
Chapter 96:

Before Wei Xiao and Yueye and the others were contacted by Bai Cai, his'master' was just a thug.

Brother Cai’s contact, he goes to fight, and there is still money after the fight, the relationship is simple and simple——

Oh, this is what Wei Xiao thinks unilaterally. The players who have been'beaten' by him never forget him, chasing Brother Cai to contact him.

Brother Cai thought for a while and replied: "Commercial secrets."

I can't give it. It's not that I'm afraid that my middleman can't make the difference, but I'm afraid that the master will be beaten to death by an offline gang.

Brother Cai doesn't have many friends. Without this one, there will be no next one.

Later, Wei Xiao's vest dropped, and the winter training camp started immediately.

The entire China Division is also together with 3U and FTW. Asleep is coming to Wei Xiao’s contact information early, and there is no moon night assigned to Group B.

That's why Yueye talked to Wei Xiao via Weibo.

I thought Wei Xiao would agree, but he refused and refused.

Moonlight night is reticent, and Weibo situation and A Sleep are both a fight. Fans on both sides compare daily——

[Did you see, my family said two words every night!

[Cut, I only sent one letter from Sleep!

This can also battle, and I don't know which fans should I feel bad about.

Such a'language waste' contestant said to Wei Xiao for a long time: "Why didn't you Solo? Why did you quit?"

Two sentences, two question marks, Yejia fans celebrate the New Year!

Wei Xiao wanted to say straightforwardly: "Don't ask, I just want to be with my boyfriend Solo."

Ah, what a pity, my boyfriend can't say it!

Wei Xiao was heartbroken and reposted Yueye's Weibo.

Just be neat and cut off his own back, so he doesn't need to solo with someone!

In the future, he will be the captain's exclusive "punch bag", only for the captain.

[FTW.Quiet: So what lo, I will focus on team competitions in the future, not solo @RR..

After posting this Weibo, Wei Xiao's heart was empty.

Forget it, no one is better than the captain, even if the speed of light grows and wins the moon night, it is no better than a strand of the captain's hair!

Wei Xiao obviously doesn't smoke, but he has somehow tasted the taste of quitting.

It's so hard, it's hard to scratch your heart.

When he posted this Weibo, it attracted countless traffic instantly.

The winter training game is over, and there are still a few days in the regular season. Everyone is panicking when they are free.

"What's the matter with the master?"

"Has the man who hammered half of the crown decided to wash his hands?"

"?? The master counseled?"

"If you're afraid, just say it, what do you say about the team game?"

"Tsk tusk tusk, Quiet, what was your aura when you first broadcast, don't be bothered."

"My Moon God won, thank you, master, you, oh, I shut myself down by the hammer of Hyun.

"Retreat in the face of difficulties, the master can."

These remarks cannot shake Wei Xiao.

On the Internet, if there are fans, there will be blacks. Anyway, it's the keyboard touch. You can say whatever you want to say, and you really lose.

Wei Xiao was not angry at all, and drank watermelon juice leisurely.

Then the question mark party began to appear under his Weibo.

First, 3U's Sleep: "?"

Then came TPT’s European Star: "???"

Then there are BULE and Xia Dan, who are not so strong in the new generation: "?????"

Professional players are certified. As soon as they show up, netizens who are already panicking explode again.

"Fuck, the master is great."

"Rong Guang Bai Yueguang, real hammer."

"Um...Is it so cool to be Solo with him? Why can't I forget it."

"What happens if you play mahjong upstairs and lose?"

"Of course I won it back!"


Yes, what a player can't forget about the master, it's really similar to playing mahjong.

If you lose a game, you must win it back!

After losing, the game will end. Can you not hurry!

Wei Xiao said everything that should be said, and started to quit, and simply shut down Weibo.

He drank the watermelon juice in one gulp and decided to get the business done.

Go home, see Wei Quan, and take a break from school.

Perhaps it was the conversation with Lu Feng last night that stimulated Wei Xiao, and he was not so resistant to going home.

