You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Giant Chong: Chase Your Wife, Please Queuing for Novels ("After Fu Qingtong left the police station, the next day he went to Hongyuan Community to visit Shu Tian's parents.

The two elderly people lost a lot of weight under the daily worry and tension, especially Shu Changlei, who used to praise him for his good spirits when he was full of energy, but now he is a lot older, wearing slightly washed shirts. , Her face was lifeless, let alone Ye Lihua, the white hair on top of her head came out one by one, and her eyes were a little muddy crying.

Fu Qingtong brought a lot of supplements from home, knowing that they might not have time to eat, but still feel relieved, "Uncles and aunts, don’t worry, I went to see Xiaotian yesterday, she is fine, although she is in the police But Li Han greeted her. Everyone took good care of her, eating and drinking were all alone, and she didn't look too different from the outside."

Forgive her for the lie now, because she really couldn't bear to tell the truth in front of two elderly people over half a hundred years old.

Ye Lihua's eyes straightened when she heard her say this. She grasped her hand with great strength but didn't know it, "What did you say? You went to see Shu Tian!?"

Fu Qingtong freed up a hand and patted the back of her hand, and calmly said, "Yes, Auntie, I'm going."

"She, how is she doing now? It doesn't matter if you are in health. Have you ever told you about the lawsuit, when can people be released?" Ye Lihua said anxiously, "I believe Tian Tian will never commit murder or crime. She was taught to her by her father and I since she was a child, she is not such a child..."

"I know Auntie, don't worry, the lawsuit hasn't been heard yet. Everything is unknown. The outside media, regardless of whether it is true or not, are spreading indiscriminately in order to gain attention."

The man did not flick lightly when he had tears, and Shu Changlei's lifelong man couldn't help but red eyes, "How is Shu Tian now, how is he?"

"Very good, she even asked me to see you, just because the family is worried."

"I'm afraid that the family will worry about not contacting them!" Shu Changlei was angry when she said, not really to blame her, but not wanting her to bear so much alone.

"The police have regulations, there is no way to tell the family, uncle, don't worry, Tian Tian is really fine." Fu Qingtong repeatedly told the old man that Shu Tian would be fine, fearing that they would be worried about something good or bad.

It's not a joke at such an old age, and I can't bear a little fluctuating mood.

The big rock in my heart has been hanging for so long, and now it has finally landed a bit, and both of them secretly wiped their tears. Ye Lihua is a woman who is more sensual, and she can’t stop crying, "Lao Shu, you say we are in this life Duty, diligent, and conscientious, what kind of evil did you do to spread these bad things..."

Shu Changlei didn't speak, his face was not pretty.

Fu Qingtong patted the elders on the shoulders and gently encouraged them, "Uncles and aunts, don't be sad. Shu Tian must be worried about you in there too. She should blame me for knowing that you are so sad. She said that the lawsuit will end soon. , Then she will be able to go home."

"The lawsuit..." Ye Lihua couldn't go on with a choked voice, intermittently, "Is the lawsuit so easy to fight?"

"Li Han is helping her. It is estimated that the winning rate will be very high." At this time, Fu Qingtong didn't know that the man had pleaded guilty.

Shu Changlei took Ye Lihua into his arms and sighed with emotion, "Good luck... all good luck..."

Fu Qingtong couldn't help feeling sad when she looked at it. I really hope that all this can be over quickly and let life get back on track. Otherwise, no one can hold on to it.

Even she was so tired that she was about to suffocate, let alone the person involved.

She glanced around at Shu Tian's house, and finally returned to Shu Changlei and Ye Lihua, praying constantly, get well, get better soon.


Shu Tian didn't know how she spent two nights from the detention center. She only knew that when someone outside said to take her out, her legs were a little unstable.

The room was too humid, the food was unpalatable, and she needed a lot of nutrition and couldn't keep up with her pregnancy, which made her whole body weak.

Seeing her sway, the person next to her asked, "Is it all right, Miss Shu?"

"It's okay."

"You will go to court later, if you feel uncomfortable, say it as soon as possible." Aiwei Novel

"Well, I know." Shu Tian gritted her teeth and held it up. If she is uncomfortable, the court time will be delayed. She doesn't want to wait for a moment.

Shu Tian was watched and escorted into the escort car. The car drove smoothly. Before reaching the gate of the court, she could feel the car slowly following behind.

"These reporters don't even want their lives for the news!" One of the escorts complained to the driver.

"Didn't you say, it is estimated that a piece of news can make a lot of money."

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, Shu Tian was full of sorrow, not knowing when she became the talker of others.

Fortunately, the car couldn't be seen from the outside, so she felt a little more secure in her heart.

When the escort car drove to the door of the court, he was quickly surrounded by reporters from various media companies. Looking at the black DSLRs and cameras, Shu Tian sat in the seat and felt cold.

"Ms. Shu, we will cover your head when we get off the car, please cooperate."

Shu Tian glanced at the dark gray cloth in the man's hand, and squeezed his hands on his side, suddenly a firm belief in his heart, "No, why should I leave my face covered when I did nothing wrong?"

She is not the one who is wrong, nor is the one who should be covered.

No matter what the outsiders are like, what the public opinion says, she is sitting upright, knowing it in her heart, she will never admit what she has never done in this life.

The police officer is a man in his early thirties. Hearing that, he looked at her with a little more admiration. You must know that many men do not have such courage, "We respect your choice."

The police officers helped her out of the car from the left to the right. Just as they walked out, the flashing lights crackled, and the court entrance immediately turned into a sea of ​​white flowers, bright and scary.

Shu Tian could hardly open his eyes and be quiet, stretched out his hand to block it slightly, and then was dragged forward, but even though he couldn't see it, the voice was still in his ears——

"Ms. Shu, I heard that President Li personally went into battle today, so I can talk about your preparation code..."

"Miss Shu, I heard that you have been denying that you murdered. For this trial, how confident are you that you can clear the suspicion..."

"Miss Shu,..."

Shu Tian's head would be disturbed by these sounds. She walked a few steps and finally stepped into the court hall. The sensor door closed, and her ears instantly became clean.

Looking down at the smooth and bright ground under her feet, her heart trembled fiercely and felt her physical reaction. The two staff next to her were very responsible and asked, "Miss Shu, if you are unwell..."

"I'm fine." Shu Tian raised his hand to interrupt him before he finished listening, "Let's go."

The longer the delay, the more obvious the baby in the belly, and her morning sickness reaction will become heavier, so it is best to deal with it as soon as possible.


She was taken to an office connected to the courtroom. Later, she would enter the court through this door, facing the judge and the lawyer to make her position clear.

Shu Tian was very nervous, but she didn't dare to be too excited for fear of affecting the children in her stomach. These days, she couldn't eat well and couldn't sleep, and she was not very comfortable.

When she was anxious, the office door was suddenly pushed open. The man wore a neat black suit and walked up to her to stand. The tie was neatly tied at the neckline, and the hair was combed to the back of his head. A few days ago, the appearance of the dust and the dust returned to the previous look of dignity and arrogance.

The clothes are very well-fitting, it can be seen that they are tailor-made, and the style is officially without any extra tricks, but it is indescribably charming when worn on him.

He didn't say anything, and he gave her a passionate kiss when he came up. That kind of strong feeling can be felt by Shu Tian through such movements. He missed her very much, just like her.