Game of the World Tree

Chapter 702, Goddess (1600 month tickets)

As if crossing the void, Sai Bo felt a strong weight loss.

The sound gradually went, and the world was in silence.

The darkness wrap him, however, his consciousness is unprecedented.

Just when he didn't know what happened, the whole world suddenly became a white ...

I do not know how long it has been.

The sound of the empty song begins slowly.

That is a moving female voice in the low, it seems to be praised, smart.

Sai Bo's line of sight is slowly returned to normal.

It is an emperor of the temple.

And he is standing in the center of the temple.

The temple is majestic and magnificent, and there is a stone pillar of the exquisite pattern and lifelike embossed on both sides.

If you look at it carefully, you will find some of the patterns above, actually the player builds a city, or the story with half orc, the devil fight ...

He slightly Zhang Zhang, the sight continued to move up.

It is seen that it is a non-river river in the Temple.

The star river is deep and vast, countless or gold, or blue stars are in which it is magnificent, and it is constantly flashing.

If the hidden prayers are intertwined together with the sound songs, bring a kind of calm spirit and make people feel from the heart and feel the worship.

Sai Bo looked at the bright star river and gradually saw some stay.

"This is a stars and willie, each of which represents a believer, and every blue star represents a selection."

At this time, a familiar female voice came from Saibo's body.

That sound, as always, it is, as always, a lot of players, after creating the characters, specially changed to the sound of the system tone in the game system settings.

That ... is the voice of the goddess.

When the spirit of Sai Bo, the consciousness turned and saw that he was unforgettable in this life.

Pure white holy seducement, beautifully luxurious crown, straight to the waist, the waist, and the magnificent Zi Wei, which seems to be able to see everything in the world.

Her face is more perfect than video records, and more dreams, but also more people who are not unfortunate.

Her smile is more intimate than the player, it is more warm, and people don't consciously indulge in it, want to offer her own everything.

At that moment, Sai Bo feels that the whole world is still still.

And in his mind, there is only one name:

Goddess - Eve, Yketra Hill.

At this time, Sai Bo realized that he was rare to trigger a special plot and was summoned by the goddess.

This kind of incident in the player, the probability is more small than a small silver promotion, and it has been encountered by him.

However, this weekdays don't know how many times, and I am looking forward to how many special events really fall on my body. Sai Bo found that their mood didn't have the sound of it.

In front of his eyes, it seems that many expressions that are relieved before the death of death.

Next to his ear, it seems that the frost wizards are sad and persistent songs.

It is clear that this is just the plot in the game, clearly knows that they are NPC in the game, but at this moment, this moment is hard to put this down, it is difficult to forget this.

"Brave Nilecto - Sai Bo, you ... hard."

Beautiful holy Evely, the goddess is looking at Sai Bo, the gods are soft, and the sound is turning and warm.

The game is blooming, and suddenly I feel that there is a little acid in the nose.

That feeling, like a wroned child suddenly saw his mother.

"No, I have worked hard, those frost tribes are hard ... I haven't done anything, what I have worked hard, I am just a player who can't do anything ..."

He shook his head and shook his head.

At this time, Sai Bo found that he could not say that the system specified in the system is only like other players who have seen the goddess, but they can be freely played.

This found that he had a road to the heart, and later, it is almost a single knee in the direction of the goddess:

"Dear goddess!"

His voice has a bit tremble.

I saw him slowly looked up, looked at the goddess, and asked excitedly:

"You ... can you save the wizards of the abyss?"

"They wait for you to wait too long ..."

There is no consciousness of Saibo. How sincered at this moment, how sad is it.

Afterwards, when I visited myself through the plot, I will feel deep every time.

But at this time, he, only a red hot fire in his chest, I want to burn all dark.

Goddess did not directly answer the request of Sai Bo.

She slowly opened the pace, after Saibo's side, walked to the stone pillar of the Temple.

Looking at the bright star river in the sky, she speaks softly:

"Your place is a place in the abyss inside, where there is a strong abyss force is constantly spreading, interferes with everything that is outside ..."

"Even if it is me, you can't interfere with the disturbance of the evil force that is stacked by the layer, and put your strength in the past ..."

"But ... but since you can summon me here, you can also affect the world?"

Sai Bo can't help but ask.

The goddess smile is more soft.

She looked at Sai Bo, dreams that the real face was more mysterious and noble in holy light.

"This ... isn't it the reason you come here?"

Her empty sound continued to ring.

Sai Bo slightly, almost instantly remembered the vows you just greeted.

It seems to be aware of what, his expression is gradually excited, the cheek gradually dies on a layer of excited red, and said:

"Goddess" ... you ... you ... I ... what should I do? "

The goddess slowly turned, she reached out and slept and gently gently.

The golden power continues to gather, and the world is illusion of a dark and dead world, and the heavy black clouds are constantly rolling.

It is the scene of the absence of Saibo.

Looking at the clouds of the roll, the goddess sighs:

"Do you see this rolling dark cloud?"

"See it."

Sai Bo is nodded.

Beautiful goddess continued:

"This is the existing power of the abyss strength, always shrouded in the face of the abyss, everything is there, interferes with everything."

"It is because of its existence, suppressed my strength, can only let my summoning power sustain minimum contact, just let you walk in the world ..."

"If you are not your last will and belief broke through the disturbance of the abyss strength, I can't even summon you to this place ..."

