Wang Hao still has an unforgettable dream about his dream of being hit by a hatchet, especially the last smile he couldn't tell who was the owner of the face, and he still has lingering fears.

But through that dream, Wang Hao realized that Yazi's Internet dependence was not as good as he imagined.

One carelessness may make Yazi unable to get rid of Internet dependence and become completely addicted to it. Therefore, he can only help Yazi slowly get rid of Internet dependence. Playing games with each other has become a very important point.

Although he said that he often works, he doesn't let everyone in the club really just keep working like this. After all, they are still high school students, and it is necessary to relax playing games.

Now Wang Hao can use this to help Yazi get rid of Internet dependence!

The most fundamental reason why Yazi got Internet dependence is the result of staying in the virtual network environment for a long time, so now you only need to let the other party slowly get rid of the original environment and become familiar with the atmosphere of the current community. Can get rid of it bit by bit.

Wang Hao feels that the current atmosphere of the club’s activities is just right for Yazi. In reality, he plays games with his friends to increase exchanges between everyone, and occasionally play games on the Internet for a while, and gradually get rid of Internet dependence.

Of course, this is definitely not something that can be solved in a day or two, it takes a long time to accumulate.

Of course, Yuzhi Yazi didn't have as much as Wang Hao thought. With a bright smile on her face, she was already satisfied when she heard that Wang Hao would continue to play games with her online.

"It's boring to team up for monsters in the era of legend. Then next time everyone re-select a game, let's team up and play black together!"

When Segawa Akane said this, her eyes lit up with a hint of excitement. Her thoughts might be the same as that of Goshoin An, or the two thought of the same point.

Most of the people in this club now basically met because of the game, and in the early days of the legendary era, the same novice, the player who came out of the village, once joined the same guild.

However, since the disbandment of the Paradise Union, Wang Hao and Yushengyuan Xing established the Guangming Guild and Array Cat, two powerful guilds that have always occupied the first and second positions in the Legendary Age.

There are also various frictions between the two major guilds, such as robbing each other's wild map bosses, and of course, they have also cooperated with each other when teaming up to swipe the world bosses, but generally after they get outside the city, the two players will often confront each other.

However, Guangming Guild and Array Cat have a contract, or Wang Hao and Yushengyuan Xing have an agreement, that is, in addition to special events, such as rare monsters and other situations, the presidents of both parties can take action. It is normal. Under the circumstances, they can't attack each other's members, after all, the level is no longer on the same level.

Unfortunately, in every guild battle, Yushengyuan Xing would be crushed by Wang Hao, which caused the morale of the array cats to drop greatly, and they had never won the Guangming Guild.

It should be said that after the dissolution of the Paradise Union, the Guild of Light has been occupying the throne of the First Guild of the Legendary Age. The last time the cats attacked the Guild of Light, it was because Wang Hao seemed to have retreated, and most of the original Guild of Light also left there. Of course, the array cat who has been pressed for so long will not let go of this opportunity.

Taking the opportunity to attack the Guild of Illumination on a large scale, seeing that the main city of Guild of Illumination was only 5% short of health, Wang Hao would come back, and then there would be no more array cats...

Having said so much, Akane Segawa remembered the bad memories she once had. A hardcore player like herself who relied on technology is still a crispy skin in front of Wang Hao. This has to make her sigh the power of krypton gold. .

"No problem, what kind of game do you want to choose? I don't care anyway. The Legendary Age is really meaningless now."

Wang Hao shrugged indifferently. As far as the predecessor was concerned, the Legendary Era had not failed once, which was why this invincibility was so lonely that the predecessor abandoned the pit.

After all, I haven't lost a game until the apex. At first, I felt that this kind of taste was really good, but as time passed, I only felt emptiness, and the sudden blow was too heavy for the predecessor at that time.

"Of course it is the type of competitive game that prohibits krypton gold. It is only interesting because of personal skills. Explain in advance that everyone bans krypton gold this time!"

Akane Segawa replied directly without even thinking about it. If you play some krypton gold games, it is almost like harvesting Filipino vegetables for Wang Hao and Yushengyuan, and of course there is no need to play.

She wanted to take this opportunity to show off the superb skills of her hardcore players, and give her a breath of reap as if she was treated as a gangster in the legendary era!

