God Level Demon

Chapter 291: Beloved

And this live content from Natsukawa Stream TV also spreads on the internet, suddenly making a bunch of internet friends noise.

“Fuck you, this guy really dare to say that this Xia Ping is a virgin, why doesn't he say famous action star Chen Mi-kung and say * * * *, do you still have a face?! ”

“Now who doesn't know the evil deeds of Xia Ping, and how many women are harmed, this bastard still washes Xia Ping white. This Xia Ping father doesn't seem to be any good, why shouldn't his name be Xia Third Class? ”

“People, as their name suggests, are still a city administrator, often bullying male and female bullies in the streets, driving away vendors, and committing vicious acts, all of which have caused public resentment. ”

“No wonder Xia Ping is so abominable. It turns out it's all hereditary. ”

“It's not natural for an asshole like me to marry a wife. A handsome guy like me is still single. ”

“It's also strange, this guy's wife is still a street vendor, how the two of them are together. ”

“Trail news claimed that Natsukawa Liu had bullied the people and took her with her to the stall. ”

“Motherfucker, shameless, that's all right, isn't it an abuse of power?! ”

“Xia Ping was so abominable, he learned from his father and even grew bright. ”

A group of internet friends yelled at Xiaping on the internet. They are all people who have enemies with Xiaping. Where can they stand Xiaping being so baptized, they are all disgusted.

In this way, however, it also led to an increase in the television programme's viewership rate, and the people of the television station suddenly had a strong spirit and immediately dispatched journalists to dig up Xiaping's affairs.

First of all, Xia Ping originally lived in the neighborhood. Although the Xia family no longer lived here, after all, they lived there for more than a decade, and many people knew them.

By then, the neighborhood had gathered a number of aunts and uncles, who were surrounded by a group of journalists.

“It is said that Xiaping lived in this neighborhood for more than a decade. Do you know what Xiaping was like when he was a child?” A reporter took the microphone and interviewed him.

“Yes, I know the old nose. I've known that Chapin since he put on his crotch pants. ”

“If you don't believe me, when I was a kid, I knew this kid would grow up. After all, he had two spins in his head. Can't he be smart? ”

“On the day of the baby's birth, the world was said to have fallen to a star. It was the birth of Wu Qu Xing who became a college entrance exam. It was a matter of nails on iron sheets, a natural warlord. ”

“What I heard was that when Xiaping was born, the hospital wards all showed colorful glow, and there were immortals blowing the drums, and the visions were amazing, and even the doctors were frightened. ”

A bunch of old ladies and uncles mysteriously said.

The interviewed reporter's mouth twitched, according to these aunts and uncles, that Xiaping was born a demon, nothing Gestachi is better than him.

Bullshit, but he had to listen.


Journalists also interviewed Xiaping's alma mater, Tianshuicheng 95 Secondary School.

At this time, Tianshuicheng 95 high school door immediately hung a huge red banner, which can be seen clearly far away, it says: "warmly congratulate our outstanding students Xiaping and Jiangyaru to Yanhuang University. ”

Some journalists immediately went to school and interviewed 95 high school students.

“This classmate, what do you think of Xiaping's admission to Yanhuang University?” A journalist immediately grabbed a tall student, who was surely Bear Heaven.

Bear didn't want to care about this at all, because after hearing that Xiaping had successfully entered Yanhuang University, he was in a very gloomy mood and very upset. Why didn't this guy die in the exam? He was a good man with a long life, a scourge that lasted a thousand years.

But when confronted with the journalist's query, he couldn't help but answer. "I am glad that Xiaping, the light of this school, can enter Yanhuang University. It is an honor for our school and an honor for our alumni. With such an example around me, I think I will try harder in the future. ”

He covered his conscience to speak.

“It seems that Xiaping not only did well, but was also loved at school.” The reporter was emotional.

Love your ass!

Bear Big Heaven freaked out, his face stinks, who would love such a despicable bastard, don't joke, but he was just roaring in his heart and didn't dare say it.

Because he was warned by the headmaster that he could never speak ill of Xiaping, which would affect the reputation of the school; he was also warned by his own father that Xiaping must not be offended now because it is different from the past.

Journalists also went to interview Xiaping's classmates and immediately blocked two students who wanted to leave the classroom secretly. They were not others, it was Takamaru and Yang Wei.

“These two students, I wonder what your thoughts are on Xiaping's admission to Yanhuang University? What kind of person is he usually in the classroom? Is he an example of a student? Is he usually trying very hard? ”

A reporter asked curiously.

What a role model!

Yang Wei and Takamaru both bite their teeth. This bastard will take a month off before college entrance exam to go to Black Moon City to prostitute themselves. How can such a shameless person be an example to students? Don't joke about it, if it becomes counterproductive material, he will have another share.

But they also dared not say, because they were warned by their own families.

“Yes, Xia Ping was a very hard worker in his usual life. He studied hard every day, never tirelessly, had a good relationship with his classmates, and was a good student with excellent character. My parents made me see him as a good role model for learning.” Yang Wei said this hypocritically, but he pinched his fist behind his back.

“Xiaping was honored to take the Yanhuang University, and as a classmate, we were very happy because it was normal. ”

Takamaru is also dressed up in the spring wind: “People like Xia Ping who study hard and hard work, if they can't pass the Yanhuang University, this is the big joke. ”

“I don't think it was an accident, but of course, God always cares about the hard work. ”

“Seeing the harrowing backdrop of Xiaping, I felt the courage to fight from within. ”

Other classmates are also emotional, I have to say that these two are top performers, clearly hate Xiaping the most, but now pretend to be friends with Xiaping.

“Friends of the audience, do you hear me? ”

The reporter turned to the camera and said excitedly: “It seems that Xiaping is not only a genius, but also usually works very hard, studying hard, has become a role model for many students, is loved by school students and is a spiritual leader. ”

“Girls who love Xiaping in schools are said to be among the few and form a fan corps. ”

“There are even boys who admire Xiaping and form a huge organization, which is simply the charm of killing everything. ”

“I am also proud of the emergence of such a martial arts genius in Tianshui City. ”

Yang Wei and Takamaru both heard a bit of an impulse to throw up blood, they couldn't wait to rush up, immediately reveal the true face of this abominable Xiaping, and want to yell at many audiences. This kid is not such a person at all, don't let everyone fool you.

How can they love this bastard when they can't help beating him up?