You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Giant Chong: Chase Your Wife, Please Queuing for Novels ("Tang Lei's words seemed like a rolling stone hitting Tang Wan's heart. She thought that although she was not a perfect sister, she had at least 80 points. She had never thought that she actually looked like this in his heart.

Yes, she suppresses herself every day, and she still feels painful at first, but after a long time, she can't distinguish between depression and freedom. She seems to be used to herself running around in the hospital and various working places every day. I forgot about her and used to be the president of the school’s student council. I forgot the ambitions she wrote down in her sophomore year. The two years of suspension made her life lose the last glimmer of expectations. A child like her without a background can only be knowledgeable. Change her fate, but she has lost this last straw.

For this family, she gave up her university life. She tried to paralyze herself, but Tang Lei, who was a bystander, saw everything.

"Sister, I know you are for me, for my mother. I thought that when my school hours are free, I will go out to work, which can also relieve your pressure. I don't want to see you sacrifice yourself for me."

Tang Wan chuckled, sadly, "Xiao Lei, I am not a good role model, you are right."

She suddenly felt that the self who taught Tang Lei just now was so ridiculous. Her life had lost all its colors and was restricted by various stereotypes set up by herself. Now she still wants to restrict Tang Lei.

"I'm so funny."

"Sister, don't say that!" Tang Lei became excited, "If it weren't for you, this house would have been over. I just feel sorry for you, and I want to tell you that I am not what you think, I will do it to myself. Things are responsible, but I want you to be bold and don't let yourself be so depressed."

"Sister knows." Tang Wan stood up from the sofa, "Sister is tired, go and rest for a while."

Tang Lei wanted to call her to stop, but looking at her tired footsteps, he still didn't speak.

The young man clenched his fists to his side and swears secretly from the bottom of my heart, sister, I will work hard to grow up to protect you and mother!


Country Y, hospital, late at night.

Ling Junze put the research plan that was finalized at the meeting in front of Li Han, “This is the result of expert discussion. We have set two plans for Shu Tian’s burns. One is the traditional skin grafting method to remove the damage on her body. It is a very common treatment to remove the tissue and replace it on the back. The disadvantage is that it will still leave obvious scars after the operation. The second is to use laser means to selectively use different wavelengths of colored light. The treatment of scars, by controlling the wavelength of the laser, can repair different tissues and different degrees of scars without harming the skin tissues."

After finishing speaking, he added, “But because Shu Tian’s trauma is relatively large, although there have been interventions before, it is still a large area in comparison, so the treatment process will be more painful, but anesthetic is not available. The effect is affected. The advantage is that this method combined with the drugs studied by Ling's can completely remove all scars."

Li Han listened quietly, and asked after he finished speaking, "How painful is it?"

"The number of labor pain levels can reach seven or eight. To tell you the truth, there are many people, including male patients, who failed in the end, and many give up halfway." Gougou Novel Network

Li Han hardly had any hesitation in his heart to favor the first treatment. In fact, even if Shu Tian’s back can only be like now, he would not care, but she cares, and the scars brought a lot to her heart. Stressed and gloomy, I had to accept a new round of treatment.

"The first one." He still made a decision, "I don't want her to suffer so much more pain."

Such an answer was not unexpected. Ling Junze had already thought that he would choose planA, but he still persuaded him, "Ahan, I know you feel sorry for Shu Tian, ​​but you'd better ask her about this matter. After all, if this scar is not treated now, it will not be so easy to recover after a long time to form an old scar. Moreover, this choice will stay with her for life. If she knows that there is a better way to heal in the future, she will be surprised you."

The man was lost in thought, and there was another light stubble on his chin, which grew out of one day without shave. For so long, he has been with Shu Tian in the hospital, even the medical staff here are right. This man is admiring, many people can be company, but such a company is too rare.

Such an impatient person was completely replaced in front of Shu Tian, ​​making Junze joking that day, saying that he had never taken care of other people's feelings for more than 30 years, and now he made up for it all.

This person just smiled and didn't care at all. He was willing to take care of Shu Tian, ​​and he also confirmed those four words, love is stronger than gold.

Seeing his embarrassed look, Junze couldn’t bear to bear, and made a decision for him from the perspective of a doctor, “Let’s do this as I said, anyway, as a patient, Shu Tian knows the treatment plan. Quan, you discuss it with her, and we'll decide."


Early the next morning, Shu Tian opened his eyes and saw the man on the small bed beside him. He was so tall that he was lying on the small bed, his legs could not be straight, his knees curled up slightly, appearing Somewhat pitiful.

She quietly glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside, but at half past five, she recently went to bed early, so she woke up early. At this time, watching the man with her eyes closed, she simply faced his direction. Put your hands under your cheeks and look carefully.

Since she saw the scars that day, he hasn't left for half a step. At first, she always wanted to hide herself and didn't want to face anyone, but he unreasonably invaded her space and let her hide. Nothing to hide, but forced her out of a cowering state.

She has been in Country Y for so long, and he hasn't said a word of complaint. Even though there are so many calls every day, he is all handled by the assistant and secretary.

Every time she sees this man doing everything she can to give, she wants to remember her previous memories immediately. What kind of experience can make such a person fall in love with herself?

The morning light outside the window spilled into the room, and she looked at it carefully. Under the blue sky and white clouds, a plane passed through the sky. Suddenly, there was a second of gray in front of her eyes. She frowned. A few seconds later, fragments of pictures flashed through her mind. , The speed is so fast that it is difficult for her to catch it.

'We will never leave again when we come back this time'

'Mom, where are we going now?'

Who was talking in her ear, like a shout from the valley, echoing with the lingering sound, Shu Tian closed his eyes, but couldn't stop the fragments in his mind.