
Chapter 186:

There will be another game, FTW everyone did not leave, Xiang Liu morning arranged for them to watch the game in the audience.

When the TPT players took the stage, fans screamed again and again.

Especially the sisters of Li Xing, as if they were celebrating the New Year, they shouted: "Li Xing is real!"

The off-stage Wei Xiao was sour: "Captain, did anyone shout when we were on stage."

Lu Feng: "..."

The back was too noisy, Wei Xiao couldn't hear clearly, and got closer: "Huh?"

Lu Feng whispered: "We are not CP."

Wei Xiao: "!"

Lu Feng looked at the competition stage.

Wei Xiao was so sweet that he had to share it, so he went to harm Cai Ge: "That's right, the captain and I are not CP."

Brother Cai didn't hear the conversation between the two of them clearly, and looked inexplicable: "???"

Wei Xiao explained to him earnestly: "Look at Li Xing CP shouting loudly, but what's the use? Fu Li and Ou Xing are straight men of steel, so fake."

Brother Cai: " can shut up."

Wei Xiao heard it, but when he didn't hear it, he continued: "True love doesn't need to be called out. It has to be hidden like me and the captain..."

Brother Cai: "……………………"

"Xiao Ningzi." Cai Ge called Grandma Ash.

Ning Zhehan looked naive: "What's the matter with Brother Cai?"

Bai Cai: "Let's change seats."

Ning Zhehan: "?"

Bai Cai: "Brother Xiao wants to explain to you Li Shen's mid lane play."

Xiao Ningzi was fooled like this: "Good!"

He changed seats quickly and looked at Wei Xiao eagerly.

Wei Xiao was stared at by these innocent and flawless eyes: "..." Tan Xing has nothing!

TPT is a very different team.

In the domestic competition last year, TPT was far less successful than RR and 3U, but no one can underestimate this team.

Especially their captain Fu Li.

A professional player who is more professional than a coach is a very scary existence in the canyon.

Some people say that he is a bit like Yan Jiang, but after a little familiarity, they will know that they are completely different.

Yan Jiang is more ego, he will not train people, he relies on his talent to assist the right people to build the world championship team Y1.

Fu Li seems to be softer, his talent is far inferior to Yan Jiang, but with the hard work acquired, he has cultivated suitable teammates and polished the TPT that appears a little bit.

Y1 has a soul, and the soul is Yan Jiang.

TPT also has a soul, and the soul is Fu Li's precise calculation.

Chenfeng was on the left of Lu Feng, and he whispered: "TPT is very strong this year."

Lu Feng answered, "Yes."

Because the game was about to start, the voices of the fans were much lower, so Wei Xiao heard it, and he probed his head: "Is it better than RR and 3U?"

Lu Feng explained to him: "The growth is much greater than them."

Wei Xiao thought about it and understood: "Especially this season, TPT has grown rapidly?"

Lu Feng: "Yes."

This is easy to understand.

Ordinary players only look at the results of the race, but the players in the circle feel more.

If last year's 3U and RR were 70 points, then they have grown to 80 points this year.

TPT only had 60 points last year, but he has already risen to 80 points this year, and is even continuing to grow. However, 3U and RR have encountered minor bottlenecks.

Wei Xiao put his heart at the game and whispered softly: "...who will we meet in the semifinals?"

FTW has already taken the lead in the semi-finals.

The semifinals are drawn by lottery, and the four teams are divided into two groups to enter the finals.

If nothing happens, the top four teams should be FTW, TPT, 3U and RR.

Four in two, who will FTW meet?

Who will FTW meet in the finals?

Chenfeng whispered: "It's better not to run into 3U in the semifinals."

Wei Xiao heard it, but he did not answer, because next to him was Xiao Ningzi, and next to him were Cai Ge and Yue Wenle.

Chen Feng didn't elaborate, just click it.

But those who understand know it in their hearts.

It remains to be seen how TPT will grow, but the strength of 3U is on the bright side.

It stands to reason that 3U is a wild core, and FTW is also a wild core. If a wild core hits a wild core, Wei Xiao will not lose.

But in fact, the team competition is not a single or double match.

Wei Xiao can beat Ah Shou, but he may not get him.

The cooperation between Ah Shui and Cong Yi is remarkable in the world, and they desperately catch Yue Wenraku and Ning Zhehan, they are hard to fly.

The C position cannot be maintained, and Wei Xiao and Lu Feng are unsustainable.

Tonight, a wave of Tianxiu operations in Yue Wenle will make GOQ go round and round, but if you encounter 3U...

Not to mention whether the 3U ADC will give Yue Wenle a chance to suppress it, and the Gank of Sleep alone will not let people smell anything in advance.

The terrible patience and super explosiveness of the cheetah will bring great psychological pressure to the crispy prey.

Under this pressure, the quality of the players will be doubled.

Of course, Wei Xiao can also grab the C position of 3U, which can be a tooth for a tooth.

Then the question is coming.

3U's mid lane and shooter have different attributes from FTW.

They would rather give up resources to save their lives, and a cotton pile-like defense can resist sharp blades.

FTW and 3U played a lot of training games.

The more familiar they are with each other, the better they understand each other's strengths and weaknesses.

If possible, Chenfeng does not want FTW to meet 3U in the semifinals.

FTW still needs time, and it will take a little bit more time.

The game on stage began, and the team that played against TPT was called YLY, a veteran team.

