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Chapter 391 - Laughing and Crying (More for Alliance Master [havck])

This was the first time Yang An saw that even Ye Hongyu's strength would crumble, no matter how thick the makeup was, it could not withstand the constant washing away of tears.

It was like a broken string.

The packets of toilet paper in the movie theater were put to maximum use, but no one had time to think about how intriguing this particular arrangement was.

The entire theater was wrapped in an intense sadness.

Numerous cinema representatives hardly dared to look up at this time.

The sides of Ye Hongyu's nose were red from the frequent rubbing of the tissue paper, but she still tried to look up at the big screen. ......

The light was still gray.

Hachi's face, sleeping under the abandoned train car, was old, and every trace of the years on his body was so clear, but everyone knew that it was not the condition of the station that tormented it, but the familiar "Hachi" that would never sound again.

The snow was like a knife.

It was winter again.

The audience even hated this kind of winter, the train's whistle sounded tirelessly, and Hachi woke up like a mental reflex, but could only stare at the train's departure once again.

The sound of the piano in the background is heavy and slow.

Hachi walked on the train tracks in the snowstorm, dragging his weary steps.

On both sides of the track were the lights of the homes that were being extinguished.

It seemed to be tired.

Returning to the familiar flower bed, powerless to get down on the ground, not even strong enough to whimper, Hachi gently closed his eyes.

Suddenly, the train seemed to be coming back.

I don't know how many times in ten years the whistle had sounded.

And this time, the train's lights were so bright that even the street lamps on both sides seemed to come back on.

The camera transitioned to bright sunlight in a montage.

In a trance, Hachi hears someone calling out to him.

"Wake up."


"Let's go."

Hachi opens his eyes, and against the light, Professor An's familiar face appears in the psychedelic shot, and he seems to be waving to Hachi.

The image flashes back.

On those sunny spring afternoons, they were running to their heart's content; on those nights when the trains returned, they would hug each other; on those days when the crowds began to board the trains, they would say goodbye to each other; on those days when the rain began to pour, they would warm themselves in the study .......

In memory, he was young.

In the memory, he was still strong.

It turns out that this is only Hachi's dream, and only in Hachi's dream is the world colored.

The music got faster and faster, higher and higher.

Hachi suddenly woke up and heard the sound of a train opening.

In front of his eyes, Professor An actually appeared, waving at him and calling his name affectionately.

It sat up abruptly.

Its fur seemed to become clean and tidy again, and its movements seemed to become sensitive and athletic again.

It brushed.

It flew into Professor An's arms, just as it had done countless times before, and the snow seemed to grow colder and colder as if it were a knife....

That night.

Hachi was gone.

The audience was weeping, close to collapse, even though everyone knew this was Hachi's inevitable end!

And in the last row.

Lao Zhou could have a panoramic view of the studio, including the reaction of the red fish.

Lao Zhou did not find it strange.

The second time he watched "The Eight Faithful Dogs", he couldn't bear it and could only taste the sour and salty tears, not to mention the first time viewers in front of him.

What an Iron Lady.

After all, she is a woman.

How can anyone have a heart of stone?

When Hachi died, the movie wasn't over yet. In the midst of the audience's tears, the boy's voice-over sounded, and the camera turned a little bit back to the windowed classroom: "I don't remember much about my grandfather, but after hearing his story and Hachi's, I think I understand him. Don't forget the people you love, that's why, Hachi is my eternal hero."

Next to the podium, the teacher rolled her eyes.

There were a few children in the audience, their eyes slightly red.

After school, the boy stepped off the school bus, and a dog came running in the distance, looking exactly like Hachi from his childhood.

It was as if the audience was seeing a huge reincarnation.

I thought this reincarnation was cruel, but as I watched the boy and the dog walk across the train tracks and across the clear river, amidst the pain and tears, I suddenly felt a little comfort inside.

At this moment, everyone read and understood Mrs. An. Perhaps everyone's feelings at this moment were the same as those of Mrs. An.

Perhaps what everyone was feeling at this moment was the same ambivalence that Mrs. An had when she accepted Hachi with great difficulty in the first half of the movie.

Because she was afraid of the end, she refused to begin.

No matter who leaves first, the pain brought to the latter is eternal.

Professor An's family once had a dog named Blackie.

After Blackie died, Mrs. An had a knot in her heart.

This knot was reflected in her repeated refusal to let Hachi join the family, and in her attempts to get rid of Hachi.

The departure of the dog leaves a piece of the heart empty.

The appearance of Hachi, on the other hand, finally faces the departure of Professor An.

For the dog, he has waited for ten years for a futile reunion - a reunion that is not possible.

Someone has lost a dog.

Dogs have lost their owners.

But there is a better vision in people's hearts, and that vision is that all those who have lost loved ones will finally be reunited in heaven.

The movie ended.

No one got up.

Redfish Ye leaned on her seat, wiped her tears, and the thought came back to her mind: "We are trained professionals, and no matter how moved we are, we won't have emotional waves, unless we can't help it."

"Sister Redfish ......"

Ye Hongyu's Yang An, afraid of Ye Hongyu's embarrassment, whispered, "Everyone is crying."


Ye Hongfish smiled, "There's one more thing I forgot to teach you."


"When we can't help it, we can cry if we want to, laugh if we want to, that's our freedom."

Yang An was stunned, and then nodded his head.

The staff captions appeared on the big screen again.

It was different from the first time when no one cared.

This time, everyone was quite serious about reading the subtitles.

Whether it was the director or the actors or even the cinematographer, every list had gone through in everyone's mind.

In the end, the subtitles were frozen in three main columns.

Starring: Zhang Xiuming

Directed by Yi Chenggong

Written by: Fish Envy

Special Appearances: Little Yellow (Puppy)

Special Appearances: Antarctic (middle-aged dog)

Special appearance: rhubarb (senior dog)

In all the years of watching movies, it was perhaps another consolation to the audience that for the first time the cinema reps saw the dog's name in the credits, and even more prominently than fish envy.

In the movie, Hachi is gone.

But outside of the movie, the dogs that participated in the show are still alive and well.

This moment.

In the movie, there was a huge applause.


PS: Thanks to [havck] big brother's ally reward, thank you, thank you, although lately I've been thanking, but every thank you is from the heart.