In the heart of Saoto, I thought of various problems encountered when I had just entered the appetis of the Frost Elf.

Interrupt system connection, unable to activate the logout button ...

Could not, that is not bug, but from that time the plot is started?

His heart is still confused, but listening to the goddess, at this moment, I don't want to entangle the last day.

He now, just want to save the frost wizards!

"So ... what do I need? Do you want to make these black clouds?"

Sai Bo asked.

The goddess shook his head and sighed:

"Even if it is me, there is no way to get the abyss power to the dark cloud purification ..."

Hearing here, Saibo is somewhat disappointed.


Goddess and turn:

"When I summon you, I perceive the world's abyss of the world is relatively weak ..."

"That should be a territory, find it, lead all the ice cream people to there ..."

"When I saw the real night sky, I prayed to the sky, calling my name, calling my strength ..."

"At that time, the rays will fall to the world."

Hearing here, Saibo took a sigh of breath and nodded heavyly:

"Real night sky?"

"I understand."

He went to the beautiful goddess and thought about it, and asked again:

"Goddess" ... "

"I, can you request the help of other selection people?"

Looking at the expression of Sai Bona, the goddess sighed:

"Before you see the real sky, this task ... I am afraid you can only be done alone."

"Why? You should know how I entered the world?"

Sai Bo asked in confusion.

The goddess is deep:

"Is that seal method ..."

"A abyss has a lot of powerful enemies, this call is enough to cause some attention to existence."

"There is a lot of ancient breath under the seal law, when you appear in front of me, I am afraid that I have been periphered by He ..."

"Before all the ice cream people were evacuated, there was no longer safe."

"Sai Bo, you only have a chance, even for the safety of the elves."

"Find the real starry sky, lead the ice cream to pray together."

"At that time, other selection people, naturally accompanied my strength, ..."

"Sai Bo ..."

"This will be a daunting task."

"can you do it?"

I heard the goddess asked, Saibo's eyes were gradually determined.

He took a deep breath and greeted the soft and clear eyes of the goddess and said seriously:

"Of course, this is my commitment to Ertell!"

The goddess smiled slightly, the dream smile, as if the whole world ushered in spring.

"I will watch you in the country."

"Brave gatherings ..."

The rays once again illuminate the whole world.

The vision of Saibo, once again turned into a white.

His little slightly illusory figure is slowly dissipated.


Looking at the place where Sai Bo disappeared, Eve was silent, and it was easy to breathe.

He just said, there is really false.

A little bit gathered behind him, and the fairy of the fairy is behind His body.

The half-level moon worships on the ground, slightly lower, and blame:

"The great woman is undercurrence ... did not find the problem of the game system in time, it is a mistake of Finiere!"

Ivo slowly transferred, gently waving:

"Let's get up."

The soft power will slow down the fairy.

"This is not your fault, can only say ... no one thought, there is a selection of people to send to the abyss ..."

"The power of the abyss can be disintegrated with the power, or directly pollute, interfere with the operation of the game system, even eliminate the range of activities of the selection ... Come."

"However, if there is no accident, I am afraid that we will not know that the wizard of the frost tribe has entered the abyss, the internal time and space of the abyss ... I don't know how long they insist on there ..."

Eve is deeply sighful, and it is full of complicated, and it is slight.

Then, He sorted a mood and smiled:

"However, now I have reinforced the connection, just waiting for the news of the selection,"

Looking at the gentle smile in Iov, the king of the fairy is deeply low:

"Thank you for your forgiveness, the benevolent woman."

After that, He asked again:

"That ... is a hundred-point resurrection of that selection, is it necessary to re-deduct?"

Eve: ......

"no need."

He gently shakes his head.

After finishing, He also looked at the gods of God, the bright star:

"It is enough to be able to make admired because of the system restrictions on the belief and the will of the will, even because the power of the system is greatly suppressed by the abyss."

"Maybe I have always read the power of will ..."

"One hundred points of resurrection more ... forget it."

"However, reintegration of the system, the God of Devils is near to the eyes, I don't want to see the problem after waiting until the selection enters the abyss,"

Listening to the words of Eve, the fairy of the fairy is deeply leaning:

"I understand, the woman is under."

The fairy of the goblin slowly retracted.

Leave only Eve, and quietly look at the starry sky in the gods.

The smile on His face slowly faded and gradually replaced by a wipe.

Sai Bo can break through the system's restrictions, after all, ... The ban on the player is hooks with the system intensity, and it is weak under the presence of the abyss.

This is not a bad place, at least in the case of breakthroughs, the system itself has also stimulated the system itself, and so that Eve will reinstall the connection, summon his consciousness to the Chinese.

Although Ipi is still in the abyss, at least, it is already able to view his horizon in the position of Saibo in the abyss.

However, this is not the most important.

The most important thing is that Sai Bo is temporarily disconnected from the interference from the abyss, and it is still able to live freely in the abyss!

You know, when the earliest Eve's awareness of the players into the Changes world, this is the network channel through Blue Star.

How can the web channels are masked, how can the players in Cecath World via the network channel can exist independently?

Although Eve can feel that the other party is still not separated from his own control, He can still force the player to force the line, but this also shows that he summon the player's way does not seem to be as simple as it is.

Thinking of this, Ips can't help but reach out, illusion of blue light balls that have been changing in the soul.

His gaze, it becomes very deep in an instant:

"You, is really just the channel to connect the Blue Star Network ..."