Game of the World Tree

Chapter 411 explores new scenes

The new copy appears!

Moreover, there is a chance to fall into the transfer of silver!

When this news spreads in the player, almost everyone is excited.

Especially those have risen to level 40, but there is no player who has adopted advanced transfer quota.

After the players of the "Elf Kingdom", the player's level replaced the golden legendary equipment and became the most important criterion for judging the judge.

Promoting silver, you can stand in the vertices of all players.

Instead of silver, even if it is a golden legend, it will be less than the taste.

For a time, the Galas and some of the $ 40 players have actually active, ready to open the conventional action on this new copy exhibition.

Less five people, more than ten people.

Players form a group that established the demon labyrinth.

They are ready for resurrection, bringing equipment and medicament, excitedly through the transmission array, entered the demon maze.

In less than half a day, the number of players entering the new copy broke through the four digits.

You must know that there have been a large task of underground wars, and in order to obtain advanced transfer rewards for so many days, the 60,000 players reached 40 full level, but only more than a thousand people.

In other words, almost all full-level players are dispatched.

The attraction of visible forward transfer quota.

Of course, participating in the discusses also include players promoted to silver-level order.

On the one hand, this is because the demon experience in the maze is very high ...

According to the players who have entered the maze, killing a black iron-level devil, and can even take two three thousand experience.

And if it is able to kill the silver-level, I am afraid it will be more.

This is very attractive for silver players.

After promoting silver, the experience you need is greatly increased, just raised from 41 to level 42, requiring millions of experiences.

In accordance with the experience of the black iron level, the experience of promoting it will definitely appear levels of superimposed grade superimposed, more and more.

I want to promote the full level of the 50th grade silver, I am afraid it will be an astronomical figure.

Although it is more in the north to the Elf, or go to the underground world, you can also encounter more monsters, but since there is a picture of the house, he is not a way.

On the other hand, although silver players have no demand for the number of translocations, they don't have a guild.

Today, the number of silver players has also become an important standard for measuring a guild.

If the dropped silver transfer quota is able to turn over, it will also be a considerable benefit!

So, successively, the new demon god maze copy, once again brought the carnival of players.

Of course, it is limited to black iron full-level players and silver players.

More black iron-level ordinary players, can only look at the gods in the same way, then continue to work hard, brush the monsters, strive to promote 40 levels, get the copy of the demonism qualifications.

With the large number of players' pour, the details of the demon maze have gradually showcased in front of players.

This is a very ambitious scene.

Even if there is a player who is in a direction, it is easy to lose in the future.

Wonderful background music, rude evil demon relief, shadow is more integrated, complicated tortuous road ...

In addition, the monsters that are raging from time to time, and the deceased of the cold trap and the sneak attack player ...

Of course, after killing the devil or destroying the trap, found in the maze corpus angle, emitting colorful gratinous lucky treasure chests ...

This maze, almost satisfied with the players all the illusions of the maze scenes in MMORPG online games!

Of course, they naturally won't know that this is that Eve is based on the maze scene in various games on the Blue Star, and the essence is taken to make the meal, integrated together, and even distorted the interior.

In the amazing country, Eve can hardly do anything, can't make such a maze.

That is to take the labyrinth from the God of the country, and there is a lot of god values ​​in the Changes world.

However, this is worth it.


Well, I would also like to thank the monster NPC enthusiastically and served as the seventh magic god Axsler of BOSS ...

With the deepening of players, the monsters in the demonism, and various drop rewards have gradually floated.

Devil's labyrinth, monsters have only demon.

However, the type of devil is different.

Most, is the strength in the black iron level.

They are not high, but they fight very crazy, and they are very fragile, especially like to set traps.

Among these small demon, the black iron is lower and the median, the threat to the players is not very big.

However, they often collectively, if the number of players is too small, there is no white silver punctance, and it is also very likely to turn into the car.

As for the devil on the black iron, their combat power is strong, even if the player is 40, it also needs to be carefully treated.

Of course, the rewards that kill them are also very good.

After the absence of erosion, the ordinary organisms become demon, and the buzzers of their in vitro and the associated weapons are a good forging material.

As long as the pollution at which it is eliminated, it can be used as an excellent material or simply.

And even if you don't eliminate pollution, give them a sacrifice goddess, you will also get a lot of contribution.

In addition, the demon has occurred, and a lucky treasure chest is often true.

The things that have been opened in the lucky treasure chest.

In general, it is possible to be equipped with purple epic, or may be a gold pound or a precious magic material.

Of course, if it is a non-eating, you may only get some poor Baba's whiteboard equipment ...

The little devil is very suitable for brushing, the lucky treasure chest is also widely sought after.

However, if you encounter the big devil of the silver-level, the players only have running, or call the goddess of the name of the goddess to transfer the scene.

The big devil's strength of the silver-level order is very strong.

Unless there are three silver players, otherwise, players are all imposed at all.

Not to mention that these guys also like to attack from behind, defending.

Not only that, the big demon demon of the silver power is still very embarrassed.

Once they find that the enemy will be quickly taken away.

The final result is to step into the players of the demon god, only have lost their losses in the hands of the silver devil, and there is no one to overcome the silver devil.

Fortunately, among the maze, the demon of the silver-based order is very small.

Not luck is too bad, it is generally rarely encountered.

With the further deepening of players, all kinds of Raiders and videos about the demonism, also brush on the official website forum and video network.

The "Elf Country" is the best thing.

Players can go online in the game, and even manipulate individual software.

Many things, players can do it with a new copy.

However, it is regrettable that in the first day of the new copy, it enters ... A thousand players in the labyrinth, hundreds of dramas, no one to find the legendary demon god.