Galactic Garbage Station
Chapter 414: Manta King's Powers
“When did you have this ability to attack?” Su Qiang asked.
“When looking for fish yesterday, I stumbled upon it.” The bat squeaks, and through the cards, it sounds like a little boy, but some of the sand is dull and needs to be listened to carefully before it is heard.
“When looking for fish?” Su was stunned and his eyes suddenly lit up. "Didn't bats use ultrasound to find prey? Was that an evolutionary ultrasound attack? ”
It is well known that the vast majority of bats have ultrasonic echo positioning. The nose and mouth of their heads have a structure called the "nasal lobes”, surrounded by very complex special skin wrinkles, a peculiar ultrasound device that emits ultrasound and continuously emits ultrasound. When the ultrasound encounters an object, it bounces back, and when the bat receives it with its ear, it knows the exact location of the object, so that it can avoid obstacles and capture prey, which is a self-contained radar.
Of course, ultrasound attacks are not available to ordinary bats, because they can't be heard at all. Even if a bunch of bats together emit ultrasound, humans will not react, and there will be no discomfort.
So Sulu is still not sure if the attack this bat is using is an ultrasound attack. He checked the ultrasound function on the internet. He didn't know. He was shocked. It turns out that ultrasound can accomplish many of these functions depending on the frequency. There are many applications in medicine, military, industrial and agricultural applications that can be used for ranging, speed measurement, cleaning, welding, crushing, sterilization, etc. Su Xin focused on military uses, namely ultrasound attacks, which were divided into two main categories.
The first is to emit sound waves at the same frequency as the one inherent in an object, which, with the principle of resonance, can shatter objects such as glass, tanks, submarines, fighters, etc., although this function is still evolving militarily and is difficult to achieve.
The second is to use high-energy high-frequency ultrasound waves, causing strong air pressure, causing visual blurring, nausea and other physiological reactions, thus reducing or completely losing the combat capability of personnel and causing more serious death. Such attacks are powerful enough to shatter the glass. Even hiding in tanks and shelters is inevitable, and it can even pass through 15 metres of concrete walls and tank steel sheets.
“This Manta King may be using high frequency ultrasonic waves, causing air pressure. ”
Su Zheng left with the Manta King, riding the Golden Sculpture, ignored the other bats, lost the Manta King's lead, the dragons were defenseless, the other bats could not cause chaos, and the five warship birds could fly back and regain control of the place.
When Su Zheng returned home, he couldn't wait to drive to the nearby store. He bought an ultrasonic frequency tester and wanted to confirm whether the attack by Manta was an ultrasonic attack or not. He said to Manta: "To this, use the attack just now. ”
“Buzz” Manta King didn't say anything. When he launched the attack, the air seemed to have twisted a bit. Only on the ultrasonic frequency detector, the data soared from zero. Su Xin saw the data blink to 20000Hz, then soared to 35000Hz. The frequency range that we in the human ear can hear is 20Hz-20000Hz, so we're going to go beyond 20000Hz and call it ultrasound. This Manta King attack produces sonic waves above 20000Hz, no doubt an ultrasonic attack.
Even more shocking is that the data not only did not stop rising, but soared rapidly within half a second. At the moment of feeling the air compression, the data actually soared to 200000Hz, then suddenly dropped, and the data dropped to a few Hz, apparently the ultrasonic attack ended.
“Oh, my God, at the moment of the ultrasound attack, the frequency reached 200000Hz, ten times the lower limit of the ultrasound, which is undoubtedly high frequency ultrasound.” Su Xiao was shocked. Of course, he knows that the ultrasound attack is not only due to this high frequency, but also because the ultrasound power is not small. However, the power of bat ultrasound, with this ultrasound frequency tester, cannot be detected, nor do we know what the exact value is.
Su continued to test and found that this Manta King not only had an ultrasonic frequency power cap that was exaggerated, but also had a qualitative leap in ultrasonic range and fine control. Ultrasonic echo positioning capabilities of rat ear bats do not belong to the strong in bats because their prey is fish, the surface is flat and not as complex as catching mosquitoes in the woods, so echo positioning capabilities are degraded and the detection of prey is imprecise. However, this rat ear bat, let alone degenerate, has evolved to another height.
Su Zheng made many dense and numb lines in a box. The gap could almost only pass through the body of the Manta King, tied the bell on it, and got ten mosquitoes into it. When the mosquito spread, he said to the Manta King: “Manta King, without touching the bell, grabbed ten mosquitoes at the fastest possible speed. ”
Manta squeaked, flew into the box, so small a box, so dense a line, it actually flew so fast, and it passed between so many chaotic lines, one mosquito after another fell into its mouth, and in just a few seconds, Manta grabbed all ten mosquitoes, none of the bells were touched, how strong the ultrasonic echo positioning power was, imaginable.
“This bat is too amazing, keep cultivating, it will definitely become a good general in the future.” Su Xinxing was delighted that this accidental bat was more powerful than most of the pets he had raised.
However, Su Qiang estimated that this is a lucky ingredient that can be encountered but not sought after. Many pets eat more jade toothfish, and there is no such noticeable evolution, so many bats, but only one evolves into this. Instead of constantly feeding the toothfish, it depends on genes and talents, and this bat is probably a one-of-a-kind genius. Perhaps without the toothfish, as long as the environment changes, it becomes the first individual to evolve.
This also gave Su Zheng a new idea about raising pets. If there are enough jade toothfish in the future, a large number of feeding options can be adopted, which maximizes the extraction of individuals whose genes themselves are extraordinarily powerful. Otherwise, it is difficult to cultivate a breakthrough if the surface of the individual at first looks powerful, but the underlying genes are not so great.
At this point, the phone suddenly sounded the alarm because it was too focused on testing the bat. Su Min didn't even notice that it was 3: 00 a.m. or 4: 00 a.m. His eyes lit and he flew to the ground floor with his pets.