Game Market 1983

< EP. 19: Novelis Oblige (4) >

“Is that...? What is it?”

The swinging of the rope left and right does not seem normal to anyone.

“You have to hold your breath when you pass by him. You'll be in trouble if you get caught.”

Miyazaki took my advice, checked the respiratory gauge, and slowly approached him.

Luckily, the guy hanging from the rope turned his back and didn't know the protagonist was coming.

Yuck, yum, yum.

Along with a grumpy sound, she stopped breathing with the one shaking in the middle of the hall.

At that moment.

- Where are you...? -

“Gaaaah!!! ”

Miyazaki, shocked by the eerie voice coming from the TV, screams. At the same time, I dropped my hand from the Y button, which is responsible for breathing the protagonist.

“Run!! ”

It doesn't matter if you stop breathing again once the ghost has caught you.

Miyazaki quickly moved the protagonist to the end of the hall by pressing the B button on my shout.

At that moment, the corpse with the neck fell to the ground.

I turned around and started crawling back on my four feet, just like the scene from "The Exorcist."

Very, very fast.

“Gaaaah!!! ”

Miyazaki continues to scream, surprised by the rapidly approaching object in a bizarre manner.

“Stairs there!! Get to the second floor!! ”

While he was screaming, Miyazaki manipulated the protagonist up the stairs to see if he understood what I was saying.

At that moment, a dark second-floor corridor appeared as the screen shifted.

But you still hear footsteps chasing the protagonist.

“What do we do now? ”

“Go into the classroom and hide. ”

She opens the door in the classroom in front of her eyes and goes inside. Then, this time, the place changed to a classroom lined up.

“First, manipulate the directional keys and hide. Press up, press down on your desk, and hide under your desk. ”

And at that moment, her judgment was under the desk. Huh? That's not a good idea.

But it's too late.


When the door of the classroom opened, Miyazaki stopped breathing on his own, even if I didn't tell him.

T-t-t-t-the ghost approaches the desk where the protagonist is hiding, and starts circling back and forth for a moment.

“Huff, puff, puff."

After a while, she just shrugged her shoulders holding her breath like the protagonist in the game. As the ghost exited the classroom, he breathed a sigh of relief.

And the moment I took my hand off the Y-button...

TATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA!!!!!! He came back into the classroom with a crazy sound effect.

And the moment I met the protagonist hiding under my desk.

- Found it.

The face of the woman smiling with blood tears upside down was closed up and the screen turned red.


“What do you think, Miyazaki? ”

But she didn't answer any of my questions, holding the pad tightly in both hands.


Let's call her and put our hands on her shoulders. Her body collapses next to the thrust couch, like a broken doll.

Ugh!! You fainted!?

“Miyazaki!? Miyazaki!!"

“Hey, boss... uh-uh... who are you?”

“Yes? ”

“That's too much!! How can you name this game" Valentine's Day "!? ”

I mean, it's fun.

When the theme of the beginning of the prologue reverted back to the first screen, Miyazaki stood up and lowered the power button of the super family.

It seemed to be quite shocking.

“You okay?"

“I thought I was really scared to death!! ”

“Then what I intend to do is succeed. ”

Light up the break room, Miyazaki trembles to see if she's relieved.

I took the cartridge out of the super family and put it in my bag, and I opened my mouth, looking at her.

“You have to go home now, right? ”

“Sir, is Mr. Uchimura going to be okay? ”

“Maybe a few times, you'll be tolerant, right? ”

“You seem a little scared to me.”

“Oh, I forgot to mention that. ”

What are you talking about? ”

“This cartridge... we can't keep putting it in the superfamily. ”


“There's an electrostatic transmitter in the cartridge... so something interesting happens when you put it in for a long time. ”

“What do you mean? ”

“Well, I mean, Should the powered off super family be turned on automatically? ”


“It's a feature I like to think of as a formal one, but I put it in the trial. It's Uchimura.Are you sure you want to be okay? ”

That night, I finally got Miyazaki home before I could go home.


The bizarre illustration of Valentine's Day was influenced by the Tamago Monster Contest. (I asked Maurita for an illustration, and she gave up on the appearance of a very colorful monstrosity that made a man suck on all his sheep.) Apart from the cute design monsters needed for the Tamago-san, I collected some weird monster paintings separately and visited them separately after the contest.

One of them had a strong sense of humor.

His painting, "The Upside-Down Woman," was a shocking illustration that broke the atmosphere of the flower game with just one illustration.

And it was the ghost that caused Miyazaki to faint.

This work was made with all sorts of narratives through a familiar place for everyone at the school, especially one with a lot of dedication to sound.

