Ghost Crossing

Chapter 124 Swimming Pool Incident (End)

Putting the money down, Ding Weiren shook his head and denied: "This can't explain anything, it's just a coincidence! I don't know what Zhu Tao you said."

Attempted murder is different from the crime of homicide. Without definite evidence, Ding Weiren would not admit that he was killed.

Seeing Ding Weiren's death, Xing Jun pushed Qian aside and said coldly, "Coincidence? I don't think it is a coincidence!" He nodded to the police officer beside him, and the police officer immediately called out the surveillance system to release him. Ding Weiren looked.

It was a video about half a year ago. Ding Weiren went to the bank to get cash, and then left with a large amount of cash.

Seeing this video, Ding Weiren's heart suddenly became anxious. The money he hired later was the money he withdrew from this batch. Damn, how could the police think of checking his withdrawal records?

With a grunting eyes, Ding Weiren chuckled softly: "Isn’t it just me going to the bank to withdraw cash? What's the matter, can I withdraw some cash for reserve? This is normal. As for this monitoring, I don’t even remember the money. Where is it used."

Xing Jun raised his eyebrows and joked: "But the money you withd this day is this batch of consecutive numbers."

"It's ridiculous, will you still record the serial number when you withdraw money?" Ding Weiren sneered, laughing.

Xing Jun didn't talk much, he took out his cell phone and called up a photo. A certain bank clerk smiled with a v gesture. The background in the photo was a red banknote and ticket.

Ding Weiren looked at the photo indifferently and did not speak.

With a finger stroke, the next photo is a banknote and a ticket. This time it is a recent photo. The numbers on it are all clear.

It was also bad luck for Ding Weiren, and it was also God's beauty. The stack of money that the salesperson chose at random was the stack of Zhu Tao's balance.The numbers are exactly right.

Mad, Ding Weiren scolded his mother, isn't he the clerk who received him?Why did she still take pictures? It's a cheating, oh no, cheating him!

Looking at Ding Weiren whose face turned stinky.A mocking smile appeared at the corner of Xing Jun's mouth and said, "Yes. This is the bank staff who handled the business for you at that time. You applied for cash withdrawal one day in advance, and the bank pulled in a new banknote the next day after reporting. . It’s all serial numbers. The salesman clearly remembers that you took all the money.” That’s it.But the meaning is very clear.

Zhu Tao's money was the same as the 1 million yuan, and it was all out of Ding Weiren's hands.And there are powerful certification and physical evidence.

Ding Weiren twisted his body uncomfortably. He did not argue again this time, but acquiesced in it, and did not admit that there was any way?He has been bad for eight lifetimes.I met a salesman who loves taking selfies.

These days, who would read the serial number when withdrawing money?Moreover, the withdrawal bank does not record the serial number, which can be wrong.The salesman he met took a photo, and he remembered him!

"You are the one who hired Zhu Tao!" Xing Jun concluded directly.Then he asked: "I advise you to take the initiative to explain the crime, and don't waste everyone's time."

Ding Weiren was still struggling, and he murmured: "I am giving the money to that person, Zhu Tao, but I think he is pitiful, so I kindly send the money, I am doing charity, this is not good?"

Anyway, in a word, I don't admit it to death. Anyway, there is no strong evidence that he hired the murderer. These evidences can also be evaded by coincidence.

No tears without the coffin!Xing Jun directly notified his subordinates to bring witnesses in.

At the hearing, there were witnesses, Ding Weiren was stunned, what witnesses?There are witnesses?Zhu Tao has been killed by him, so naturally he will not show up. Others, are there any witnesses?

When seeing the witness that Xing Jun said in his mouth appeared, Ding Weiren froze. He felt his whole body soft and his heartbeat almost stopped.

Yes, this witness was the one he hired to hit Ding Hong, and it happened that this witness was not a stranger, but the brother of one of his wives. He didn't know it before, but he found out after paying the money. The wife also admitted angrily, saying that she hired someone anyway, so it's better to hire her own.

