God Level Demon

Chapter 109: Top 3

“I actually sold over 4 million copies this month, which is amazing. ”

After finishing and editing Monfi's call, Xiaping was also struck by the sales results of his novel, which he didn't expect to achieve, even though he knew it was a novel against the sky.

“By the way, let's go online and see what the reviews really are. ”

Thinking about it, Xiaping immediately picked up his phone and clicked on the page to search for the novel Teacher Bai Rong.

Ding, the instant search page immediately pops up the page of the novel Teacher Bai Rong, with a total of 89.8 million results.

“Awesome.” Xia Ping was stunned. In previous life, if the search for a work reached a million results, even if it was hot, it would be a popular work.

For example, the hottest cartoon pirate king, Baidu search results are also more than 70 million, which is already phenomenal work, almost no one knows.

But now there are more than 80 million, and even though Huangxing is several times bigger than the Earth's population, you can see how hot this novel really is.

“Novel sales leaderboard of the month. ”

Xiaping soon saw one of the pages, which counted countless novels of the month, including words, cities, fantasy, science fiction, suspicion, reasoning, and more.

But all of these pieces ranked first, Teacher Bai Rong, sold more than 4 million copies, but the second place only sold more than 1 million copies, the gap was too far.

“Search scale number one, number one, top topic number one, number three!” Xiaping was very excited to see. This month's novel Teacher Bai Rong almost dominated the list of various novels.

Even though he did not continue to speculate, the quality of the novel, combined with the full promotion of the Penguin Novel Network, still attracted countless readers.

“Check out the Eagle Forum. ”

Xia Ping's heart moved and immediately entered the Sky Eagle Forum. There are many people in this place who should be able to see a number of readers' impartial comments about Teacher White Rong.

He immediately saw the number one popular post, titled: "Heavy Points: A Generation of Functional Novel Master Jia Zhiwei openly commented on the new and sharp novel of the year, Teacher Bai Rong, which was produced every 50 years. ”

“According to the press interview, that's what Master Jia Zhiwei said at the time, he didn't know the novel at first, and then an editor from Penguin Novel Network came to him to check it out and give him a review. ”

“I told you at the time that I, Jia Zhiwei, was not a casual person. If you didn't ask me to read it, I would have to read it. I still have a hard time reading it, not every functional novel. ”

“But then I saw that my ears were soft, I couldn't stand the compliments, and I paid for them, and I couldn't afford to be a man. But I didn't expect to see it like this. My husband was fascinated at the time. I saw it for three days and three nights. It's been a long time since I've seen such an excellent functional novel.

It describes the emotional tangle between a people's teacher and many men. Though the story is simple, it is very tense, curvy, extremely moving, and distracting.

Intense description, but with a hint of simplicity. Although it is a functional novel, it is also thought-provoking. After reading it, there is a hint of sadness, it seems empty inside. ”

“I don't know who this author really is, but I can see that he is very spiritual, and over time, he will surely be able to carry the flag of a functional novel and become a master. ”

After reading it, Xia Pingzhu exclaimed. No wonder the topic of this novel lasted a long time. It must have been the website editor who recommended it to a famous family and stuffed a generation of masters with money.

With the recommendation of a famous novelist, it naturally attracts more readers, which is equivalent to advertising.

This post also has a bunch of readers commenting on it.

“The master is a master, be strong. ”

“I didn't expect to see it for three days and three nights, cow, I can't see the master is an old man of seventy or eighty years. ”

“It's a functional novel. How can the master tell it's simple? Why do I see it as a green hat? ”

“The master is empty-hearted, I am physically weak, I don't know how many supplements to take to make it up to him. ”

“Hurt yourself, because of the master's recommendation, I just went to see it. I didn't expect this to pass overnight. I could barely walk the next day. I went to the hospital, and the doctor said my kidney. It's empty.”

“Hey, this novel is a scourge, after reading this novel, I don't know why, I raised a strange look at the female teacher in the class weighing more than 300 kg. ”

“The big brothers taste so heavy, the little brothers admire it. ”

“Let me remind you a little bit, attacking the teacher, starting three years, up to life, do it yourself. ”

Many readers commented that the atmosphere was very hot, and all at once replied to 18,9137 articles. You can imagine that the popularity of Jia Zhiwei, the master of the senses, was not built up, and he was always strong.

He continued to read, not only the master Jia Zhiwei, but also the master Baopi often seemed to appreciate: “This functional novel" Teacher Bairong "is a rare good work in recent years. Although it has been exaggerated a little at first sight for 50 years, it is fine at first sight for 10 years at a time. The stories in it are strange and highly infectious, attracting strong resonance among readers. ”

“Moreover, the novel has started a trend of functional novels, with the appearance of so-called teacher currents, allowing countless former servants of functional novelists to imitate them successively, which is called Mountain Nose Ancestors. ”

“There have been people who have written functional novels about teachers before, but this is the first time this author has caused such a trend, a work like Kaiyama Nose Ancestor, and I'm very fond of his next work. ”

Seeing this, Xiaping also clicked on the penguin novel web page, and immediately saw a lot of follow-ups on the list, such as "My Beauty Teacher", "Teacher Loves Me", "Beauty Teacher and the Story I Have to Tell", "Beauty Teacher in Boys School" and so on, a bunch of works popped up.

Even though these works are merely windy and unable to achieve the same results as Teacher Bai Rong, they do spark the trend and barely mix meals.

From this perspective, it can be seen that Teacher Bai Rong has become a phenomenal novel, has become the benchmark of the industry, and even functional novelists have influenced it.

“It's so hot. ”

After reading these comments, Xia Ping was heartily excited. If you wait for this novel to be converted into a TV show, it is expected that it will trigger a hotter trend and the sales volume will increase dramatically.

Grunting! Grunting!

At this point, his stomach sounded like a drum, and he touched his stomach: “My stomach seems a little hungry. Go home and check it out. I don't know if Dad's home. ”

With this in mind, Xiaping took the bus and quickly returned home.