After the observation of the forest, it is an inspection of the field.

Miss Micah and I offered an agricultural inspection, and Miss Suylene, the guide, was very nervous and pleasant.

"Look, yesterday Ash-kun attacked the question with the usual momentum...."

"Is it really my fault? I was going to ask you politely."

"In a way, you were too polite. I think I was really scared because there was no gap."

I'm sorry about yesterday because I got scolded by Miss Micah. I'll be careful today. I'll show you how to walk.

"No! Me, me! Today is your day, so please be fair and dignified!

"Yes, thank you again today."

Say hello to Miss Sweetie and smile at Miss Micah immediately.

Mika-san, you're not going to make it.

"That's right. This is not going to work."

Glenn will follow you as a cushioning material because it doesn't seem to be in a proper state to guide you anyway.

It is a nominal escort.

In the meantime, I asked Miss Suylene, who was already full, to have a chat with Glenn, and Miss Micah and I looked around the field.

I knew it yesterday when I saw it by the time I got to the village, but I was still in bad shape.

There are places where crops are buried in weeds or where multiple crops grow together due to poor management.

Thanks to this, it is impossible to distinguish from where it is for summer and from where it is for autumn and where the fallow land is.

I'll take a look around and ask Miss Micah.

"Micah, do you know where the autumn harvest fields are?

"I don't know. Ash, did you find any fallow land?

"I didn't know...."

Together, they look at each other like this.

Roofing agriculture has collapsed. And if you try to undo this, it takes a lot of effort and a lot of money.

How did this happen?

Having checked so far, we ask the facilitator questions to get answers.

"Mr. Swiren, how does farming in Ajol Village work today... uh, who gives instructions or focuses on work?

Miss Sweetie looked strange, but she replied with a small voice, wondering if she thought it was something that would be scolded by my tone.

"These people are in my village....."

"So now you're using your fields in pieces in each house?

"Yes, because the person is gone, there are lots of places, so I use everywhere I like."

It seems that the villagers are gone and the reduced manpower has been used more dispersed. The opposite of Adele Village is carried out beautifully.

The condition of the fields is poor, there is no manpower, there is no teacher, and the villagers' cohesion is poor.

From here on out, I think I can stop by the boulders to see how I can revive the farming in this village.

"Are there any such discussions about the status quo and what is the problem?

"Well, that's... Uncle Marko and I heard him talking."

"What's Uncle Marco?

It's the same name as the village chief in Adele.

I'm sorry for Miss Sweetie, but I wish she were in the leadership position in this village.

"Ah, Uncle Marco is the village chief of Adele."

It was the customer herself. Although it's close, what are you doing in the next village?

"If Marco, the village chief of Adele, had met before he came here."

"Oh, really? How are you, sir?

You looked better than anyone in this village.

The food situation over there is stable.

"Is Marco and your father close?

"I see, we were very close....."

The results are discernible from the past and the current state of the village of Ajol.

"Well, two years ago, I had a pretty strong tone... and I got into a fight."

Really? I nodded lightly and flushed it.

Two years ago, the village of Adele suffered from beast damage. Perhaps due to the lack of room, the tone of Marco's village chief became harsh.

Ajol Village shouldn't have been able to afford it for a long time, so it's no wonder it gets worse and worse with words for sale.

"So, do you have any idea what the suggestion was? I'd appreciate some tips on how to fix this situation."

"That's it...."

Miss Sweetie shut up and chewed down what she was about to say.

The bitter bite seeps into my expression.

After a while of enough urgency around her, she finally opened her mouth.

"We're moving to Adele Village."

Was that so?

I tried to get rid of it as quickly and lightly as possible with a stronger sense of crisis than before. It's a delicate subject that explodes when you touch it.

However, I am convinced that the resettlement plan will be the best.

In fact, the village of Ajol cannot recover.

If we're going to get back on track, we're going to have to do it again.

Given the effort and resources, it would be the best.

And the village of Adele accepts the people of the village of Adele who will lose their place.

Since Adele Village suffered two years ago, I think the Mayor of Marco was quite prepared.

It is only because I am confident that I will recover from the plight of the beast.

