Ellis, who drank all the liquor in the tavern, decided to take a break at the inn...... Thanks to her, a pleasant lunch became all tangled up in the second half.

Especially drunk Ellis, because she wanted to be by my side. It feels like you're forcing me to come between me and Roxy and get in the way of my meal.

It's Memil who's taking her to the inn. For being entrusted with the caretaker on this journey.

"I asked for Ellis."

"Ugh, can I do something with just me...... I'm so anxious"

"It's okay."

"I'm glad you trusted me... even if they say so with that unfounded confidence. Please come with me, Faith."

"As I said during the meal, I have somewhere to go. So wait with Ellis until then."

"What, are you leaving a message!?

"... that's what I'm talking about"

Sounds like Memil was willing to follow me. I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to ask you to give up.

He's looking at me with a grudging eye... so when I go home, I feel like he's going to suck as much blood as he wants.

I borrow my shoulder from Memil and give a voice to Ellis, who is singing in a good mood.

"Ellis! I'm going for a minute. Just remember to get drunk before you come back."

"Huh!! Got it!!

He replied to me, hugging Memil. It's totally up.

"You're waiting. Until then, let's get Memil to deal with him. Faith set all that up, and he didn't even look good. Gusung...... I need to hit this loneliness! Hey, Memil!

"Hih!? Yeah, that's troublesome!

"Not good or not!

"Where are you touching it!! Dear Faith, it's tough! It's my sister's pinch!

"Uh... good luck..."

That's all I say, turn my back and walk out.

From behind, you can hear Memil......

I keep my mouth shut. Roxy looks at me like that sideways, and he says.

"Are you sure? Memil was in so much trouble."

"No one else can take care of Ellis... and we'll have patience here"

Memil is home to a split of Sin. As a result, Ellis' lust skills do not appeal to her.

Sometimes drunk Ellis just turns into a demon of charm. This can be fascinating enough for me.

So it's best to ask Memil, who is totally tolerant when these things happen.

I say to Roxy, who seems dissatisfied with the push he made on her.

"Then I'd be glad Roxy took care of Ellis."


Then she looks confused. It's the usual Roxy-like bad tooth cut.

While riding the magic guide bike I parked on the boulevard, I ask.

"Hmm? What's going on?

"Master Ellis... looks at me with great eyes..."

"What, really?

"Faye has given up on being blunt in places like that. Sometimes you stare at me when you're with Faye."

"I mean angry"

"That's not how it feels..."

They say it feels indescribable. Ellis' past is riddled with mysteries, too.

All I know is that I was helped by a bulimic skill holder that I was there before. That was taught not by her mouth, but by a nearby white knight.

Ellis doesn't really want to talk about her past. Probably... maybe because it's not very listenable.

I'm something similar, so if it's the same, I know exactly how it feels.

Next time... let's talk to her properly when we drink together.

Roxy gets in the back and sheds magic on the Magic Guide motorcycle. He slowly moves forward as he tries to slow people down.

The gaze of the people on the road was focused on us. It's a 4,000-year-old legacy that was lost in this world.

It's like being intrigued by a ride no one's ever seen. And it's also a merchant's city, and we'll just have to pay attention to these potentially golden technologies.

But as soon as he notices the king's crest engraved on the magic guide motorcycle, he clung and bowed his head. Or even those who kneel.

As Ellis said, it pains me that the king is an absolute being. As far as I'm concerned, I'm a troubled person who seduces me every day with charm...

"I don't know... I get in trouble for this reaction of a lot of people"

"This bike is still unusual, and it's the power of the king's crest. All in all, the impact is too great."

"So you have to get used to it."

"That sort of thing. The crowd is dwindling. I'll get you up to speed, hold on tight!


In uncomfortable places, just say goodbye.

We run motorcycles and leave the merchants' city of Tetra. It's my hometown to the west from here.

There was something I really needed to make sure of.

Roxy asks, with a slight force in his arm that was spinning around his hips.

"Faye's hometown was burned by Gargoyle."

"Oh, it's time to head to Gallia before. Stop by, there's a lot going on..."

"Really...... can you tell me if you don't mind?

"It's not a very good story."

"I don't mind."

That's all they say, there's no reason not to talk. Let's talk about this memorable story until we get to our hometown.

With one sigh, I told Roxy it was my hometown.

The beginning of this was when I met Seto, the village chief's son, in Tetra. He was looking for a samurai to crusade the demon that he was attacking the village.

But there were many other demon crusade requests in Tetra, and Seto's money didn't seem to allow him to hire samurai. At the end of the sentence, he was about to be subjected to terrible violence in front of me.

He and I used to have an obsession when we were expelled from the village. But I wanted to visit my parents' grave for the first time in five years.

And I took on the monster crusade that it was attacking the village.

But what I waited for in my hometown where I got there was persecution no different than it used to be. Well, of course.

My value remains intact in the village. I can't override the brand of incompetence once I'm branded as having an incompetent bulimia skill. It remained such a closed village.

