God Level Demon

Chapter 406: Sharpening Knives and Stones


A bull demon made a huge roar and ran over, like a tank, with tremendous vibrations on the ground and terrible moments on his body.

“Die! ”

Xiaping's sword split, like the rain of spring, and the lover murmured, seemingly tender, but fearful of killing.

Puffing, a spring rain condensed into a line cut past, and then the bovine demon's body appeared a clear visible line of blood, puffing, its body split from the middle, blood sprayed like a fountain, just like that, smashed on both sides of the ground, a dirt.

“Damn, damn humans. ”

“Kill our companion and destroy him immediately. ”

A bunch of cow demons roared and saw one of their companions die. They were so angry that dozens of them ran over, raised a giant axe and smashed it hard.

Immediately, dozens of horrible momentum splashed, and Xiaping took strange steps, like a peng, spiritual power spread around, has merged with the surrounding environment.

Air, dust, rubble, dirt, etc. are all so clear under his mental perception that his body acts like an instinct and does not need to think at all.

Suddenly, avoiding these bull demons, a temper smashed down, instantly smashing dozens of terrible cracks, and a giant mountain stone was chopped to pieces in the distance.

From this, it can be seen that the bull demons are powerful. They are capable of carrying an axe and have the power to shatter the earth. Normal warriors cannot bear such an axe.


Xia Ping waved the long sword in his hand and danced like a butterfly. One sword was cut out. The sword was sharp and unbreakable.

At this moment, he has the feeling of being integrated with the surrounding environment, each sword is extremely delicate, grabbing each other's dead corners, not wasting any effort, and finding an exact angle.

It's like these cow demons are sending their heads to the door and letting Xiaping kill them at will.

A few shouts, the sword like spring rain flew out, the heads of dozens of bull demons were thrown up, cut by strong sword, blood sprayed, they were killed by one sword.

“So this is the true auspiciousness of the extreme, of love, of swords, of everything in the world, which is already spiritual.” Xia Ping suddenly realized.

He used to occasionally exert extreme power, but he didn't fully understand it, but now fighting these bull demons for life and death finally got a deep sense.

Once you fully understand the power of the polar, you can perceive the surroundings with your mental power, and everything is perceived clearly, as if the light brain knew data such as air, gravel, earth, odor, and so on, and then concluded for a moment, and then the body reacted again, which is almost an instinctive technique.

“Come on, a little more. ”

Xia Ping looked at the cow demons in front of him, and the wars boiled. For him, these cow demons were not enemies, they were just sharpening knives and stones, helping him to sharpen his kung fu.

Even as his mental strength grew, the true elements on him were converting faster and faster, and the pounding real Qi quickly liquefied, transforming into a drop of dark red real elements.

If he continues like this, it won't take long before he can truly and truly be promoted to the status of a martial arts master.

“Shit, shitty humans, when we cow demons are what they are. ”

“It's arrogant to think of us as sharpening knives. ”

“Together, we will slaughter this despicable human, and I will eat his flesh alive. ”

Suddenly, countless bull demons roared. They were kind of blown up by Xiaping's actions in the lungs. I think they were also frightening bull demons. I don't know how many humans they ate.

But how can you bear to be this damn human sharpening stone?!

A cow demon is so angry that his skin is reddish and pounds of magic appear on his body that many red lines appear on its surface.

The surrounding space is heavily absorbed into their bodies, and they also seem to be four meters taller.

At this moment, they seem to be stronger, like towers.


Xia Ping's eyes were heartless. He ignored the abnormality of the bull demons now appearing. He held a three-foot green peak and rushed up towards these bull demons.

He stomped on his feet and his back grew wings and the air shook.

He's only one word faster now, that's fast!

It's really too fast.

In the middle of the sky, now even the bull demons can only see the remnants of Xia Ping's illusion, he travels by the countless bull demons and carries out speeds.

He waved the long sword in his hand, springing the rain of the world sword.

In an instant, countless swords erupted, a spring rain line emerged, clearly visible, condensed into substance. If anyone looked from above, it was immediately discovered that a great net of death was formed below, and thousands of bull demons present had been completely covered, and dozens of spaces separated.

When the long sword in Xiaping's hand stopped a moment, as if the world had stopped at this moment, thousands of bull demons were also like stereotypes, unable to move.

“Ahhh!!! ”

After a second, these cow demons suddenly screamed a terrible scream, and it seemed that they were only now experiencing physical pain, so that the speed of swordsmanship exceeded the speed at which their bodies perceived pain.

When Xiaping stopped, they knew that they had been cut off and their eyes were endlessly frightened, and now their minds were reacting, and they seemed to be dead.

Bang bang bang!!!

At this moment, the power of the sword erupted immediately, and their bodies were cut into hundreds of pieces, like cattle, smooth cuts, and a piece of flesh fell.

The blood was sprayed out like a fountain, stained the earth red, and the meat mass was all over the earth, as if it were a slaughter site, with intense bloody smell in the air.

Bull demon, destroy them all!

“Are they dead? ”

Xia Ping was a little sad. He was still immersed in the understanding of the extreme Ao and Fao Yi of the sword. When he felt his four seasons of swordsmanship, he also gained a slight increase in his spiritual strength. He felt a spring sword. He was more intelligent about swordsmanship, like a master of swordsmanship.

Spring is gentle to the extreme, almost to the extreme, which is the deadly killing machine, no one can resist.

“Let's go. ”

At this time, no cow demon could resist him anymore, and Xiaping walked towards the center of the lake.