I managed to squeeze out the poor superfamily's sound chips and record them, but I decided to crush the sound on purpose because it was also difficult to maintain quality.

As a result, the sound of "Valentine's Day," which was mixed with some noise, was creating a more bizarre atmosphere with intermediate jitters.

‘I caught a rat walking behind a cow. What...’

The next day, when I arrived at Pentagon Soft, I looked up at the tall building with a cigarette in my mouth.

Last summer, Pentagon Soft, which used the entire shabby four-story building, completed its move to a new building. The decision was made because Tamago-based monster designers had tripled the staff.

I want to work with employees in a slightly more pleasant environment.

In a way, shouldn't you be the first person to lead a company?

That's why the Pentagon Soft is in the 'Top 10 Companies I Want to Join’ for Professional Schools and Universities.

Pentagon Soft did not force employees to attend.

Work hours were also held at 11 a.m., avoiding the rush hour of the workers. Lunch time was free for an hour and a half from 1: 00 to 2: 30, and all meals are paid for by the company when using restaurants designated near the company.

5: 30 p.m. commute.

After that, you cannot stay in the company unless it is for a special reason.

Everyone had to go home.

Of course, employees were able to apply for work and extend work if they wanted to, but the additional allowances were also paid, so employees were able to autonomously adjust their own hours of work.

Some employees sometimes stayed late thinking they could make money while avoiding rush hour on their way home, but most of their households were on time to leave.

After 8: 00, I was able to finish dinner at a restaurant near the company, just like at lunch, so some of the staff didn't want to go home and cook alone.

Of course, the Kawa Guchi representative was worried that it would be too much for the welfare of the employees before implementing the system, but given the total revenue generated by the Pentagon Soft today and the number of employees working, they were earning more than 10 million yen per person, so I did not miss the money at all.

Mintendo. No, this is exactly what I wanted to accomplish before the Time Leaf in 1983, if I was the owner of a company.

If you force him to sit at the company and get nothing, he should be rested.

Forcibly squeezing results in less flexible thinking.

Is that so? Even though there were three times as many employees as last year, the Pentagon soft atmosphere was very soft.

The Pentagon Soft was popular with young people, although it did not fit the Japanese atmosphere towards a very solemn workplace atmosphere.

Sayuri, who was Mr. Kawaguchi's assistant, welcomed me as soon as I checked my ID card and opened the automatic door installed in the office.

“Manager Kang Jun-hyuk. Hello!"

“Hello, Sayuri. ”

“Ah, sir. I just had a visitor from Mintendo. Mr. Kawaguchi asked me to come to the CEO's office when you come to work. ”

“A guest? Do you know who that is? ”

“This is Nisekoi Gunpei from Mintendo. ”

Mr. Gunpei is in Pentagon Soft? You're old. You've come a long way.

At this point, I was not surprised because I thought something would come from Mintendo.

This is because ‘the streets without me’ earlier this year and ‘the Tamago Monster’ in the summer were the biggest hits, and the Pentagon Soft was currently the ‘axis’ as long as it could never be ignored in the gaming industry.

I have a pretty good idea what you're looking for.

I thanked Sayuri for letting me know and moved to the second development office where I work.

“Good morning. ”

“Ahhh!! Sir!!"

As soon as I entered the development room, Morita and Hayashi ran towards me as expected.

“Sir, do you know who's in the Executive Director's office right now? ”

“I know. You said Gunpei is here.”

After joining Pentagon Soft, I spoke to Morita and Hayashi.

I appreciate your boss writing you a name, but do you think they're uncomfortable?

After the psychic battle, I've been hanging out with three people on the streets without me for three years, and now I just feel like a friend...

“Did you know? ”

“Yes, Sayuri told me on the way in. ”

“Yes, but what is it about executives like Gunpei who are not other people? ”

“What's the big deal? President Kamauchi would have asked me to pick up the pods. ”

As far as Minten is concerned, the Pentagon Soft is now a golden goose.

You think he's gonna make a deal? For now, Kawaguchi doesn't have the final say, so he must be begging for a story.

“Then I'll go to the Executive Director's office for a while. ”

I tapped Hayashi's shoulder with a blank expression and headed to Chairman Shil.

The second team and the CEO were actually pretty close to one of the hallways, so I tried to snap my neck and knock lightly for a while. I heard Gunpei scream in the room.

“Shhhhh!!! ”

... isn't it usually "aah" or "aah"?

I've never heard a scream like that before in my life.

Just hearing Gunpei's screams, I feel like I know what's going on inside. I'm smiling in relief.