I remember well being stunned as I looked at the farm tools poked at me.

And the village chief who said he'd sacrifice me as a demon. I just thought I'd blow your brains out. But Seto had desperately stopped, so he eased his clenched fist.

I was to stay at Seto's that day. He had a young daughter and his wife had been killed by example demons.

"Seto lost his wife. I lived with my young daughter. I had a chance to look out of the village for that, for crusade requests, and it was different from the old him."

"I see. Seto is definitely... someone who helped rebuild in Hausen, isn't he?"

"Yeah, now I'm one of those people who's gonna put Hausen together."

Eventually, the night I returned home, there was an ambush by the Gargoyles. When I realized, most of the villagers had been attacked.

In it, I chose to protect Seto and my daughter.

By the end of the battle, the village had been devastated and burned by the flame-bomb magic of the gargoyle.

"The village... I'm sorry to hear that. But you made up with Seto."

"Yeah, he won't be able to account for all his past obsessions, but he told me to hit him once."

"What, did you hit him?

"I didn't think so, and if I did that, it would be a big deal. One light shot, I did it. Then the Seto one... you laughed with a good face."

I lay my father over him. That guy used to laugh at me to cheer me up when I was young.

I was watching Seto smile moving on, and I didn't care about the past anymore.

"Good for you. Even for Faye."

"I think so. Had I not been able to make up with Seto then, Hausen would not have been able to rebuild it yet. I was reminded. The strength of the connection... even when we broke up, our feelings were connected."

"That's right. Even I thought of Faye."

"Roxy...... thanks"

"You're welcome."

Roxy has embraced me harder than he just did, not to be shaken down by a motorcycle that is accelerating even further.

It suddenly makes me excited. But I was glad to feel connected to her.

Moving on for a while, I saw a burnt village. No one lives here anymore. After more time, the road to come here will also grow grass and not be easy to come by.

Get off the bike and look around.

"It feels like time has stopped since Gargoyle attacked you."

"... I followed you because I wanted to see Faye's hometown... but I never thought it would be more"

Roxy looked sorry and stood next to me. All I could do was hold her hand.

"You're going to that place, aren't you? Is Faye okay?

"I'm coming. That's why I came back here."

The two of us are walking to my house outside the village. Even once again, because it is untouched, the grass is starting to sprout inviting me to the cheer of spring.

If it gets warmer, these will stretch their backs all the way around their hips.

The house was burning down again, too. But this is not Gargoyle's fault.

It was burned long ago by the villagers to expel me from the village and never return.

It seemed that Roxy had guessed something from what was going on in the house unlike any other.


"It's over."

We moved on to the back of the house.

Ahead is the purpose for which I came here. I'm here to see what's going on with my parents' graves.

It came into my eyes slowly approaching...

"Goddamn it... it was real"

"You're with my father. Faye's father..."

"Oh, he's alive. It was definitely my father who took Sin's share and kidnapped Rhine."

Of the two graves, only one had traces of something crawling out of the soil.

Those who were supposed to be dead came back to life. It was enough to be so sure.

The only person who came back to life was my father. My mother still sleeps under her grave.

I'm not sure why, but maybe there are those who can be resurrected and those who don't. Well, this is just a guess.

If I go to Hausen, I feel like I can get closer to the answer myself. Dad doesn't know what purpose it's working, but he told me this was a "contract".

I'm sure these words mean a lot.

Here, I've also been looking for clues to know that.

I give in and see if there's anything in my father's grave. Then the rosary faces out of the dirt.

"To this... I wonder what the engraved crest is"

"I've seen it somewhere. Eh...... ahhh!!

Looks like Roxy had something in mind. And it tells me like I'm lost somewhere.

"This is a crest representing the Laplace God used to be in church. Now I hear that only a few people believe in that God. Faith is becoming obsolete, but Faye's father seems to have been a follower of Laplace God."

"Indeed... when I was young, we used to pray together every morning. I didn't know that was Laplace God..."

"Besides, look here. Apparently, he was a senior temple knight among the faithful."

Looks like the rosary was sent to the Temple Knights. I never knew my father had such a past...

This becomes important information.

I take care of the rosary in my pocket. And clean up the two graves that were rough.

Roxy helped me, too, so I could do it faster than I thought.

"Thanks, Roxy"

"It's not that big of a deal. It's nice to say hello to Faye's parents like this."

"One of them's out of his grave, and he's not here right now."

"Then we need to meet in person and say hello!

"Oh, I'll make it right then, too."


I'm so glad Roxy followed me. On the road so far, Greed never said anything.

Perhaps he cared for me quite a bit. Thanks for the grid, too.

I had already made up my mind with Aaron. And it was clear to me that I had seen reality with this eye.

So let's dare say it in front of a tomb with no contents.

"Dad, if the next thing happens... I'll fight you"

I've sorted out my feelings.

We'll put two graves behind us. Return to Tetra, the commercial city where Ellis and the others are waiting.

I'll be back here when it's all over... Mother.