The type that best reflects the calligraphy must of course be the brush calligraphy. If it is more artistic, the pen calligraphy will be crushed by the brush, so Lin Yuan wants to prove his calligraphy, of course he will choose the highest calligraphy calligraphy!

The paper was rolled out.

Jinmu began to research ink.

The writing of calligraphy with brush actually seems very simple, and it has a chic feeling, giving people the illusion that I can do it on me, but these people will really experience the difficulties when they pick up the brush.

There are many people who write calligraphy with brush.

For example, writing postures were also called shenfa in ancient times. When this shoufa is good, it is not far from writing a good calligraphy. Lin Yuan didn't understand it before. If he understands these, he won't be able to write like a dog.

Now it's different.

With the level of calligraphy, he has the corresponding knowledge in his mind, such as sitting at the desk, sitting upright, keeping his eyes and the table at about 45 degrees, not a big-time figure, the head is best Don't skewed left and right, some big-time figures don't pay attention to it because they have reached the realm of writing and writing very well.

Lin Yuan is a professional level.

For ordinary people, it is a big boss, but there is still a certain distance to the real calligraphy master, so his attitude is still more serious. It even took a few minutes to choose the suitable brush, and finally chose the convenient writing The brush in big letters, the gray hair on the tip of the brush is very smooth and slightly soft to the touch.

There is also particularity in holding a pen.

First, the first end of the thumb knuckle is close to the inside of the pen tube, pressing from left to right, then the end of the index finger knuckle is obliquely attached to the outside of the pen tube, and the pen tube is held against the thumb. The root of the nail should be pressed tightly against the right side of the pen tube and facing the middle finger. Finally, the little finger is used to move the ring finger naturally. In short, it is all knowledge...

Lin Yuan wants to write regular script!

Kai is the meaning of rules and models. This is one of the most popular calligraphy fonts. In the history of the earth, such as Ouyang Xun, Chu Suiliang, Yu Shinan, and Xue Ji, Yan Zhenqing and Liu Gongquan are all regular script masters. The characteristics of regular script use eight characters. describe:

Zhongzheng Huamei.

Quiet and peaceful.

This is not a complete summary. There are also different regular script writing methods, but this method is the most beautiful, so Lin Yuan’s writing book is just this type of font. From a distance, the appreciation of his brush writing is already Exactly, obviously the technology is already very mature.


In this scene, Jin Mu felt extremely complicated. He even felt that this boss was too silly, and he was so professional in writing brushes. He was obviously a master of masters. Before, he had to pretend to be a rookie with readers, even his own agent was cheated. Past.

Immediately after.

Jin Mu couldn't care about Lin Yuan's behavior, because he saw that Lin Yuan seemed to be writing a poem, not a poem written before, but a brand new creation. The first sentence written in regular script is:

"Moonlight in front of the bed."

Although it is impossible to evaluate the level of the whole poem by looking at the first sentence, Jin Mu suddenly had some expectations considering the verses written by the boss before. In this expectation of Jin Mu, Lin Yuan wrote the second sentence:

"Suspected is frost on the ground."

It seems to have an internal taste.

Lin Yuan wrote the third sentence while casually saying: "When the pen is pressed down to write, the stroke will be thick, and when the pen is lifted up, it will be fine. Just like we walk with two feet, one falls and the other lifts, alternating constantly. Similarly, the pen is constantly lifting and pressing during the writing process. Only in this way can lines of different thickness be produced."

The teacher's aura is activated.

Lin Yuan just gave an unconscious explanation. This is a habit formed after teaching composition, but Jin Mu was thoughtful, and obviously received a moment of influence from the teacher's aura, but neither Jin Mu nor Lin Yuan realized the magic at this moment. Shi Jinmu's attention is on the third line of Lin Yuan's poem:

"Look up at the moon."

How would the boss write the fourth sentence?

At this time, the orange-stained sunset light cast across the window lattices, falling mottled on top of the fine rice paper. The writing in front was not completely dry. Lin Yuan was holding a black Chinese writing brush, dipped in ink that seemed to be quite famous. , Complete the final sway——

"Look down and think of hometown."

The pen is like a dragon and a snake, and the ink is like clouds and flowing water. The strokes of the pen are twisted and twisted. The whole poem is already clear at this time. Under Jin Mu's slightly astonishing gaze, he even can't help but read it out: "Bed The moonlight before, suspected to be frost on the ground. Lift your head to look at the moon, and look down at your hometown."

Good verse.

Just the son.

Homesick at the moment?

Lin Yuan was silent.

Where should I think about homesickness?

The art of poetry in different eras is limitless. Lin Yuan can't tell why he chose the simplest and most direct "Silent Night Thinking". Perhaps this is the occasional self-thinking and self-release of the traverser, revealing his subconscious mind.

Mark the name of the verse.

Lin Yuan put the brush in his hand on the Bishan nearby, feeling that his handwriting is pretty good, blowing lightly on the rice paper, Lin Yuan confessed to Jinmu: "This can be posted online."


Jin Mu was a little excited.

He turned his head to find a series of equipment, and then searched for the perspective of shooting. Finally, he filmed the beauty of the song "Quiet Night Thought" from different angles, and let Lin Yuan review it again.


Lin Yuan is still satisfied.

In order to be a good agent, Jinmu is said to have learned photography skills. Anyway, the shots are better than ordinary people. The last short video was also taken by Jinmu initiatively, and the effect was also good.

"Then I uploaded it."

After Jinmu operation, he hesitated a little, then glanced at Lin Yuangang's "Quiet Night Thoughts", smiled and said: "Can the boss give me this poem for my collection? I like this poem very much. If I am poor in the future, I can still do it. Sell ​​it for money."

The last sentence is ridicule.

Some people say that Xian Yu is self-proclaimed Tang Bohu, and in the movie "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance", Zhu Zhishan earns a living by selling Tang Bohu's calligraphy and painting, and Jin Mu knows that both Xian Yu and Chu Kuang are the boss' vests.

Lin Yuan: "..."

He nodded and said it was okay.

At this time, Lin Yuan's "Jing Ye Si" completed in regular script has been uploaded to Chu Kuang's account. The calligraphy of the eight classics is correct, and it is also popular in regular script. This is the most intuitive form of one's calligraphy!

Very beautiful regular script!

However, even more beautiful than words, it is the poem "Quiet Night Thoughts". This is one of Li Bai's most famous poems. Although it is not the most classic work, it is definitely the most touching poem!

Calligraphy plus verses.

Netizens, passers-by and fans were a little dazed after seeing the upload of this picture, and then everyone gradually recovered, and then, Chu Kuang’s tribal comment area exploded as expected...