Get the Fishing Heaven System at the start

Chapter 297, four, new helper!

Just on Zhang Shengmei, Cold Cream, Hades.

Wang Yao and Zeus have also completed ... the third trick fight!

With the full version of "Big Boxing", Wang Yao finally blocked Zeus's thunder, after, both sides had a little exhaustive, a little breathless.

A few seconds.

It's slow to come, Wang Yao asked: "Zeus, don't you play this?"

"Why not? Oriental teenage, I do this, don't you destroy it?"

Zeus laughed and said.

In this regard, Wang Yao really didn't have a temper.

At the same time, the situation is concerned about Wang Yao, Zhang Shengmei, and condensate, is quite unfavorable.

the reason is.

Pluto Hadis, it is too powerful!

To know, Hades that is in charge of the trend, looks like it is the least and worse.

But with the migrant army of our cultivation, he has overthrown ... The strength of the Olympus Mountain!

of course.

In the beginning.

Hades and Zeus, the brothers have the relationship with the relationship, and they don't think about this.

Later, the relationship between the two sides was stiff, Zeus had always been very vigilant for Hadis.


Go back later.

Zeus's daughter-Pozsefun, became the relationship between Hades, after the brothers, the brothers, this has a slow-minded ...

? ? ?

Head, Zeus is both the brother of Hades, and is his old man?


All said, the gods of this group of Greek myths, the relationship is fascinating, in their eyes, the ethical outline of the Summer people pays attention to, maybe a fart.


Say it back.

There is a saying, at this moment, Wang Yao will encounter Zeus, Hades, this "three gods", the rest of the two siege, he is pre-expected.

Source is two: First, it is logical speculation; Second, it is the system task.


After solving the Poseidian Winter Winter.

The dog system will give Wang Yao to release the subsequent task of this series of tasks.

The content is to seek break the way when faced with this sudden change!

So how do you break?

First use conventional.

When it is, the heart is always moving, Wang Yao has taken out the synthetic prints of the monarch, there is no hesitation of the sky, and it is crushed it ...

Amount ~~~ Can you finish this step?

Although Summer is here, there is a distance from the distance, and if you want to rush, you need a small period of time.


Decline the late stage.

This level of monks will have a slightly negligible small capabilities.

It is - within the thousands of miles, let you down your own knowledge!

It is true that the combat power of the knowledge is very weak, but it is a good thing for ventilation.


Wang Yao behind crushing.

The Jun is completely in the first time, just tell Wang Yao with his own knowledge, he is on the way to come, after doing this, it is not he safe, let the opponent troubles?

But now, Jun is not so dry.

Is it forgotten?


At this time, Pluto Hadis said: "Wang Yao is right? You don't have to wait for your helper - the monarch is against the sky, he now, most of them are something, can't go."

is it?

Hades, there is no deceptive ...

Will look at the emperors of the Summer State.

After you feel that your own character is crushing, the monarch is planning, in the first time, he rushed to rescue Wang Yao.


He was trapped in a person, and he was trapped -

"Haha! Jun goes back to the sky, come and not bother. This time, the turn is my disgusting you."

"Dongpu old ancestors, you!"

"How? Don't say, Zeus and Hades, for this matter, gave me a lot of benefits. I, this is called people to win money, disaster with people. More than people, the little child, hostile to me so deep , Progress is so fast, he does not die ... I! Heart! Difficult! An! "

"You think that you must stop me?"

"Not necessarily. But if you are gone, you are not afraid ... I have to do this for Xia Guo?"

"You dare! Your site, don't?"

"With you. For replacement, I don't live anyway. But I am willing, are you waiting?"

Jun against the sky: "..."


This situation.

For a few more, it is like a hooligan without the bottom line, and there is a gentleman, always suffer.

It is like last year, on the border, the four martyrs sacrificed, it is.

So, the monarch did not dare to move.

He will not do the innocent people.

Say back.

Wen Yan, Wang Yao said: "Zeus, Hades, is your idea to try, trapped the monarch?"

"What is it? Oriental teenager, give up struggle. Today, it is your death. Rest assured, you are two, as long as you are willing to come from me, I can do the Lord, and rush for them."

Said this, Zeus face, will not reveal the laughter.


In this regard, Zhang Shengmei, the condensation cream is in the same channel.

In this way, Zeiss's eye wrinkled, and then said: "Sex is enough, I like it!"


Hadis said: "My dear younger brother, don't play. According to me, first in the power of you, I will solve this kid and say."


Speaking room.

Zeus began to accumulate.

Hades didn't do this.

Hades in the sword of the Pluto, Shi exhibited his sheds - Pluto Nine Sword!

Point, thorn, break, block, hit, back, , , absolutely!

Faced with this trick.

At the moment, Wang Yao, this state, wants to resist, truth, absolutely ... force is not caught!


Just at this time.

There is a small figure that appears in front of Wang Yao.

Under his continuous throw, use his own trick to help Wang Yao blocked the horrible nine sword.

I am jealous, absolutely "timely rain".

who is it?

The monarch is impossible.

In this way, this left, the new powerful helper, there is only possible - the beast, the egg born!


Seeing this situation, Zeus is more surprised. He doesn't help but say: "Oriental teenagers, you violate the agreement. My son Apollo, and your agreement, it can only bring two helpers than your weak."

"Ha ha."

Like two sisters, Wang Yaidao: "The king of the gods, who is going to destroy the rules first? Let's say that helper help, always a person? This is not, he is just my beast pet, this is only "

As soon as I said, Wang Yao stroked the egg born with a small head.

For this move ... egg born is very uncomfortable!

Only family pets, I like to be "Rua", but he is not, let alone, he is still the shape.

PS: First change, ask for collection, seek recommendation, ask for subscription, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for reward, ask for card, seek five-star praise, what? ~~~~~~


B station user | Conventions:


I have a white rice and a happy water.

I don't want to be why these people who have strong and strong soldiers will die.

I am awaken at night.

Suddenly remember

They die for me

Never stay in the years, pay tribute to the martyrs!