At that time, let them realize that real game masters never rely on Krypton Gold level, but on their own technology, it is time to show their superb skills, and a good salted fish stand up and call the shots!


Chapter 200 A Powerful Manga Assistant

"Hehehe..." At this point, Akane Segawa showed a happy smile, as if she had seen Wang Hao begging for mercy in front of her.

"What are you giggling at there? Are you planning something?"

Wang Hao looked at Akane Segawa who was laughing inexplicably, always feeling that the other party seemed to be planning something, and this was directly reflected on his face, he couldn't help but reminded.

"How is it possible?! I didn't plan anything at all! How long will you have time to team up with us to fight black?"

Akane Segawa's face flushed slightly, and she waved her hands in a flustered manner, and hurriedly buried some careful thoughts in her heart, and reluctantly said with a smile.

If the other party found out his intentions, he would have missed this opportunity to raise his eyes.

"Well, it may be the club activities on Friday afternoon this week, or it may be Saturday and Sunday."

Wang Hao thought about his recent arrangements in his mind. It is no longer possible today. Tomorrow, he has planned to go to Fusaikawa Bunko in the afternoon to discuss, and he has already made an agreement with Watanabe Takuma. Naturally, he cannot breach the contract, so he cannot guarantee Can you come back in time?

Counting this down, there are only Saturdays and Sundays, these two days are free, but Wang Hao still did not give a definite reply, because the matter of the second five publication is probably within these few days.

It is impossible for him to delay business just to play the game, but at least one of them can be ensured, so Wang Hao didn't worry much.

But when I mentioned it this way, he felt a burst of inexplicable sadness. He thought that he could have more time to relax after applying for a leave of absence from school.

"By the way, have you decided what type? I have to prepare in advance."

Shaking his head gently, Wang Hao chose to forget all this for the time being. He was quite interested in the plan Segawa Akane said.

"Since krypton gold is banned and it is still a competitive game, I think it would be better to choose an FPS type game."

Apricot Goshoin, who was sitting next to her, turned her side and raised her hand to offer her own opinion. The corners of her mouth also had a slight smile, because for FPS games, Apricots Goshoin felt like herself. Also very good at it.

"First-person shooter? This is indeed a good choice, but there are a lot of FPS of this type. You should find a suitable one first."

Wang Hao nodded slightly. FPS type games do not require krypton gold, and the requirements for players' operations are very high.

He himself has been exposed to this type of game several times, but he doesn't know how it feels now, but...probably...should be fine?

When the boat arrived at the bridge head, it was naturally straight. Wang Hao felt that there shouldn't be much problem, so he simply stopped thinking about this aspect of things, looked around the group of people, slowly said:

"Then today's meeting will end here. Does anyone have any questions? If not, it will be dissolved."

The atmosphere in the conference room was silent for a while, and Wang Hao only announced the dismissal, and everyone began to simply pack their own things and leave.


"This is Dragon Ball's original manuscript. Please check if there are any problems."

After Sawamura Hidelily packed her things, she did not choose to leave directly, took out a document bag from her backpack, walked slowly to Wang Hao and handed it to him.

"Thanks for your hard work, you don't have to rush like this. If the manga assistant I found so hard is exhausted, I will be very sad..."

Observing carefully, you can find that the other party is still wearing two faint dark circles under the eyes. Wang Hao couldn't help but smile and said, and made a faint joke with the other party.

At the same time, it also deepened the impression of Sawamura Hidelily. Today is Wednesday. There is no need to worry about the Dragon Ball manuscript at all. It seems that Sawamura Hidelily has a serious personality besides the attributes of Tsundere.

"You, you...what are you talking about? That's not a problem at all!" Sawemura Yinglili's face turned a little blushing, and she quietly turned her head and said in a hurry, turning her body slightly in panic.

If Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was still here, it would be inevitable to have a poisonous tongue. If she was a tsundere-haired blond, it was a pity that only Wang Hao and Sawamura Yinglili were left in the club room at this time.

Seeing Sawamura Hidelily's behavior, Wang Hao just gave a wry smile, and did not pay much attention to it. He untied the file bag and flipped through the manuscript he gave to the other party yesterday.

While Wang Hao was looking at the manuscript intently, Sawamura Hidelily became nervous at this time, and quietly turned her head and looked in Wang Hao's direction.

Although the last things dealt with were simple tasks such as painting, she still proceeded very carefully, for fear of something went wrong.