Sure enough, all hypocrisy is someone accustomed to returning home, what is so uncomfortable?

Wei Xiao spit on himself unceremoniously: the captain is too kind, making him squeamish.

Wei Xiao was thinking of Lu Feng on the way home. As he thought about it, his heart was filled with warmth, and even the chill that had arisen because of fear of going home disappeared.

At the door of the house, Wei Xiao rang the doorbell.

It was Li Su who opened the door. She was stunned when she saw Wei Xiao: "Little, little!"

Wei Xiao shouted politely: "Mom."

It was supposed to be the most familiar, closest and warmest name, but it was as cold as a stranger.

Li Su was surprised and at a loss: "I'm back, um, have you eaten yet? I..."

Wei Xiao said straightforwardly: "After eating, I have something to ask you for help when I come back."

Politeness, politeness, and unabashed alienation.

Li Su's expression dimmed: "What's the matter? Your dad has gone to work and has not returned."

The word "work" is particularly harsh to Wei Xiao.

Before the age of seventeen, he dreamed that his parents could live a normal life from nine to five like other people's parents.

But... they don't see anyone all year round.

Now he is completely disappointed, and Wei Quan goes to work.

It's ironic.

Wei Xiao closed his eyes and took out the documents neatly: "To apply for the suspension, parents need to sign."

Li Su was stunned. She was literate and could understand, but such a big thing: "Or wait for your dad to come back and let him..."

Wei Xiao remained silent, looking at her in silence with a pair of black eyes.

Li Suxin yanked and said quickly: "I...I'll come."

Wei Xiao: "Yeah."

After signing, Wei Xiao lowered his eyes: "I'm leaving."

Li Su opened his mouth, eyes full of retention, but he couldn't tell.

Wei Xiao didn't look at her again.

With the door closed, Li Su sat down and covered his eyes with his hands: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

FTW base on the fifth floor.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows is the noon sun, sprinkled on the carpet, like a layer of dazzling gold.

The room is very bright, but the atmosphere is a little dull.

Chenfeng tapped his left hand on the sofa, frowning, "Do you want Wei Xiao to sign up for the singles?"

Opposite the black-brown coffee table is a single sofa.

Sitting on the sofa, Lu Feng still looked tall and long in legs, and his clean face was calm and composed that did not match his age: "Yes."

A ray of sunlight fell on his shoulder, drawing a fine line that the dark shirt could not hide.

Chenfeng thought deeply: "I recognize Wei Xiao's ability, but he really lacks experience."

Lu Feng calmly said, "Experience is continuously accumulated."

Chenfeng: "That's what I said, but he just joined the team this year, and it's a team match, a single match, and a double match. Can he hold it?"

Lu Feng paused: "The double match is at your discretion."

Chenfeng had an idea in his heart. He said: "My suggestion is to participate in the singles or you. If Wei Xiao has spare capacity, he can register for the doubles with Bai Cai."

This is the safest solution for the current FTW.

Needless to mention the team competition, FTW dreams of getting first place.

As long as there is Close in the singles, the championship is stable.

As for the double match, if the team members are interested, they can sign up and try, which is also a good experience.

But today Lu Feng’s plan completely overturned Chenfeng’s plan.

Wei Xiao participates in the singles?

Is this giving up the global singles?


Chenfeng sighed lightly and asked Lu Feng, "Have you asked Wei Xiao what you mean?"

Lu Feng's eyes drooped slightly, staring at the cool white tea on the coffee table.

Chenfeng has followed him for so many years, how can he not understand: "He disagrees!"

He knew it!

Although Wei Xiaofeng is crazy and obsessed with Solo, he can't compare to Close.

Lu Feng gave him the spot for the singles, and he would definitely not accept it.

To be honest, Chenfeng himself couldn't accept it.

This year is so different.

Yuan Ze and Kim Sung Hyun reported to the singles competition, and I heard that Xie He was planning to participate.

