On the hand is the confectionery bread I bought earlier. I walk around carrying it to my mouth every now and then.

"This is delicious"

"Yeah, it's good!

Roxy and Snow seem to love sweet things. Ellis and Memil also used to eat sweets on their journeys to Hausen. Maybe women like these things.

"Hmm? Don't Faye really like these things?

Maybe he looked difficult because he was thinking. I put an unwanted worry on Roxy.

"That's not true. I think this red jam is delicious. Eh, this jam..."

"It's raspberry."

"That's what you were taught how to grow with the grapes with support from Heart Territory."

For not remembering the name of the fruit, Roxy swells his cheeks and looks dissatisfied. I'm in a hurry to make excuses.

The Grid who was listening to that makes me laugh. It's something that makes you laugh so high, I'll poke a little black sword at you.

"Thanks to you, the grapes and raspberries are firmly rooted in Hausen's land. I couldn't have done this without Roxy's help, either. Again, thank you."

"No, I'm not making a big deal of it. Praise be to the inhabitants who went to Hausen."


Because the orchard is a little far from here, it is unlikely to be able to say hello for today.

Say thank you in your heart and cheek the raspberry pie.

Since coming to Hausen, Roxy seems intrigued by a city different from Hart territory.

"Faye, what is that?

At the end of his delightful eyes, a sign hung from the store wall.

But it's not what you often see. Because the markings showing the houses depicted on the signs were glowing beautifully.

"It's a diversion of magic tricks. They use paint that emits light in response to trace amounts of magic in the atmosphere."

This is a takeover and sale of what Seto taught me. Every time a new technology was used by the city in Hausen, he was writing to me and telling me.

Gleaming in front of you, looking at the sign, Snow pulls my hand.

"What's up?

"I see that guy all the time"

"" Huh?

If that's what Snow said and looked at him pointing fingers at, the innkeeper was approaching as he gripped his hands together.

"Are you staying? I'll keep it cheap. There's a room for both of you."

"That's not what I was looking at. Shh! Excuse me!


She hurried, holding one of my empty hands, and walked out.

And make me laugh kusuri where I can no longer see the inn.

"Oh...... I'm surprised. I can't believe they said that on a morning like this..."

"I thought that would be nice too."

"... you can't. Now!"

They seem to have easily spotted what I said in the joke. He played my forehead gently with his fingers, looking troubled by Roxy.

"We need to find out where Mine is. But he said he saw something similar in this open-air neighborhood..."

"That's an amazing number of people."

"Full! Full!

I didn't know you'd change so much if you just went down one alley...

Snow seems to have never seen so many people, jumping up and excited. The flickering and sasori tails peek from under the white robe, so I panic and calm down.

She is not like us, the Beast God. It looks just like a human... but only that tail is obviously heterogeneous. Some people may become noisy for fear.

So I'm letting Snow do as much as he can, just like a human.

"Whoa, colla! Don't go wild!"

"Hey do it! I'll play there too."

The street performers were revealing the results of their daily practice. He seemed to mistake me for playing with that for fun.

"That's not playing"


Snow tries to escape my restraint with incredible force.

That's right... I just have the status of an area of E. There is no doubt that releasing this child of destruction into the outdoor area will be ravaged.

I can remember the power that made us struggle in that desert of doom looking like enchanted scorpions.

He moves his body cleverly like a potato worm and tries to escape my arm.

"This one."


Don't! We're gonna storm the streets like this!

When I thought, Roxy stuck something in Snow's mouth.


"What do you say?

".................. good!

Roxy was buying me and Snow some sweet fried bread that I stabbed on the skewer nearby in the open air.

Snow is obsessed with eating it. I would have completely forgotten about the street arts if it looked like this.

By Roxy's manoeuvring, the ravages of the open-air streets seemed avoided.

I eat munchies. Lifting Snow's root,

"Thank you, Roxy."

"No, thanks for being so cheap! Anyway, I've been studying this so I can still handle my kids!

Roxy puts his hands on his hips and says softly.

If you ask me, it's when I was a servant. There was a time when the two of us went out on an inspection of the city of Wang Du, when they approached the lost child to help him and cried badly. Since then, he seems to have been secretly studying how to get used to getting along with his kids.

The fact that Snow and I have been getting along seems to have led to confidence.

At the beginning of the encounter, it was Snow, who was distancing himself from Roxy. I remember Roxy dropping his shoulder every time I could escape even trying to get close.

With that in mind, your distance from Snow has narrowed considerably. Roxy's hard work makes me lose my mind.

"Look, there's another bottle."


Are we getting along... is it more right that we are being fed?

But when I looked at Roxy's satisfied face, I thought she seemed to be the one to do it without hurrying every step of the way. It's a relief for me to be by Roxy when I'm in a hurry.

Watching the two smiling faces suddenly felt a sharp gaze from behind.

It was sent to me alone. Because we haven't noticed any of the people we go out with, and Roxy or Snow.

It's quite skillful to be able to do such a clever thing.


"Oh, this guy doesn't seem wrong"

Gried's right, we remember this gaze. No, you can say it's burned to the head.

A man who destroyed an urban eating demon lurking in an oasis in the wilderness. By the bounty of the demon, he drove out the people who lived there and lost them on the streets.

City eating demons give a great environment and lure humans into it. And in the distant future, they say eat those offspring.

Probably still had plenty of time. I didn't need to defeat the city eater demon right away.

But that man didn't mind about the people who lived there.

From those eyes, I felt a strong will that if it were evil for this world, there would be no forgiveness.

Looking back, there stood a libra smiling softly. But the eyes were horribly cold.

"Hey, Faith. I see you again."

He flips a priestly clothes hem and approaches me. Exactly. Roxy and Snow also got up to be vigilant when they noticed.

"Oh, could I be scared?

"You bet. I'm not gonna let you tell me you forgot about the oasis."

"Hmm? Oasis...... oh, is that it? It's not a big deal. Is it okay to be so relaxed than that?

He approaches me even closer and whispers in his ear.

"If we don't close the door to his land soon, this place might end up like that oasis."