Genocide Reality

184. To the heart of the meat

Reaching the sea of meat, I wave a knife at super high speeds beyond the high speeds.

The ultimate (arc) extremes taught by Dragon Queen Vuivre, now I can speed beyond that!

Too fast, my body burns up every time I shake it because of the heat of friction with the air.

Zombie meat is vulnerable to flames.

"No thanks to you!

I can hear the screaming of Mirror Dragon II from below about the trauma of being burned to death by Waba many times.

I wield my sword with all my might.

- A thousand, two thousand, three thousand!

The high volume began to sound like a geen.

A knife that keeps swinging to the speed of the moment generates a sonic boom by reaching an ultrasonic speed.

Shockwaves bounce off zombie slime meat when it's easy.

Every time I slashed and tore and proceeded downstairs, I could hear the mirror screaming more and more clarity.

Soon, we'll catch up.

"If you can get away with it, try to get away with it!

Even if I try to escape, my blade will reach you sooner than that.

As I slashed deeper into it, a scream sounded as to whether the knife had been scratched on the body of the mirror.


At the same time, I finally get my foot on the bottom of the ground.

The rushed mirror flies a lot of meat spears, but that's where you are.


I slashed through the meat and shook a knife at the side meat, screaming even louder.


Because if you hadn't come out like that, you might have crushed every middle street, but you'd have been caught off guard.

Slashing and engraving the sides as they are, the body of the mirror finally shows up ugly and swollen.

If you look at that burnt face, the Japanese-leaf attack also seemed to make sense.

I'll stab you with a stop right away.

"I caught up with you, you monster!

"Bogu is not a beard!

Right, you were human.

If it stayed like a monster, I wouldn't have seen a gap.

By now, you thought you should crush it. The walls of meat around you push by as much as the tsunami.

But it's too late!

Can you stop me now with something like that?


The walls of flesh were blocked by the flames of fire emanating from my left hand.

In the meantime, my right hand moves to flow, crushing both eyes of your mirror with one sword.


With the next knife, I had a heavy response when I stabbed him in the head with a zung.

Make a water noise with Bashan, and the meat walls around him collapse.

Right, was the contents of the head still the nucleus (core) equivalent of the human brain?

Moja's head, which became a monster from man, had left his weakness as a human being in him.

"Oh no... silly..."

"Go back to hell again, Mirror!

Smash the core of your mirror (core) with an extra sword of strength.

"I don't like it anymore, Aya, Aya, Aya..."

What was Mirror Ryuji melted with drooling as he rose up in the bump and raised a grudge that was no longer a human word.

At the same time, the zombie slime meat disappeared leaving a small chunk like a hedron.