God Level Demon

Chapter 266: No Tiger in the Mountains


Xiaping, Jiangyaru, Nangong Dance, Churong and Feng Hetang immediately walked into the black house, and as soon as they went in, they felt a bit of cool smell, quite different from the hot smell outside.

“It's so cool.” Jiangya Ru couldn't help but shout and she felt that the house was isolated from the outside sun, making it less hot than the outside and a sanctuary for the summer.

And it's huge, it's about two or three hundred square feet, it's very empty, it's nothing, and there's a couple of floors on the ground that are broken.

“The material here is weird. ”

The Nangong dance looked at the house and the eyes glistened: “The material used to build the house may be a special material that absorbs solar heat and disperses quickly, so that the house is not affected by high temperatures. As long as we stay here, it's like living in a flaming yellow star city. ”

She looked at it curiously, but could never find out what it was.

“Normal, too. ”

Chu Rong nodded: “If this relic space was once inhabited, all kinds of means must have been devised to deal with the high temperatures here, and the houses they built would certainly be suitable for human survival. ”

“That means if we live in this house, we don't have to worry about getting sunburned.” Feng Hetang was so excited that they finally found a place to live safely.

“It's been a long time since anybody lived here. It's full of dust and needs to be cleaned before people can live.” Jiangyaru looked around and frowned, and for the girl, the unclean place was hard to bear.

But it's wild, it's exams, and she doesn't really care.

“Then stay here for a while. ”

Xiaping immediately decided that, for the time being, they couldn't find anywhere else to live, and they could find a house to fight the heat outside, even if it was a good place to live.

And there's water, and there's food like jewelry, and it's not a problem to stay here for a few days.

Soon, the sky dimmed and the sun seemed to disappear.

And the whole heavens and the earth whistled, the winds swelled, the snow flew, the temperatures dropped all of a sudden, a world that was originally hot during the day, and now it's extremely cold all of a sudden.

The ground is covered with thick snow, cold bones, even if a drop of water falls outside, it freezes instantly, and someone walks outside, possibly even the blood freezes into ice.

Fortunately, however, this black house not only absorbs heat, but also seems to store it, and by night, these black materials release it slowly.

So the temperature inside the house is always at three or four degrees, and this temperature is acceptable to ordinary martial artists.

This is the magic of black houses, probably the technology of humans who once lived in this monumental space, and they've found a way to fight this heat.

If not, there would be no way to survive in this place.

“Fortunately, this ruined city was found, otherwise it wouldn't have survived long under such low temperatures. I don't know about the other candidates.” Jiangyaru couldn't help but be emotional.

“There are still a lot of similar houses in this ruins city, and it is estimated that those people have gone to live in other houses as well. ”

Chu Rong sighed: “As for candidates who are not in this ruins city, I don't know, but God always has a chance to find a place to hide from the snow and wind. ”

“Go to sleep, it's been a long day and I think it's time to get some sleep before I can replenish the energy I've consumed today.” Nangong danced and lay on the ground, snoring and sleeping.

Feng Hetang fell asleep long ago and snored on the ground.

At this time, Xiaping did not stay in the black house, but instead walked out, stayed outside in the ice and snow, and sat on his knees, feeling the low temperature of a few dozen degrees outside.

If someone watches beside them, they immediately feel horrified, because around Xiaping's body, a layer of red light appears, forming an energy shield that emits incredibly hot temperatures.

Any snowflake falling from the sky will instantly melt, centering on Xiaping's body, forming a circle three or four meters in diameter, surrounded by an elevated water vapor.

“Indeed, in such a harsh environment, the operation of pure sunshine is of great benefit to cultivation.” Sitting on the ground, he runs his tricks inside.

The whole body is like a little sun at the moment, emitting endless amounts of energy, and the blood in the body is vibrating, and the blood boils like molten milk.

Even low temperatures in the lower dozens of degrees can be driven away under such hot temperatures, and no cold can exist. In the distance, Xiaping is like a round of the sun.

Even under such a low temperature stimulus, he felt the pharmaceutical power in his body constantly refining and chemistry, a hint of pure yang authenticity emerged, constantly filling the third cave know-how, and promoted towards the triple heavenly peak of the warrior realm.

“This ruin of sand is a blessing that I cultivate. It can be cultivated by solar energy during the day. It can also be cultivated in the evening using low temperatures, quenching the body, refining the pharmaceutical power in the body. A day of cultivation here is equivalent to at least a few months of cultivation outside.” Xiaping's eyes revealed a glimmer of delight.

Whether it's extremely cold or extremely hot, his pure and indelible tactics are comfortable with it, and even the more brutal, the quicker his potential becomes stronger and stronger.


At this time, candidates from nine other continents also found a huge house in the palace, temporarily residing and sheltering from the violent snowstorm outside.

But they are still angry.

“That's terrible. ”

A candidate bites his teeth and cuts: “That Xiaping travels too far and nobody sees him, he blackmails each of us for 200 million federal coins. How can he have such a big appetite that no one can sanction him? ”

He was very uncomfortable and remembered that he had to pay Xiaping 200 million federal dollars just for some water. Even if he was from a large family, he felt terribly distressed, as if he had been cut meat.

“I can't help it. The bastard's too strong. We're not even his opponents. ”

“Powerful ass, if I'm here in Xuzhou District Pastoral Half City, where's the turn to get this asshole arrogant. ”

“There are no tigers in the mountains. Monkeys call themselves kings. ”

“Wait, the strong of our nine continents will always find someone to clean this guy up. ”

“But tomorrow we'll go to the nearby oasis, find some herbs, heal the wounds, and we won't be able to save you for too long. ”

“Shit, that son of a bitch did it so hard, there was no spirit of harmony at all. ”

“Anyway, we remember, sooner or later, that bastard had a bad day. ”

A bunch of candidates grinned their teeth, very angry, but there was nothing they could do, depressed to the point, had to such a harsh curse, hope the bastard had bad luck.