Gear Drive
Nice to meet you and Kulukan! Shh, shh.
I hear something's gone wild!
"Crown!! What the hell!? What are you rumbling about!?
"- - - Self-analysis. Please wait...
"Yeah, hayaku!
-Pashun! Pashun!
Wow, the bag gear in front of me is acting weird!
Light holes are sparse (...)!
Yeah, I can't operate it...!
"─ ─ ─ Analysis complete (Analyzing)."
"The result!?
The name of the item in question.
Dropped from Zerzewolf, Haguma!!
Sure... the one who said "perverted" or something!
Totally, I forgot. Awwwwwww!!!
'─ ─ ─ Predicted skill ability to start a runoff because it was stored in a startup state.
"Ghaaaa! Crown! Can't you handle it!?
"--------Interference, attempted restoration.
"... well?
Confirm the refusal to interfere. Non-interfering area certification.
"... suck? Bad?"
An exoskeleton formation program is establishing a flow path.
"What's that!?
"------Materials in storage apply for selection at random.
"Hey, hey!
"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------... disconnect, I can't. Partly, successful destruction of formative programs. I can't make it. is selected.
"What, what!?
Please select the forming material.
▼ Random
Material 1: Berg Bear
Material 2: Cigara Grail
Material 3: Red High Oak
Material 4: Wolf x 127
Wolf has all materials selected.
What's happening!?
I have all the big stuff in there so far!?
Please select "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
▼ Random
Auxiliary: 10 x Spirit Flowers
Auxiliary material selected.
Whoa, whoa!
I got a bouquet of flowers for Lara and Lollollo!
He's got a few bottles!
Do you want to do this?
▼ Yes
Impossible to block the determination. Run.
"Oh my god!!!!
"A life form has been born.
Hey, hey, hey.
"--------Unable to store. It will be discharged.
Oh, shit.
Oh, come on.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!!!
It's glowing!!
Bag gear, so, so glowing......!!
I can't keep my eyes open......!
Not good!
To observe from Crown's words,
Turn the demons you've defeated into (...) material (...),
You mean like (...) a demon was born (...) and it was (...) right!!?
"!! Crown!! As soon as the demon is ejected, we can deploy gear!?
"--Unknown. Non-measurable determination of how much time it takes to normalize.
"As soon as you can, hurry!
Oh my God......!
Here, soon, I can't believe the demons are being laid off...!
I can't believe that's my fault...!
Besides, it's the pretty strong guys that made it into material......!
Here, I need to knock you down......!!
"! The light, weakens......!
Be vigilant.
From the gear, there is a tremendous spinning sound.
─ ─ ─ -Shpaaaaaaaan!!
The light that was about to subside, for a moment, increased the flash!
Unexpectedly, turning away - -!
─ ─ ─ ─ ─
... tiny.