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Chapter 928 first defines a small goal


The emptiness is communicating with the head of a hospital.

Today is more than just the days of the "Resident Evil" premiere.

Today is also the days of the tribe new movie "female blade" premiere.

The person in charge of the hospital laughed in the phone: "Congratulations," The first batch of "female blade" is quite good, the movie is also very good, no accident If the box office should be quite grateful, even if you want to break the big-moving movie, you can also say it! "

"Thank you."

The excitement of the inner heart: "Subsequent drainage is hard to help."

"This is nature."

Ling Kong said: "Is the brother knowing the situation of" biochemical crisis "?"

The other side laughed: "There is so much blue star movie, there is also a competition between the hospital line and the hospital, and our hospitalline is more optimistic about the tribe, so this time has not introduced the" biochemical crisis ", but that film is today Premiere, the situation should soon feedback. "


After hanging up the phone, the emptiness exposed a smile.

The premiere of the "female blade" is very good, which makes him defeat the fish, have huge confidence.


The assistant spread out of the assistant is screaming: "Ling Minister an accident, it is not good!"

Ling Kong face is a black: "You have ever accident, you have an accident!"

Assistant gas-up: "Ling Minister listened to me, it was the two film reviews we found before, and suddenly he did not agree to help us write a film review black" Resident Evil "!"

"What is it?"

The emperors frowned: "It will change, the problem is not big."

The assistant cried and said: "The problem is not what they become, the problem is that they have become a" biochemical crisis "!"


The cheeks of the emptie suddenly twitched, the kind of uneasiness, hitting the heart.


The assistant said yes.

After the two people of Tum and Jia Haren have read the "Biochemical Crisis", they not only have black movies, but they have sang a praise!

"Sensory shocking, subversive imagination, can always find the most unexpected entry point," Resident Evil ", a destined movie, a movie who wants to stop, maybe the film, zombies, and even zombies Become two concepts that are discussed ... "

Jia Haren referred to the difference between zombies and zombies.

The comments of Tudu are longer, and the same is from global evaluation:

"The" biochemical crisis "of the sorrow brought a new sci-fi perspective, I think no one will think of the movie filmed in this time, there is such a strong sci-fi element. Everyone is a zombie. Give it.

It seems that you can surprise you in the movie movie.

The whole movie is suspense, constantly making you curious, and constantly bringing you an accident.

Who is the heroine? What is the secret of these missense? Where is the zombies come? Who will become a zombie? Who will live? Why is artificial intelligence to kill? How to deal with the last lunchers?

We held a question and became a prisoner of envy.

Like all audiences, I am willing to sit in front of the screen, waiting for the answer.

And when all puzzles open, when we thought he understood everything, the film end suddenly turned into the peak.

Alice escaped from the damn laboratory.

She is guarding the gun, and the bullet has already been on, but:

There is only her one person on the ridiculous street, and there is a wolf.

With the news report of living dead people, this scene is shocked by me, surpassing the laser corridor representing death, and surpass the tide zombie!

New questions are generated.

In the rapid and grand music, instantaneous suspense is passionate, the real wants! "


The film review of Tum is involved in a slight spoiler, but it won't achieve the extent to which the movie is.

As a film reviewer who is quite famous and influential, the film review of Tum is naturally attracted to the message!

"You can't agree!"

"This movie is completely subverting!"

"Too beautiful!"

"The end is indeed shocking, I even think that this is one of the ends of all business cards to stop, if I am now reminding the second, I will definitely buy tickets!"

"The whole process is taking the cold!"

"I thought that the Red Queen was a counterpart, and finally found the purpose of the Red Queen to protect human beings!"

"The anti-Queen's reversal is indeed a classic. Alice suddenly exploded. The paragraph is also very cool. The movement is crazy.

of course.

There are also many netizens who haven't seen this movie yet.

They were difficult to get up with the first batch of audiences and film reviews.

"Is there so good?"

"It seems that it is very energetic!"

"I read a lot of people saying zombies and zombies are two concepts. What is it?"

"This film also involved artificial intelligence?"

"The Red Queen, Alice, is this the role in the" Alice Dream of the Fairy "?"

"No, you have to buy tickets!"

"Yeah, I was also coming with my comment, I went to see tonight!"

"What is going on?"

"I can't explain it with you. If you go, you will know, you don't look good, you smoked me!"



Film evaluator effect!

Viewer Word of mouth effect!

The two stacked the power of outbreak, and suddenly let the "biochemical crisis" attracted a number of people!

The fish dynasty chats.

Everyone also took the movie.


One Aitexia!

