Galactic Garbage Station
Chapter 784 Upgrading the Garbage Station (top)
Listen to the sudden sound of electronics, Su Jianxiao, after being stunned, revealed ecstatic color, almost tears of joy. Since I learned that the overtime garbage station uses antimatter as energy, how much effort I have made, how much money I have spent, how long I have been busy living, I hope, isn't this the moment I've been looking forward to?
From the conversation of people across the space tunnel, it was learned that the dump was just a model, not even a real dump, and that it was only a real dump once it had reached level one.
Su Zheng's lips trembled slightly: “Yes. ”
Electronic sound sounds again: “The model of the garbage station in hyperspace is ready to start upgrading, ask the owner to leave the garbage station space, do not try to enter again until prompted, otherwise there is a danger...”
Su Jun put Bai Tae Hong's body in a storage bag and walked out of the garbage station. You can still hear the electronic voice: “The garbage station model is ready to upgrade, the countdown begins, ten, nine, eight...”
Until the countdown reaches zero, Su Zheng can't hear a sound. He waited excitedly and nervously, but waited for two hours and didn't respond at all. Of course, he dared not enter. The garbage station has already prompted him. Early entry is dangerous. This garbage station has risen to the rank of anti-matter and space-time. Its own strength is completely inadequate.
“Calm down, patient. What's the rush?” Su Xiao comforted himself, but still couldn't calm down. His heart beat was accelerating. He only calmed down in front of him after practicing the path in the quiet door.
Anyway, wait, why don't he meet Bai River Map secretly first, hand over Bai Tae Hong's body to Bai River Map, and let him handle the aftermath. It's no secret that Bai Tae Hong is overzealous, the apparent cause of death is no different from overzealous death, plus his son Bai River Map is handling it, it's simple. All of Bai Tae Hong's base industries naturally inherited to Bai River Map.
Su Zheng waited for three days. He was in a hurry and went crazy. In the middle of the night, while he was asleep, he suddenly heard a “ding” sound in his head, followed by an electronic voice: “The garbage station is almost upgraded. Can you allocate space? Do you need to allocate space? ”
Su Zheng ecstatically ran to the floor quickly, but did not go in. He asked: "The space allocation means that the space is 1800 meters in diameter, I will allocate it at will? ”
Electronic audio comes up: “The garbage station model has only the upper hemisphere of the spherical space, which is now upgraded to the first level, opening the lower hemisphere space and becoming the complete spherical space. The upper hemisphere is the basic storage space for untreated garbage and zoning is not recommended. The lower hemisphere is dominated by garbage incineration decomposition space and waste storage space. The garbage incineration decomposition space is an upright cylinder plugged into the centre of the lower hemisphere. The waste storage space is generally at the bottom of the lower hemisphere. Currently, the space is very surplus and the owner can distinguish a few more spaces for the storage of recyclable garbage. ”
Su Zheng couldn't help but notice the garbage incineration disposal space, which means that the garbage disposal facility, upgraded to level 1, really has garbage disposal capabilities.
Until then, he wasn't really sure, he just came to a conclusion through reverse inference, because when the garbage station model was thrown over, people across the street said, "The garbage station model doesn't have a processing function, it's full of spills” or something, which in turn means that the real garbage station has a processing function. The results prove that Su Xin's reasoning is correct. It also distinguishes space as a storage room.
As for the garbage station space, how exactly do you allocate it, Su Qiang wondered for a while, "Do you need to consume energy to distinguish between spaces? ”
Electronic audio comes up: "Yes, but as long as it is not too large a spatial distinction, maintaining the original basic structure consumes very little energy. ”
“If garbage incineration disposal space remains unchanged, how much energy will be consumed by dividing the hemisphere line down 10 metres into eight evenly sectioned recyclable garbage storage spaces and remaining space in the lower hemisphere as waste storage space?” Su Qian continued.
“This distinction requires only about 0.001 grams of antimatter, and the residual energy stored in the garbage station is 0.009 grams, sufficient energy. ”
“That's how it's distinguished.” Su Zhenxi said that the storage room on the second floor was long overdue, the collection could not be crowded, and it was not particularly safe, and wanted storage space for a long time. The storage space inside the garbage dump is huge, safe and confidential, which is great.
“It is important to remind the owners that the general waste storage space does not need to be too large because the garbage incineration decomposition rate at the overtime garbage station is high and, on average, a litter leaves less than a gram of waste, which is then compressed and takes up very little space. When the waste is full, it can also be packed and transported to a specific location for landfill. The owner distinguishes a large proportion of waste storage space. Are you sure you want to distinguish this? ”
Su Zheng was stunned when he heard it. A meal of garbage leaves less than a gram of waste. What is the incineration decomposition rate? Nevertheless, he had decided to split it as such, since the storage room thus distinguished was enormous enough and, based on past experience, it was estimated that it would be unsatisfactory for a long time to come. Su Zheng learned the lesson of double-sided arrow fragments. He really didn't want to take the garbage outside and bury it. He didn't even want the garbage. If he could, he could leave all the garbage at the bottom of the hemisphere.
“That's how the distinction is made.” Su Qian said.
“Does it distinguish between vacuum space, general space and ecological space? ”
“Can you still do that?” Su Jing was stunned.
“Yes, vacuum space is, by definition, vacuum to prevent spoilage and deterioration of objects. Ordinary space, by definition, is the ordinary space in which the human life of the planet on which the master is currently situated, with air. Eco-space, in addition to air, simulates wind and rain, sunrise and landing, and, simply put, creates a biosphere in its entirety. Once vacuum and normal spaces have been built, there is usually no need to consume energy. After the eco-space is built, micro-energy maintenance is required, and about 0.01 grams of antimatter per year is required for each of the eight spaces divided by the host. However, certain wastes can be treated and transferred into ecological space for soil use. ”
Su Zheng really wanted to say that you are a dick in the garbage station. The ecological space is 0.01 grams of antimatter a year. It doesn't seem to be a lot of real intent. It's just 300 million. It's definitely worth building one. So the third floor can move down. “Can we change the space in the future? ”
“Well, six of them are divided into vacuum spaces, the rest are ordinary spaces, and the other is ecological spaces.” Su Xiao said both.
“Are you sure you want to allocate space in this way? ”
“Okay, start allocating space.” After the electronic voice said this sentence, he went into silence and nothing in it would come out. Su Xiao waited anxiously again.