The so-called fertile water does not flow into the field of outsiders. Whoever earns money is not earning it. It is better to make money from your own people.

Afterwards, Ding Weiren regretted his death, so he shouldn't let this wife go to find someone. He ended up cheating himself, but everything had already happened, and it was useless to complain, so he stopped mentioning it.

Because of this relationship, Ding Weiren secretly contacted this wife and asked her to tell her brother to stay away quickly and not to appear in this city recently.

But what he didn't know was that Lao Ding heard all this conversation. Lao Ding immediately told Nomad, and Nomad told Xing Jun. Xing Jun immediately made up for arrest.

"Brother-in-law!" Seeing Ding Weiren, the witness shouted nervously.

Ding Weiren waved his hand weakly and said, "I will confess my guilt."

Witness Mr. A was a little anxious when he heard this, but he was taken away forcibly before he could speak. The man who was brought out looked annoyed. He didn't admit anything. Brother-in-law wouldn't think he had pleaded guilty. It was miserable. He only saw his brother-in-law being arrested and felt guilty. He thought that the Dongchuang incident had happened, and he had no confidence to speak. But when he heard his brother-in-law's words, he realized it, but it was too late.

Yes, after Mr. A was arrested, he always thought that he had escaped at most, so he kept gritting his teeth and did not plead guilty. Brother-in-law is rich, he does not plead guilty, and he will definitely be compensated greatly after going out.

Mr. A is very rascal. He has not married a wife and had children at such a young age. He has done all kinds of petty theft, robbery, robbery, and even raped and raped women, but he has always been at large. In Ding Weiren’s heart, Mr. A is very unreliable. , That's why he was worried that he would confess himself after being caught, so he deliberately contacted his wife to let this man stay away.

When Ding Weiren saw Mr. A appearing at the police station as a witness, he immediately thought that the situation was over. Mr. A must have given him out, so he stopped struggling and admitted directly.

Xu knew that there must be someone listening outside the interrogation room. Ding Weiren glanced at the glass and smiled bitterly: "Ding Hong just watch it outside."

Seeing Xing Jun nodded his head without denying, Ding Weiren slowly explained the crime.

All the crimes have been spoken out, and this confession has gone too far.

There are 4 lives in his hand, one is to do it himself, and 3 are hired to kill.There are also attempted homicides, misappropriation of public property, illegal possession of guns, and all petty crimes and serious crimes are full.

The intentional attempted homicide included a small life of Ding Hong.

Hiring to kill is Ding Hong's grandfather and parents.

Ding Weiren drooped his head and confessed all the crimes and the past, and everyone who heard it was shocked.

How frantic this is.The whole family was killed by him!

And Ding Hong.He cried directly, shaking his head in disbelief, and muttering: "How could this happen. How could this happen?" Uncle actually killed his grandfather, not even his parents, even him. Hurt.

He treated him like a father, so cruel to him!This person's heart.What is it made of?How can you be so unfeeling?

Seeing Ding Hong crying so hard, the nomad cast a pitying look.This poor baby looked up at Old Ding, also with a bitter face, dare not cry.He had known these for a long time, so he didn't feel great at the moment.It was just that Ding Weiren finally pleaded guilty, and his grandson was crying.I couldn't tell whether I should be happy or sad.

With a faint sigh, Lao Ding cast a grateful look towards the nomad, and left the police station directly. The matter was over. He couldn't stay longer, so he should go and reincarnate!All the property is given to the grandson, who will be his own in the future.

Finally, after the interrogation in the interrogation room was completed, Ding Weiren explained all the crimes and let the police escort him away. He was convicted of so many crimes.

Xing Jun came to the side of the nomad and extended his hand to thank you: "Thank you this time."

As for Ding Hong, who is crying next to him, well, let him cry for a while, comforting people is not his strong point.

Hearing this, the nomad stretched out his hand and shook it back, and smiled boldly: "Thank me for what I did. If you want to thank you, please thank Fu Xiaowan! Ouch, I am so exhausted. I haven't slept in bed for so many days. I'm going back.