When it comes to my daughter, Miss Renge, you are secretly confident, that kind of person.

It is commensurate with competence.

However, the opinion of the Mayor of Marco was not acceptable to the village of Ajor.

The angry glance of Lady Suylene is telling the story.

The guiding person's emotions have been overwhelming, so I will finish my investigation today. I was able to confirm that it was not a situation where a solution would emerge slightly or gently.

I clap my hands and tell them the end.

"I was able to think a lot, let's stop with today's survey."

Keep talking to Miss Micah.

"I'd like to talk to you. Do you have a moment?

"Of course, it's the result of checking the fields, isn't it?

Yes, he nodded and walked away with the two of them naturally.

Glenn and Miss Squirrel, who were left behind, are looking at a sudden development.

Have a chat with the two of you and relieve Miss Sweet Len of her tenderness.

"So, after looking at the state of the fields in this village..."

Miss Micah whispers in a whispering voice, pretending to be a strange face.

"Sage, I can't measure the breadth of the sky. I think so."

In the proverb of this world, it means that you are in the middle of nowhere.

The origin comes from the anecdote that when a person called the Great Sage bragged about his wisdom to the god of wisdom, the monkey god, he was asked, "Now, let's answer the breadth of the sky," and was troubled without giving an answer.

It's a rough expression for Miss Mayka, but I can't say "I have no idea how to deal with this village's plight" loudly.

"If you look at it from Ash, I don't know."

"I totally agree. Isn't Marco's proposal the most realistic?"

I knew it.

Micah put her hands on her cheeks and exhaled.

It was the most realistic, but even so, there was the melancholy of those who knew it was difficult to realize.

"There are no peasants in the field who can't cling to it."

It was the biggest problem that unrealistic opinions were echoed by migration proposals that seemed to be the best.

For so-called farming peoples, land is an important asset and more than that.

In essence, the meaning is different from nomads and hunter-gatherers who repeatedly move from land to land.

Farmers may say that they handle the same crops as they do.

Root in the land, and grow in the land. Asking them to move to another land is like pulling out the wheat and transplanting it into another empty space.

Unless handled with the utmost care, the wheat will only wither at the destination.

"Speaking of which, Ash-kun left the village with pleasure..."

To Miss Mayka's doubts, I am a perfectly peasant child, with no dullness or laughter.

Farmers are the same as crops - they are, of course, nothing but metaphors.

Humans are different from plants.

It moves around by its own will.

So, unlike plants, they are called animals.

When you go to a different land, you can't be as delicate as plants and lead to life and death.

We've evolved so we can go to different lands.

Therefore, farmers' attachment to their fields is just a matter of mood.

attachment to the land of birth, anxiety about the land of strangers, and so on.

To be honest, there are angry things about the ability of an organism to spend time after evolution without being able to use it in a mood.

I'm rude to evolution.

Nevertheless, I can see that mood problems are serious in people's lives.

The Mayor of Marco ended up breaking up without resolving his mood problems, and now the village of Ajol is on the verge of survival, so I don't know how serious he feels.

People die in mood.

"If they were confident that they would survive leaving the land, they might feel like they were going to start over somewhere else."

I have no idea how to make people who only know this village feel confident.

Even the daughter of the village chief's family, Miss Sweelen, seemed to think it would be impossible to leave the village.


Miss Micah also twisted her neck and stared at me.

"Oh, I see. Ash-kun, you're confident you can live wherever you go, so you can talk about going to the city right away. I see."

"That's not how it is...."

No, I wonder if that's what happened.

That might have been the case.

I'm sure I didn't feel any anxiety about life or death. It can be said that I was floating around and wasn't thinking about the future.

Well, even if I left the village, I was with Micah.

I see. Don't you feel anxious when you're with me?

There was no need to worry about food, clothing or shelter because it was decided to receive support from the village chief's house.

I was more confident than confident that I would do anything to survive.

As I nodded with a smile, Miss Micah pressed her red cheeks with both hands.

"Ehehe, I see. Ah, of course I can rest assured with Ash-kun!

"Really? Thank you very much."

However, Micah's liver is relieved with me doing strange things from next to next.

She is the daughter of the Yuika goddess, Shizuishi.