Global monopoly of technology

Chapter 521 [Gongs and drums are noisy, listed!

[HK$2.9 trillion is approximately US$375 billion over-subscribed, which is over 12 times the subscription amount. Bluestar Technology has only one confirmation message to refresh its IPO financing record!]-"Bloomberg" front page headline.

[HK capital trading market has gone crazy!]-"Washington Post" front page headline.

[Over-subscription of over RMB 2.3 trillion, including over 60 million retail investors in the Mainland participated, and the subscription amount accounted for 29% of the total number of investors, setting a record for the highest frozen capital in the Hong Kong stock market. !——The front page headline of

[The HK stock market is staged the craziest capital feast ever!——"Guardian" front page headline.


Bluestar Technology Group announced an oversubscription scale of US$375 billion, and the news hit the headlines of major media around the world for the first time, becoming an absolute news hotspot in the world of screen-scanning that day.

Located in a star-rated hotel in HK, a Norwegian sovereign fund executive looked at today’s newspaper and mumbled to himself: “Perhaps we just missed a great investment opportunity...”

At the moment, the six sovereign funds withdrawn from the market have mixed feelings at this moment. They never expected that the Hong Kong capital market's pursuit of Bluestar Technology and Luo Sheng would be so crazy.

Even Wall Street did not expect such a large number of subscriptions, and what was unexpected is that the proportion of retail subscriptions accounted for nearly one-third.

This 29% ratio is based on a subscription base of US$375 billion, which means that the combined subscription amount of retail investors exceeds US$100 billion.

Are Huaguo investors so rich?

However, the executive of the Norwegian sovereign fund was relieved to think of Wall Street's follow-up actions, because the good show was yet to come.


At 9 o'clock on July 5th, the global capital community and the media focused on the HK Stock Exchange. This morning, the audience inside and outside the exchange hall was very popular, and the popularity only increased.

Both on and off the exchange are the signs of Bluestar Technology. Both the electronic screen and the banners on the exterior of the building are the signs of Bluestar Technology.

At around 9:15, in the lobby, under the focus of many domestic and foreign media, 10 customers from all over the world appeared. They were either Internet celebrity UP owners, e-sports practitioners, or music Producers, but they are all customer partners of Bluestar Technology.

10 customer partners from different regions of the world stood on both sides of the gong and drum.

As time passed, Luo Sheng showed up at 9:20, and the investors on the spot immediately applauded unconsciously when he saw his appearance.

Luo Sheng rarely wore his iconic IT science and engineering outfit today, but wore a formal suit to attend the listing ceremony.

A staff member handed him a microphone, and the applause at the scene gradually faded, and Luo Sheng's voice resounded inside and outside the exchange hall:

"Ten years ago, no one believed that we could come to this day. Ten years ago, no one believed that we would become the world's largest technology company. The financing we received today is definitely not as simple as money, but trust and even more responsibility."

"We can help thousands of ordinary people in the third world area access to the big family of the Internet world, and we can help thousands of ordinary people enter the Internet world and connect all mankind."

"The more common, the stronger; the more common, the more energetic! Thank you everyone, thank you very much!"

Luo Sheng didn't give too many speeches, what should be said is almost the same, and time is not allowed, because the market will open soon in a few minutes.

Investors inside and outside the exchange hall immediately gave thunderous applause, which lasted forever.

At the same time, the staff of the exchange took drumsticks to the hands of 10 client partners and communicated with them in audible voices.

As time goes by every minute, everyone is staring at the time scale and beating continuously.




Under the attention of everyone, the host of the BV video website UP from Ukraine standing on the right side of the gong and drum, and Huang Xudong, a domestic e-sports practitioner standing on the left side of the gong and drum, are at [09:30:00] At the moment of arrival, the first gong sounded unanimously on time!


A loud sound of gongs and drums!



There was an overwhelming applause and cheers from the audience in the exchange. There was a boil inside and outside the venue, at the moment when the gong rang.

Bluestar Technology Group officially listed in Hong Kong, entering the first trading day.

