Gear Drive


"Hey, hey, hey, hey..."


My name is Monary Flute.

Around the Virgin Riviestera,

I'm here to take care of you.

Now, I was taking in the laundry......

"─ to!

"... thanks"

Before you know it,

The rabbit folds the laundry,

He was helping me.


Wow... I won't fall at all......

It's like a white tower...

"Towels, you're good at folding..."

"Hey there."

This is prettier than me...

"Hey, hey, hey..."

"Oh, you don't have to fold the blouse on the hanger,"

"Hello to?

He stopped......

It's like words make sense.

"Um... are you sure you don't want to be by your masters...?

Oh, my God, talk to me.

"Hey there...... A little on, a little on, a little on... hey! hey! Ya!... hey, hey, hey, hey..."

(Translation: Because come on... If it starts out like that, it's a bad idea to look directly at it... Ugh! Yama! Shh!... I wonder if I can find my daughter-in-law of the same race, our living...)

"Ha ha..."


I don't know what you're talking about.

You have a sad face...

Is that...? Speaking of which,

I seem to have forgotten something important too...?

─ ─ Zudududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududud

…… Hey, what is this sound...!?

"A little to"

Outside the room......, from the garden!?

I opened a big window in the room.

Gacha! Go, Quo...!



Wow, what are you doing...?

"─ Kuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyuyu!!!


He's gaining a lot of momentum, poking dirt in his face.

"Hey, I wonder what you're doing..."

"Hey, hey."

(Translation: Seeded)

Heavy streak......

Oh I wonder if that's the kind of play......

"Wow! What are you doing, you fuzzy!?

"Are you going to plow your garden and turn it into a field!?


─ ─ Zudududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududududud

... The wanker who's got the garden full of holes,

Let's just say we leave it to Mille and Chill......



"Hey there."



Mr. Rabbit,

I am ironed handkerchief.


"... Yes"



This rabbit,

I understand the concept of cloth.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey, hey, hey. "

That's a cute song.

"A little"

"Handkerchief, did you throw it all away... Oh, thank you."


To the submissive, Usa, who can do her chores,

You're here......

The world is wide......

I thought it was time to prepare lunch.

I came to the kitchen.

In this church, with sincere transgression,

I will take the meal of the Riviestella,

I'm in charge.

"Oh, that... the oil dripping on the demon stone of fire, could it be out...?

What a loser.

My magic system is water and......

"Just now!

─ ─ Pattin!

- Bo!


When Mr. Rabbit does a finger patch,

At the fingertips of the red gloves,

There's a small fire.

"Do it."

─ ─ Boo Boo Boo Boo Boo.

You transferred the fire to the stove.

"... thanks"


... You have an amazing finger patch.



─ ─ Juwaaaaaa ─.

They're frying me.

You can do anything now.

I have a bottle packed pickle,

I was about to open it.

"Gugu... kata"

"A little to"

"Huh? Here? What are you gonna do?



"... yeah"

─ ─ Juwaaaaaaaaaaaa...!

"Oh, I'll put on a black pepper"

"hey... hey hey hey!!!


I turned right back.

"Uh... can I have this plate, please?

"Garlic on"

─ ─ Kan, Kan......!


─ ─ Jaaaaaaahhh......

Oh, you also wash things...

... Rabbit's hand,

I wonder how clever it is.

"Monary! Fusafu Wonko, I got you -!

"I washed it with water because it was muddy!!


"What, I washed your submissive beast with water, so rinse......!? Oh, such disrespect... no, you have to be careful..."

"Eh! Even Monary has a lot of help from Usa - ooh!

"I still have my plate wiped!!

─ ─ Ki-yu, ki-yu.

"A little to"