YLY also won the domestic runner-up five years ago, but unfortunately it was bumpy afterwards and always hovering at the gate of the playoffs.

They can reach the top eight in the country, but they are always a round trip.

YLY is a pinyin abbreviation that was misinterpreted as a round trip, and it is also sad.

TPT has always been a style of steady and steady play. The start is quite satisfactory and there are no defects in team battles. As long as it enters the late stage, it is invincible.

The developed Ou Xing became the brightest cub in the canyon. No matter what archer he took, the giant shaman would have to be shot a quarter of his health with an arrow.

In the first game, TPT won without suspense, even a little boring.

Wei Xiao sighed and moved closer to Lu Feng: "Fu Li is really boring."

In the face of a weak team, it retains its strength and wins nothing.

Wei Xiao said again: "Right! Playing a game means playing a game. Do your best, why underestimate your opponent!"

Lu Feng looked at him suddenly, and asked, "Do you want to be underestimated by him?"

Wei Xiao was taken aback and got it.

His eyes bend into a little fox: "Captain, you are good or bad."

Chen Feng next door: "..."

Pay attention to you two!

In the second round, TPT also won YLY with just a good advantage.

YLY's mentality is obviously a little broken, the tone of the trash talk is very aggressive, and the basic etiquette is almost out of control.

TPT has never said trash talk, politely a few official words, but politeness reveals true arrogance.

In the third game, YLY's state was even worse. It can be seen that they were struggling to suppress TPT in the early stage and not give them a chance to play late.

It's a pity that TPT's'cooperation' is perfect. You can be a bit more vigorous and we can be a bit more vigorous.

At last……

Fu Li used a sorcerer to show four kills to end the game.

The audience gave a warm applause, and the fans even screamed Fu Li's name and called him crazy.

The screen is frozen in the final picture. The sorcerer is dressed in a dark night outfit, and has a slender and cold body. The dozens of blood-colored flames floating around are passive after the enemy is killed, representing blood and death!

The game was boring, Wei Xiao sighed: "The sorcerer can kill five times."

In the last wave of teamfights, Fu Li would be able to win the first five kills of the playoffs with a little care, but he let it go.

The head of YLY's jungler was eaten by Ou Xing and cut off his five kills.

To be honest, this wave of Fu Li won the five kills, but YLY didn't think there was anything.

He was really angry when he released the five kills.

Poor YLY lost in a mess, and the puffer fish could only hold back his anger.

The interview after the game was not interesting. FTW took advantage of the low crowds and stepped out of the venue.

On the way back to the base, Chenfeng held a small meeting, to the effect of guarding against arrogance and rashness, and the real battle had just begun.

Wei Xiao was dumbfounded, and fell asleep because Lu Feng's shoulder was too comfortable.

It was almost eleven o'clock when he returned to the base, Chenfeng waved his hand to rest early and resumed the business tomorrow.

Wei Xiao yawned and left the training room.

Lu Feng asked him, "Tired?"

Wei Xiao swept away his tiredness, and there was no drowsiness in his eyes: "Captain, you go to bed first. I'll stay overnight tonight."

Lu Feng: "?"

Wei Xiao pushed him upstairs and kissed him on tiptoe: "Don't worry, I will find a chance to sleep tomorrow."

Lu Feng held his wrist and asked him, "What do you do all night?"

Wei Xiao told him: "Look at today's game."

Lu Feng twisted his eyebrows slightly: "We will resume the game tomorrow."

Wei Xiao himself couldn't understand: "I have to see for myself..."

Lu Feng: "What are you looking at?"

Wei Xiao was a little embarrassed: "...Well, how should I put it, I have a super power."

Lu Feng: "………………"

Although Wei Xiao has no face and skin, and is quite second, but he also feels ashamed, his cheeks are slightly red and said: "Really..."

Lu Feng came to be interested: "What superpower?"

Wei Xiao flushed even more when Lu Feng asked.

Lu Feng looked around, and when he saw no one, he kissed him gently: "Let's talk and listen."

This voice is electrified, and the electricity makes Wei Xiao feel itchy: "Don't hook me, I am very busy tonight."

Lu Feng: "..."

Wei Xiao was afraid of him and said, "Let me look at Lao Yue."

Lu Feng: "Huh?"

Wei Xiao himself really didn't quite understand: "I just have to watch Lao Yue's game to understand him thoroughly."

Lu Feng was startled slightly.

Wei Xiao said: "Really! This has been the case since the youth training camp. I only need to watch the game with my teammates to match him perfectly!"

Lu Feng's heart was hit: "Little..."

Wei Xiao urged him again: "Anyway, you go to bed, see you tomorrow morning."

Lu Feng's words reached his lips, but he didn't say it in the end.

This Su Weixiao did not sleep, and Lu Feng almost did not sleep.

At one o'clock in the morning, Lu Feng went downstairs and through the window of the training room, he saw the big boy sitting curled up in the gaming chair staring at the screen without blinking.

At two o'clock in the morning, Lu Feng went downstairs again, Wei Xiao still in that posture, like a beautiful statue set there.

Three o'clock in the morning...

Four o'clock in the morning...

Five o'clock in the morning...

Six full hours.

Wei Xiao always maintained a very high concentration, and kept watching the game he played with Yue Wenle repeatedly.

Lu Feng leaned against the door, his eyes drooping, blocking the emotion in his eyes——

How can Wei Xiao have any superpowers?

Some are just dozens of times the sweat and the hard work day and night.