Investors entered the trading code 9989.HK on the Hong Kong stock market and they were able to search for this stock.

In this IPO, Bluestar Technology Group publicly raised US$29.7 billion in financing and issued 590 million additional common shares, equivalent to 59 million U.S. stocks, at an issue price of HK$390.31 per share.

"It has gone up, it has gone up, it broke 400 Hong Kong dollar shares!"

Thousands of investors are staring at the K-line chart of 9989.HK, and the whole market is getting hot. The Hong Kong Stock Exchange opened today with a gap and opened higher. Affected by this positive impact, the three major domestic A The index also opened higher in early trading and opened higher. The ChiNext index is the most aggressive.

"Fuck, northbound funds are flowing into the stock market frantically, and it has already exceeded 5 billion? Following this trend, the total trading volume of the two cities today is going to be out of 1.5 trillion yuan. Is the big A rising? Or continue? Bear up?"

"It's normal. According to the information disclosed by Bluestar Technology, there was almost no foreign investment in this IPO, but with such a hot market, how could those international hot money be indifferent? Capitalists are not profitable."

"Big A has been declining for so many years, it seems that the situation of [Xiong Guan Global] is about to end, and it is about to enter the rhythm of []."

"Is this the influence of a super-giant technology conglomerate?"

"The big A is mighty, the archbishop is mighty!!"

Today's entire stock market is showing a hot situation. The major media also reported the news of the financial market here, and foreign media also quoted reports in the middle of the night.

Many companies have benefited to varying degrees today.


The next day.

The capital glutton feast staged by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange has appeared on the front page headlines of major mainstream media in Europe and America. The title of the article is almost all written "Bluestar Technology Group has returned to the trillion-dollar market value for the third time."

In more than a year, the trillion-dollar market value of "three falls and three rises" has been achieved. I am afraid that no second company can break this record.

The shares of Bluestar Technology Group surged 10.34% on the first trading day on July 5th yesterday. The after-hours trading price was locked at HK$430.69 per share, and the total market value reached HK$8653 billion, which is an unprecedented astronomical figure for the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. .

Equivalent to US stocks of US$555.64 per share, with a total market value of US$11163 billion.

Bluestar Technology once again returned to the trillion-dollar market value with this high-profile posture.

This horrible super giant sits on the Hang Seng Index, with a market value of over 8 trillion Hong Kong dollars. It is reassuring to look at it, like a Dinghai Shenzhen, and the prominent word is-steady!

Give those international short-term institutions 10,000 courage to go to Hong Kong stocks to short maliciously.

The return of Bluestar Technology to Hong Kong stocks is undoubtedly a win-win transaction.

And as the company's business focus returns to the mainland, actively exploring the mainland market, and listing in Hong Kong, the business carried out by Bluestar Technology will undoubtedly be more easily recognized by investors with a Chinese background.

Investors in the Greater China region have a full understanding of the national conditions and familiarity with Bluestar Technology's business, which will give the Hong Kong stock Bluestar Technology greater support and sufficient patience.

Many brokerage companies also agree that Bluestar Technology’s return to Hong Kong stocks has multiple meanings.

The first is on the financing side. The second listing of Bluestar Technology on the Hong Kong stock market is expected to reduce its dependence on the U.S. stock market and reduce potential future risks of positive policies;

Secondly, Asian investors can participate in investment more conveniently, and global investors can also approach full-time trading company stocks;

Once again, the landing of Bluestar Technology in Hong Kong will also increase profits for the Hong Kong stock market, which is expected to play a demonstrative role for the return of more Chinese stocks.

As a benchmark for leading companies in the domestic and global Internet industry, Bluestar Technology Group returns to the Hong Kong stock market, which will drive the return of more US stock technology companies and establish a reference target for the return of other technology companies, which will directly drive the future The revitalization of the Hong Kong stock market.

The Bluestar Technology Group's affairs finally came to an end, and Luo Sheng also focused on another "pro-son" Blue Coast company.

In the autumn of this quarter, the heavy task of the Côte d'Azur is to release the fourth-generation Azure smartphone, which has now entered the countdown stage.