The team of gods gathered, but Close gave up. What a!

Is Close, who won the championship for three consecutive years, afraid?

Have you retreated with your own efforts to support the close of the building?

After waiting for so long, the world's first person who finally ushered in the opportunity, escaped!

This year's singles are not closed, how can FTW be willing to do so!

Not only the current FTW, but also the FTW of the past;

Not only the FTW players, but also FTW fans.

With so many people, so many hearts, and such heavy expectations, who can afford it except Close!

"That's it," Lu Feng ended the topic in an unquestionable tone. He leaned back in his chair, avoiding the sun, and his expression was even weaker than before, "Wei Xiao, I'll go and say. "

Chenfeng: "..."

Lu Feng calmly said, "He will agree."

Can't tell everyone, he will tell Wei Xiao.

He had to let Wei Xiao know about things he couldn't let anyone know.

No matter how difficult it is to speak, he has to say it.

Fortunately, there is still time.

You can take it slow.

Chen Feng sighed, got up and went out.

Lu Feng sat in the huge office alone, his dark eyes staring at the ceiling.

He knew Chenfeng’s unfinished words, but—

The person who doesn't want to give up last is him.

He is the one who doesn't want to disappoint everyone.

The person most afraid of making Weixiao cry is still him.

When Wei Xiao got into the taxi, the breath held in his chest barely disappeared.

After the signature is completed, all that is left is to go to school to go through the procedures.

These have to wait for the day after tomorrow to be processed.

The hardest is over, and the rest is very simple.

Wei Xiao leaned back in the back seat like collapse, thinking about the captain.

Especially want to see him now.

Wei Xiao took out the phone, his slender fingers were almost on the call...

"Somewhat promising!"

Wei Xiao cursed himself and exited the call page.


The phone he threw in the back seat rang.

Wei Xiao took the phone and saw the message.

Lu Feng: "Out?"

In three simple words, the high wall that Wei Xiao forcibly erected fell apart: "Captain..."

Lu Feng called.

Wei Xiao immediately switched on. Through the microphone, Lu Feng's voice seemed to have an electric current, and he pierced his heart: "What's the matter?"

Wei Xiao said nothing.

Lu Feng sat upright: "Are you home?"

Wei Xiao's emotions collapsed and said, "Yes."

Lu Feng's steady voice has always been anxious: "Why don't you wait for me?"

Wei Xiao's voice trembled: "Captain..."

He didn't say anything, didn't mention a word, just called the captain, but only answered a word, but Lu Feng, who was several tens of miles away from the phone, knew it.

He knew he was home, he knew he was uncomfortable, he knew he wanted to cry.

Lu Feng has gone downstairs: "Send me the location."

Wei Xiao: "I was in a taxi."

Lu Feng: "Location."

Wei Xiao: "I will arrive at the base soon."

Lu Feng: "Observe."

These two words are very gentle, like a campfire lit in the ice and snow, so warm that the tip of the nose is sour.

Wei Xiao sent him the position.

This is the most capricious thing Wei Xiao has done in his life.

It's just over an hour's drive, only tens of kilometers away, and he has even sat in the taxi returning home...

But capriciously sent Lu Feng a position.

Wei Xiao suddenly remembered a memory from his childhood.

At that time, he was only five years old. He just learned to call. He dialed the number that he remembered in his heart and heard his mother's voice: "Little boy, when the Chinese New Year is over, Mom and Dad will go back to pick you up."

Wei Xiao was looking forward to it, very much looking forward to it, and waited with his fingers breaking every day.

Waiting for father to come back, waiting for mother to come back, waiting for the family to celebrate the new year together.

But the couplet was posted, the lantern was hung up, and the firecrackers were set off. He still failed to wait for his parents to come back.

After that, Wei Xiao never thought that someone would pick him up.

right now……

Lu Feng came to pick him up. He compressed an hour to 20 minutes, shortening the tens of kilometers by two-thirds.

Just to pick him up early.