"Well, I'm still busy, so I won't send you off!" Xing Jun nodded and let go, and the nomad waved his hand to leave.

During this period of time, he was really exhausted. In order to keep in touch with Lao Ding, he followed Ding Weiren all the time. Because there was Lao Ding, he had fallen far, so he was spotted by Ding Weiren, but he was always sleeping in the car. Ah, I eat and drink, buy it and eat it in the car, go to the toilet and have to make a quick decision with my legs clamped.

As for Ding Hong, he couldn't bear the fact that he cried silently, but after the interrogation, he immediately turned his head to wipe the tears. In fact, after Xing Jun came out, Ding Hong did not cry anymore, but remembered it. Body wiped tears.

Ding Hong was stunned when he heard the nomad mention Fu Xiaowan, Fu Xiaowan?Is this man related to Fu Xiaowan?The police also know Fu Xiaowan?what happened?

Fu Xiaowan knew about this case and participated in it.

Did Fu Xiaowan come to the company for this case?

Recall that the fax of the will was received after Fu Xiaowan came, and Fu Xiaowan also asked someone to act to deceive him.

The more I think about it, the more my head hurts, I am confused, and my mind is stuck.

But it didn't matter. Ding Hong turned around and grabbed the nomad who was about to leave, and asked nervously, "You just said, Fu Xiaowan? Where is she? What does she have to do with this case? She is a policeman?"

The dragged nomad cried out secretly, and looked at Xing Jun for help. When it was over, he inadvertently told Fu Xiaowan. This time, will Fu Xiaowan cause trouble?

Upon seeing this, Xing Jun could only explain: "Ding Hong, don't get excited, I will explain the matter to you later."

"Yes, yes, yes, the criminal police officer will explain to you, you, let go." The nomad broke Ding Hong's finger directly, and then fled, wondering if he wanted to tell Fu Xiaowan?Uh, or forget it.Well, let's not say it, Xing Jun also knows anyway, Xing Jun should inform Fu Xiaowan of this matter.

Hearing that the criminal police officer said to explain later, Ding Hong did not insist on dragging the nomad, and let the nomad escape, and then stared at Xing Jun with scorching eyes, as if I were waiting for you to explain.

Xing Jun felt a headache, and said in a pleased gesture: "Let's sit down and talk!"

Finding a quiet place to sit down, Ding Hong stared at Xing Jun nervously. Why was Fu Xiaowan involved in this matter? Fu Xiaowan knew about the uncle's affairs a long time ago?

Xing Jun coughed dryly and explained: "Actually, Fu Xiaowan, well, she is a police informant, she is not a policeman."

Informant?Ding Hong showed a look of unbelief. The inexplicable familiarity must be unusual. What is it that he doesn't know?

"Actually. I don't know how to explain this to you. I can only tell you that this case can be solved smoothly. It depends on Fu Xiaowan's help." Xing Jun can't explain too much, can't say Fu Xiaowan. Seeing your dead grandpa, he entrusted him to save you, right?

Ding Hong was dissatisfied when he heard such a reply, frowning and asked, "Where is Fu Xiaowan? I will ask her personally!" He wanted to ask.Is it necessary to ask an actor to lie to him?Is it necessary to approach the company to solve the case?Go to Grandpa's villa before that.Did Fu Xiaowan arrange it on purpose?

Xing Jun helplessly said, "I can't be the master of this, and Fu Xiaowan is not here now. I went to another place." Xing Jun still knew about Fu Xiaowan's whereabouts, and went to another province, which is the city where Fang Jing's parents worked. .

Not in this city anymore?Ding Hong was at a loss.Then he prayed: "Then, can you give me Fu Xiaowan's contact information? I will look for her when she comes back!"

Fu Xiaowan lied to Ding Hong.Ding Hong has always been hidden in his heart and held in his heart. Today, his uncle confessed his crime again, which made Ding Hong's whole life gloomy.Only Fu Xiaowan can distract Ding Hong from her affairs.

