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Chapter 899 gives the West Lake advertising

It is bright.

The rain stopped.

Lin Yuan is on the shore.

It's not big in the rain, and the number of visitors in the West Lake did not decrease. Instead, the air was more fresh than before, with a humid feeling, with a wind blowing, very sorry.

Continue to visit everywhere.

After passing by a bridge hall, the front suddenly lively, it seems to be held, and there are many people around the outside.

One of them sounded:

"Welcome everyone to come to our beautiful West Lake. Today, our scenic spot launched a poem collection activity to you. You can write a poem about the beauty of West Lake. As long as your work is favored by our judges, you can get a lottery. Opportunity, you can get a free ticket ticket for minimal prices, you can get our tenure awards, you will be pleased to enjoy the talents, say that there is also an opportunity to board the TV program as a scenic spot, and we have extra Repaids ... "



My sister is happy, I'm holding Lin Yuan: "What is the poem that you just wrote on the boat, how about using the first mixed lottery?"

Lin Yuan: "..."

I thank you for the Sue.

Write the most famous one in the West Lake so many poems, you plan to change the highest reward for 10,000 lucky draw opportunities?

"Don't hesitate!"

The sister is selling, "Anyway, you wear a mask, will not be recognized."

The mother next to suddenly laughed: "West Lake collects poetry to promote the way of learning Huashan, the other side of the Huashan Armed fire, West Lake wants to use the influence of poetry."

Learn Huashan?

Use literary work to promote the scenic spot, Lin Yuan's heart, suddenly smelling the taste of reputation:

"Let's sign up."

"I am going to queue."

My sister is very enthusiastic.

In fact, many of the enthusiasm of many tourists are quite high, and there are many people in the event, and sometimes someone wrote a poem.

It quickly went to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan took the form of his own, and I was planning to fall, my sister suddenly said to the staff: "Is there a pen ink paper?"


The staff screamed, and immediately nodded, smiled: "Are you Zhaozhou? Zhao people like to write with a brush."

My sister smiled: "We are local people."

West Lake is not far from Su City, saying that a local person is not a problem, and the West Lake in the land of Qinzhou, this is the top scenic spot in Qinzhou, and the terrorist throughput of tourists can almost support half a city. Continent has a certain sense of belonging.


The pen ink paper is ready.

Most of others are filled with form filters, rarely use pen ink paper, so Lin Yuan has attracted many tourists, and some people try to look at Lin Yuan's face, and the mask is unclear because her mask and hat are unclear.

No one feels strange.

Occasionally there will be a tourists with hats and masks to Western Lake, and more exaggerated also give yourself with sunglasses, with the star.

Wrist movement.

Lin Yuan began to make a pen.

There is no slightest lag, a poem is soon appearing in the vision of everyone, the title is "the next day, the rain":

[Water light is fine, the mountains are empty and rainy.

[I want to take the West Lake than the West, and the light makeup is always appropriate.

Just saw this poem, the faces around the tourists changed, and the first reaction of everyone is:

Good word!

Lin Yuan has a master's calligraphy ability, although there is no skill of the pen and spoof, but the threshold for calligraphy appreciation will be lower than painting, and everyone will write, and a word written is good. Normal people have concepts. It's just that the specificity is good, what is the extent, and the ordinary person can be said to be clear.

The second reaction is:

Good poem, this poem is very good!

I just started to pay attention to the word, so I didn't have the first time to study the verse itself. After all, it took time to taste, but when everyone came out of the beauty of the words, I fell into the perfect artistic art of the verse itself. This beauty is even surpassing calligraphy:

Water light in sunny day;

Mountain empty in the rain;

Comparison of West Lake and West;

Light makeup and concentrated liner;

Whether it is the beauty of the appearance or the beauty of the artistic beauty, the beauty of the text itself, can enjoy it from different angles!



"This poem is written, it is really ... cow!"

"Why didn't I have a culture ... The word is well written, the poem is better!"


"Master in the folk series?"

When I was toned, I called a good voice, and the tourists took the initiative to applaud, and there was a "lying trough".

"Can you draw a lottery?"

My sister is eager to try.

The staff next to the staff is shocked, and the attitude is faintly changed: "You wait a moment, I invite the judges to see."

"I'm here……"

A middle-aged person is the judges who are responsible for this event.

It turned out that the judges were attracted by the crowd, got up and got up, and the result saw Lin Yuan's poem, the whole person stayed!

Staff: "Can you draw a lot?"

The judges have been laughing: "This still needs to be said, the sun is good, and the Qing dynasty is not saying. It is not worthy of the unpaid, and the next two sentences are more likely to shoot the case, which is called a famous sentence, this Brothers are high people, let me judge it, it is, it is depelled! "

"That is the lottery!"

The sister is excited to run past. As a result, she didn't wait for her, and Da Yao Yao turned the lottery roulette and succeeded a ticket.


The lowest reward.

My sister's face is white: "Your black hand!"

Da Yao Yao looks innocent: "Isn't it never?"


Talk about it.

I don't want to go back to take a ship.

However, Lin Yuan et al., The judges said that they also left the contact information, and finally Lin Yuan said in a whisper in the opponent's ear.

The other party is trying!

Lin Yuan did not return to God with the other party, and quickly pulled his family to run.

Da Yaoyao is curious: "What did you talk to him?"

Lin Yuan said: "I am embarrassing."

Sister, haha, laugh: "You actually reported the identity? No wonder that his face changed directly, nor did you know that people have not been."

Lin Yuan said: "If you don't know, you will know."

He deliberately exposed the identity of the fish, just to ensure that this poem can be selected by the West Lake Scenic Area, the celebrity effect Lin Yuan still understand.

As for why isn't it?

Because Chu mad never exposes his face in reality.

Lin Yuan feels that this identity is more insurance.

Anyway, no matter what Chu is still writing poems.

As for why I have to explode, that's simpler:

The passenger traffic in West Lake is so horrible. If this poem is adopted by West Lake as advertising words, then finally, it should be able to give Linyuan more than a lot of reputation.

Moreover, do you advertise to Huashan?

Why can't I advertise West Lake?


PS: The second is more late, the CD is over, and the body code is strong tomorrow!