"What can I do for your next job?

"Hey, man. That's it. We have been wholesale of pawbacca fruit from my father's father's father's and his father's generation. There's nothing else we can do when we're out of business."

The shopkeeper piles up the boxed pawbacca fruit in his luggage with a sad face.

Reesha swallowed the words to say something, and repeatedly couldn't say anything with her mouth open to say it again.

Was it still difficult for Risha?

Well, that's normal, too.

It would be more unusual if a 10-year-old or one of those kids could talk to an adult just by talking.

"... it's okay, as long as you're alive, you can handle it"

"Hey, Liesha!

I know you've thought a lot about it, but more importantly, the words you shouldn't say the most!

It was a step too late to push Leisha back to put the place away.

"Huh! What do you know about kids?

An exasperated shopkeeper kicks one of the boxes lined up thoughtfully.

The crate had fallen apart, and the fruit of Pobacca, which had jumped out of the inside, had actually disappeared into the mess and had been trampled to no avail.

"I don't know anything about the world. How dare you have such a beautiful..."

Exactly one-touch instant.

At that moment when the disturbance was ready to be inevitable, the shopkeeper cut the words as if surprised by something.

The hand stretched out to grasp rests in a halfway position, and anger emotions are disappearing from the blood-running eye as well.

Looking back at Risha, she said, "What trick did you use?" And I lost my word.

"Silver-haired, elf..."

Silky hair like silk thread in the wind painted a band of light in the sun.

The head hat is held on the chest at some point and the dark blue ribbon is shaking quietly.

"I've seen a lot of terrible things because of this hair too, but I've managed to do it before because I was alive"

A pointy ear, also to be called the symbol of the Elves exposed under the day.

The meaning of "seen" and "shown" changes dramatically.

Risha has now made the choice to "show" from herself.

I can only imagine how prepared that was to be, but I'm sure it's not easy.

"So it's okay. I'm sure we'll figure it out."

That's what Lisha laughed gently at.

Every thin beauty doesn't reach people's hearts because the person who utters the word doesn't know the true weight of the word.

But Risha knows.

And I let him prove it in front of me.

Being able to deliver your thoughts to others as words that do not lie or falsify.

It's like the opposite of me, but I guess that's one talent.

I'll pick up the broken box.

Looks like things have settled down for a moment.

Leave the two of you on the spot, and I'll retrieve the fragments of the torn crate.

The fragments that were flying pretty far were picked up by a strange sister.

I thanked him and received it. I decided that I had finished picking it up in advance and went straight back to the outdoor store.

"... I'm sorry, bro, I just got cut out."

"Never mind."

"It's not even funny," the shopkeeper began to preface as he exhaled a long sigh scratching his thin head.

"That was last month when I went to buy the fruit of the pawbacca out of my territory. As usual, when I finished buying and tried to return to the realm, a group of guards set up on Kansas Street."

"... hey Liesha, where is that?

"Uh, I think I was just heading south from the city of Cassia to the road. The surrounding area is like a forest, so if you're going to use a carriage, you need to take Kansas Street."

Ask Risha if it's a famous place there in low voice and she'll get some pretty detailed information back.

I see, that means the road that always passes when entering and leaving the territory on the south side.

"So what were the guards doing?

"... I was taking tariffs. This has never happened before, and they told me I'd confiscate the goods if they didn't check the load and pay taxes, too."

The store owner's depression was terrible and it was easy to imagine that he had been taken a considerable amount of money.

Leonard's letter is correct, even from time to time.

"It was good because most of what I paid high and brought in was bought off by the pharmaceutical guild, but the profit I got is as much as a sparrow's tears. Nevertheless, if we're going to raise the price, it's a huge deficit without buyers."

"Well, I've heard that Poebucca's are actually not selling that much anymore because there's a cheap, highly effective potion now, even if it's out of magic"

"Your daughter is right. Maybe it was the tide."

Laughing in mockery, the shopkeeper finished loading the remaining crate into the luggage.

"Then I'll let you go now. I don't know what you're looking into, but oddly enough, you don't stick your neck in it."

We'll be alone in front of an unmanned outdoor store when we drop off the owner who's leaving with a flickering wave.



Somehow we watch people come and go silently with each other.

It was Liesha who opened her mouth first.

"... I'm tired"

"I guess so."

"You can't. I can't be as good as Rosie."

"You don't have to."


"I'm the only one who does it in such a way as to take people in my hands. Risha can just go straight to the front like she just did."

That's role sharing, isn't it? and went on, Leisha laughed lightly.