Jiangxi: "This movie is very good, Xiaqi you are to fire, I want to pick up the screen when I see your bathtub!"

Sun Yaohu: "Who is called me (ink)?"

Wei Wei Yun: "I am in my heart, I'm watching horror film for the first time, I am so worried, I am too handsome, my sister loves you!"

Zhao Ying Chromium: "Well, I have to admit that Xiaofan's body can be opened with me, really appeared."

Chen Zhiyu: "This is, he is, it is really not paying attention to it. It doesn't matter if you can't say it.

At last.

Xiahong people appeared in the group: "Hey, you have this group of LSPs to pay attention to quality!"


The group said that it is right.

In the next few days, the summer is really fire, the "biochemical crisis" is really fire!



Circle of friends.

Marizing the major forums.

Discussion about this movie is everywhere!

The box office of "Resident Evil" also climbed in the top section of the discussion!

As the "female blade" of the same type of movie, it is suppressed in front of this horrible opponent!

One week later.

The box office of the film "Resident Evil" has been accumulated for more than 10 billion!

This is the most crazy in all movies in the fish, and the reason is many aspects.

First, with the merger of all continents, there are more and more audiences, and the market is increasing.

Second, as everyone understands each other in cultural exchanges, the taste of the audiences in the various aggressors is getting closer.

Third, the zombie setting in the "Resident Evil" is the first creation, and the same type of movie has never appeared.

Fourth, the Blue Star does not pay much attention to the big female main movie, so there is no big female main movie before, can enlarge the charm of the actress to Alice.

Fifth, movie investment has undergail blood ...

Therefore, it is clear that the box office on the earth is not so high, but it creates a very amazing grade in Blue Star!

Amazing to Lin Yuan scared a hop.

In fact, it is the reason for the number of audiences, and other reasons are secondary.

This makes Lin Yuan suddenly realized that waiting for the entire blue star merger, or the box office of the movie market will be completely moved!

Because it is not just a "biochemical crisis".

The average box office for other movies of Blue Star is also increasing year by year.

Each continent played all sets, in the future, no cultural wall means that the continent has lost its local market protection mechanism.

Some movies will kill each continent!

Of course, as this happens, the cost of film investment will also be more and more higher, compared to Blue Star, the film market law of the earth has completely lost the reference.


The industry also has the same sentiment.

"With the merger of the tide, the film and television market is going to become."

"Now the box office of these movies is getting more and more unknown."

"Because the merger is getting closer and closer, it is a different movie in different containers, because there is a differentiation of everyone's taste. When this difference is gradually disappeared, everyone chooses to watch movies will be more and more consistent. "

"Waiting for the addition of the income, the change will happen."

"Now I have a little negative change, I have a movie to break through a billion box office in a week. As a result, the" biochemical crisis "has been broken this year." "

"I can't engage in this movie to enter the top ten of the annual box office."

"This movie is really a bit crazy, and there are many companies that have considering writing the theme of zombies."

Yes it is.

Although Lin Yuan's previous film is also very fire, the Blue Star is really too big. There are many hot movies that can accommodate in the same period.


His previous movie has not yet entered the top ten of the Blue Star Year Box Office.

And this "biochemical crisis" is a faint appearance.

Because this movie is very good, the drain in all continents will certainly improve!

There are many viewers, which will be more, which is natural, anyway, the movie word of mouth is that, and the business card has never lacks the audience.


In fact, the Tianchao also has a similar situation.

Before the Xu Wei's "Thailand", the Tianchao movie box office is generally not high.

After the movie, the movie market suddenly became crazy, the box office ceiling was broken once.

Not a progressive movie quality.

It's purely the film and television market.

Blue Star has the basis for the merger of various contrams, so the outbreak of this movie market is more traces.

Some people may be wonderful:

Why is the "biochemical crisis" box office high than the movie before the fish?

Is it a movie before the priest?

of course not.

If "Spider-Man" is released now, the box office is not the box office at the time.

It is like the "Kung Fu" of the Star.

In the market environment at the time, "Kung Fu" box office is only a few billion.

He has a high "mermaid" in the back office.

This movie is definitely not as "Kung Fu", but the box office is a lot of times.


The highest "war wolf 2" in the box office is less than 60 billion box office, and even the 50th row in the top of the global box office.

In the market environment of Blue Star.

With the market merger, there is no language in all continents, as well as the difference in culture, six billion will be the goal of not reaching the top film company.

this moment.

Lin Yuan has a bigger prominent expectation, maybe I should set a small goal for the future.

such as……

Take a movie that takes a box office to break?