"This!" Xing Jun was embarrassed, he didn't know whether he should give Ding Hong the contact information of Fu Xiaowan.Yes, what if Ding Hong went to Fu Xiaowan to pester her?Don't give.Right now Ding Hong will definitely not give up and leave easily, so tangled!

Seeing Xing Jun falter, Ding Hong said displeased: "If you don't tell me, I will ask someone to check. I can always find Fu Xiaowan." He didn't know this before, but his uncle hired people to do so many things. What, money can do many things, he believes that it shouldn't be difficult to find a person's whereabouts, and he has a picture of Fu Xiaowan.(It can be adjusted in the company monitoring.)

This kid, how has it gone bad!Actually knew to hire a detective!Xing Jun rolled his eyes silently, and finally had to let go: "Fu Xiaowan hasn't come back yet, and you won't see her even if you check it out. Then, wait for my news, I will contact Fu Xiaowan. If she is willing to see you, I will Let me inform you that if she refuses, I also hope that you will not disturb her or disturb her life!"

Is he bothering Fu Xiaowan?Ding Hong asked himself, the answer is yes, but he has no spiritual sustenance now, only Fu Xiaowan, there is only this he can do now, otherwise he really doesn't know what to do.

His eyes fluctuated, Ding Hong was silent for a moment before he nodded: "Okay, I'll wait for your news." But he silently added in his heart, a week, a week without news from Fu Xiaowan, he asked the detective to investigate, when he went out in person Find Fu Xiaowan.

What Ding Hong refused to admit was that he missed Fu Xiaowan in his heart, and wanted to see her, so much!

(A lonely and introverted child who has never been in love, once has a good impression of someone, it is easy to fall in love, although it is not necessarily love, it may just be dependent.)

Ding Hong left the police station like a walking corpse and returned to the villa, standing blankly in the living room. He recalled that in this villa, his grandfather helped him correct his schoolwork, played with him, told him stories, all his memories Scene by scene passed through my mind.

He looked through every room and recalled what his grandfather had done in this room before. Then he walked to his grandfather’s bedroom and saw his parents’ photo albums. Turning over the pages, he couldn’t help but tears. Down.

Mom and Dad, the uncle actually killed him!For a long time, he has longed for the love of his father and mother, and he regarded the uncle who killed his parents as his biological father. Thinking about it now, how sad and ridiculous he is!

Holding the photos of his parents in his arms, Ding Hong shrank and lay down on his grandfather's bed, falling asleep with tears.

After Ding Hong left, Xing Jun dialed Fu Xiaowan's phone and told Fu Xiaowan about Ding Hong. He was very embarrassed and apologized, saying that he had accidentally missed her.

Fu Xiaowan was speechless when he heard the news, why Ding Hong hadn't forgotten her!Still thinking about coming to her, what to do with her?She couldn't bring Lao Ding back to life, nor could she bring Ding Hong's parents back to life. Could she ask her to comfort him?Is she not that important yet?

Ding Hong inherited all the property. If you really want to find her, you will definitely be able to find her. How embarrassing to meet by then!Forget it, let's meet again!

Fu Xiaowan said quietly that it was okay. See you if you want to. The matter on her side has just been resolved, and she can go back tomorrow. If she has time, she will go to Ding Hong to chat.

Zuo Lu had been taken away by her grandma, Fang Jing was completely relieved, her whole body was like a reborn, becoming more relaxed, with a faint smile on her face.Seeing Fang's father and mother, I was very puzzled, is this right?Feeling so good?

After touching the pendant, Fang Jing called Wen Hong directly, and the two of them were silent for a while, or Wen Hong broke the deadlock and asked Zuo Lu what happened?

Fang Jing didn't hide it either.Said that Zuo Lu had untied her happy knot and left.She will go back to school soon, and at the end, she choked up and said something.Sorry, thanks, I miss you so much.

Sorry, I turned out to be a female and homosexual.Thank you, you don't mind this matter and still want to be with me.

