Chen Mo has to accept this fact.

Even the weakest monster in the underground city, it is also intelligence that is comparable to human beings!

"It's really TMD to see ghosts!"

In the first time and the monsters in the underground city, I met this unexpected situation. Chen Mo didn't stand the sentence, the tension of the heart gradually intensified, and the right hand of the grip of the sword began to seep the sweat.

This paragraph only exists with Coplin, except for the low rating of Goblin, no other voice.

One pool is dead, so that tension begins to ferment.