There's a woman who jumped in to Raphael, me, who was looking through the paperwork in the office. He ordered us to take over as a top priority, so at least we shouldn't have been blocked (whispered) along the way.

Sarah, Nika's maid of honor. Her report was what I feared most.

"Dear Rafael, in fact..."

"What, Nica and Sophia are gone?

The two of them went shopping and suddenly disappeared during the day. You think the escort that accompanied you lost sight of the two people who entered the store in the city? As a result, the Duke's family is now in a lot of noise, he said.

"With my husband absent, there are only a few things I can do with him. The Duchess is also disturbed. Come on, what should I get my hands on from..."

"Anything else suspicious?

"That's... the correspondence I put in your ear before seems to be still going on"

Moments, black emotions come up - still with him even though I'm here? I'd like to inquire now, but Nica at the heart is not here.

"Did you check the contents of the letter?

"Sorry, that's just about it. But if it's a letter sent to you, it's in a locked drawer. The lady keeps everything."

You can break the key or something.

No, I rather feel like breaking it. You refuse my gift, but do you care about his letter? Or is he fooling you?

From what I've looked into, Phil Bale is a pretty dangerous man. The disappearance of Nica and the others would involve him. Until now, I have been unable to get my hands on Nica, even though I have guided her, because I have deliberately let him swim. Except when Nica disappears.

"It's still him. Sarah, I'm going first. I'm sorry, but come back later."

I immediately went outside to head to the Duke's house. It's a waste of time riding the carriage. As I crossed (and did) each horse with my escort, I hurried ahead.

I had asked Veronica's samurai in advance to let me know as soon as anything changed. As someone who cares about Nica, it's the form I'm sending directly to the Duke's house.

Faithful Sarah tells us how Nica is doing every day. She came in such a hurry. Time won't have passed so long since we found out Nica and Sophia were gone.

But anxiety cannot be wiped. Although measures were being taken, I couldn't help but be in a hurry when Nica got involved.

Again, maybe I should have warned you clearly without saying 'bad bugs' or anything like that. What if he was after Nika from the beginning?

I can't help thinking about it right now.

Let's start by looking for clues.

Arriving at the Duke of Roses house, I was blind to the people at the mansion, and the escort and the two of us headed straight to Nica's room.

I ordered you to pay, I'll sit at Nica's desk. Take the shape of the keyhole with the magic of the earth, turn it as it is and open it without difficulty. Looks like I didn't even have to break the key to the drawer.

A bunch of letters came out of a box that seemed important to me. I look at them and I decide to try to keep track of things.

"What is this?"

Surprisingly, it was Nica who took the kidnapping - and that, too, was exclusive to Sofia. A note of the request, written in her handwriting, somehow remained properly. As far as the letter goes, the other person, Phil Bale, is more passive about kidnapping. He writes words of love and tries to lure Nica to a place where women seem happy.

"Is this his M.O.?

Let's just leave him alone for a moment. The problem is, Nica.

I know she admired the villain. Something I wanted to go to jail for. But I didn't think you were still plotting evil. The plan was to crush it from one end.

So Nica didn't know he was a real kidnapper and called on him to cooperate?

- There were reports of noble daughters in this country seeing them being sold in other countries. That was a little before last fall's ball season. For that reason I had ordered the Minister for Information to look outside the country. Trafficking in human beings is a felony, instantly going to the prison of the Fire Palace. Even if the parents of the fallen aristocrats had trouble selling off their daughter for financial measures, that would not change.

As we proceeded with the investigation, we found that one glamorous noble maid after another had disappeared. It was also said that it was a manhunt, but in order not to come back, the current situation is that the killer has no clue at all.

Then a while later, Sarah, the Duke's maid of honor, tells me that Nica is exchanging letters with a certain man. You think I even stumbled upon a man who was speaking to her at a ball about everything, in the city?

The man, Phil Bale, said he was giving Nica contact information, and she wasn't full, either. I learned to be angry, but I dared to miss the letter. Of course, I won't forget to look into the other person's qualities.

Grabbing and Nika's correspondent. As we investigated, common items emerged one after the other.

He started appearing at the ball last year, calling himself Filber-Barbier. He makes it smell like he's on edge with the Counts, and he actively speaks to the young ladies. The woman he spoke to and the missing lady coincided strangely.

When I contacted the Barbier family, it meant that no person with that name existed. He was there, but he died of an epidemic disease when he was a baby. Then who is he?

Nica's father, the Duke, decided to let him swim, even though he knew it was dangerous.

I called Nica over and over because I had guided her. I was trying to make sure it didn't look unusual. Nica exchanges letters with other men while she has a fiancée named me. She doesn't even have a backward look, she's always the same. I regretted how that looked and I deliberately touched her.

She looks cute when she turns red, and she looks confused for the first time. "It's a shape-only engagement," Nica says, but I've decided she's the one who's been with me for a long time now. Though I was going to respect Nica's will and slowly deepen my friendship.

"If it was enough for a man like that to grab me, should I have gotten my hands on it early? Or is it magic, and I guess I should leave it hanging?"

I can't stop whining.

From the letter, I discovered something like a map. If you want me to grab Sophia, I guess that means you two should come here.

Philveil seems to be only good at making it look like the female side acted from herself. So I guess I still can't tell the difference between running away from home and kidnapping, and the search was delayed.

I kept all sorts of magic in the magic stone I gave them. You can use any of them to protect yourself, and you'll soon find out where you are. That being said, I hope nothing happens until I help. I might not be able to control my magic if I had a slight scratch on her.

"If you do something too harsh, don't let Nica hate you"

I smiled bitterly. I'm actually blacker being a prince than the villain she admires. You don't just hate hurting anyone who harms her, or stiffen up your surroundings so that you can't easily dissolve your engagement. What would Nica look like when she found out about it?

Nica is lonely.

When others rejoice at what they do, they look really happy. Such an adorable girlfriend can't be a bad guy or something.

"Come on, give up, give me what I have to do."

"Prince, haven't you?

A paralyzed escort protests dissatisfied.

"I get it. This is probably where Nica and Sophia are being captured."

When I pointed to one point, I got up from the chair. The guard, who ran and went outside, seems to be skipping directions out loud to the soldiers who came later.

Thanks to Nica, we have all the evidence. Rescue of the two and securing the killer are only a matter of time. As long as there are magic stones, they are protected.

"Perhaps you're wearing it..."

Still, anxiety remains. I decided to fly the horse in a hurry to my destination.