Wen Hong's nose was sour after hearing this.Scolded: Silly girl, come back quickly, I miss you too.

Two people talked like this.The feelings quickly warmed up, and then they began to complain, especially Wen Hong.I was very curious about this and asked what was going on.

Fang Jing has never secreted Wen Hong.He directly confessed Fu Xiaowan, and then how to help Zuo Lu untie his happy knot, all of them were told, and Wen Hong was shocked.

Fu Xiaowan, of course he knew the man in the school, but when did she meet the kid Rong Hongqian?Okay, Rong Hongqian still concealed it from telling him. If Jinger hadn't told him about it, he would really think that Rong Hongqian could see ghosts. It turned out to be Fu Xiaowan's ability.

Suddenly he became curious, and Wen Hong decided to find Rong Hongqian to settle the account.

But Fang Jing didn't know, she didn't conceal it, so Rong Hongqian was severely slaughtered.

After chatting with Wen Hong, Fang Jing called Fu Xiaowan again, thanked him again and again, and asked nervously, did Zuo Lu really leave?Did you really reincarnate?

Fu Xiaowan told her grandma about this. Grandma said she would pick Zuo Lu in person. In her heart, grandma must be ok. But seeing Fang Jing so uneasy, she asked Fang Jing to come out to meet and see Zuo Lu. Still not in the pendant.

When the two women met, Fu Xiaowan looked at the pendant directly and said with a smile: "No, Zuo Lu has already left."

"That's good!" Fang Jing was completely relieved, and then asked nervously, "Then, did Zuo Lu go to reincarnation?"

"En!" Fu Xiaowan nodded vigorously and promised: "Don't worry, ghosts are not enough, you don't need to queue up, Zuo Lu will go to the underworld today, and she will probably be reborn today or tomorrow!"

"So fast!" Fang Jing slapped, watching those horror movies and novels, didn't they all say that the underworld had to line up for reincarnation, remember there is another movie, those ghosts have to line up to buy places to reincarnate first.

Fu Xiaowan sneered and said: "Don't be misled by those movies. How big is the population of China now? Newborns are born every day, and the number of births is far more than the number of deaths."

Fang Jing listened and nodded slightly, yes, now the aging is getting more and more serious, and the death rate of the elderly is decreasing. Although the birth rate of newborns is also decreasing, it is still much more than the death toll!

Knowing that Zuo Lu could reincarnate, Fang Jing put it down completely, and thanked Fu Xiaowan.

Fu Xiaowan waved her hand, very embarrassed, she caused the trouble, and of course she had to solve it. Although, in fact, grandma did her best and she was ashamed.

Then the two chatted for a while. Fu Xiaowan said that she would be going back tomorrow. Fang Jing said that she was going to be together. She had asked for leave for many days, and she was really worried that she would not be able to keep up with her schoolwork.

At night, Fang Jing mentioned this to her parents and said she was going back to school. Fang's father and mother didn't hold back. They had a good dinner and saw Fang Jing off the next day. In the hearts of the two elders, Fang Jing must be I have made peace with Wen Hong, so I am in a good mood and I have to go back to school.

When getting on the train, Fang's father and mother looked at Fu Xiaowan waving at his daughter with a look of surprise, and watched the two get on the train together. Fang's mother said suspiciously, "Here, Jinger knows that girl!"

Father Fang raised his eyebrows, and he was also puzzled: "I don't know!"

---The swimming pool incident ended here, Fang Jing and Wen Hong continued to fall in love, and Fu Xiaowan continued to cross the ghosts.---

After seeing Fu Xiaowan, Lao Ding said goodbye. It was time for him to go to reincarnation. This time, Fu Xiaowan had two ghosts, Lao Ding and Zuo Lu.

Although Zuo Lu was taken away by her grandmother, she still counted on Fu Xiaowan's head. Who let her take the shot?

Seeing the numbers on the palms of her hands increased again, Fu Xiaowan smiled relievedly.l