God Level Demon

Chapter 444: No Negative Money

The problem is, it's too expensive.

The so-called cannon goes off, the gold goes off, and thousands of missiles go off at the same time. How much does that cost? Hundreds of millions of federal dollars must want it. Once it goes off, it's gone.

Not to mention the energy to start the ship, the nuclear bullets that might be used, the laser energy, etc. Once activated, the money would be like water, and the rags would flow out.

Even if the federal police did not dare to spend the money in this way, after all, their department had a budget, and if the cost of dealing with the bandits was too high and not lost, they gave up.

“Young master, is this too much money?” The middle-aged man in black couldn't help but ask.

Xia Ping Da La said: “Little things, this is the famous early investment, in order to be famous, became a character in the school, the money is just ninety cows and ten cents. ”

“I'm not hiding anything else in my family, it's more money. ”

He revealed himself to be a super rich man.

Damn, evil rich man.

The people next door heard their faces green and were so jealous that they worked hard for tens of thousands of federal dollars and could pay a heavy price for breaking the law and being wanted by the federal police.

But the kid is fine. He doesn't treat money like money at all. Spending it is like sprinkling water. Hundreds of millions of federal coins say throwing it in water throws it in water. The difference is so big compared to people. God is so unfair.

At this moment, the middle-aged man in black understood that this kid is simply a descendant of a rich family, a dude, who doesn't lack money at all and comes from a family with gold keys.

This kind of person came to the West Rough City to go back to school in the future, make a fortune, and also attract girls, so he found the wind chaser to open the knife and kill the chicken monkey.


Thinking about this, the middle-aged man in black said, “This is a big matter. After all, the wind chaser is also a well-known bandit group in the West Rough City. To investigate, there is also a risk price to pay. After all, we cannot help or may face the retaliation of the wind chaser, and it takes time to investigate. ”

“So I hope you can wait, and the money is not small, and you need a hundred million federal dollars. ”

He deliberately raised the price, hoping to slaughter the fat sheep.

“100 million? It's just a small number. ”

Xiaping didn't care about the price at all, shouting: “Tell me honestly, how long it will take to wait. If it is longer than a day, after all, I have a few friends to play mahjong after three days, and the trip is very busy. ”

“If you can't help me, I'll go to other gangs and I won't believe that hundreds of millions will fall, and I won't find those ditch rats chasing wind thieves. ”

He showed impatience.

The people next to him had a twitch in the corner of his mouth. Emotion this dude came to West Rough City to find trouble chasing wind thieves. It's as simple as playing games. I despise chasing wind thieves.

At least chasing wind thieves is also a bandit. It's disgraceful to talk like this.

“Don't worry. ”

When Xiaping heard that Xiaping despised and could not help, the middle-aged man in black had a slight glare in his eyes, but he still did not move his voice. “If it comes to finding news, I cannot help the first in this part of West Rough City, and nobody dares to call the second. ”

“That's enough time for one day. ”

His tone was chopped to pieces.

“That's good, I'll wait for your day.” Xiaping Dao, “I'm staying at the Star Hotel Presidential Suite in West Rough City, where I'll be notified if I hear anything. ”

Having said that, he got up and left, quickly leaving Headquarters unable to help.

“Isn't this guy a real rich man who doesn't take money for money?” The middle-aged man in black flashed his eyes, watching Xia Ping leave his back, and questioning one of the men next to him.

Next to him, one of his men immediately said: “It's really a rich man. The man he just brought with him was Husan, the famous mouse of the West Waste City of Hehe, who saw him fly a private spaceship, the Optical God. ”

Although it was only for a while, he had already investigated some of Xiaping's information clearly.

“The fruit is so rich, even the private spaceship, the Light God, is here. ”

“A Halo is said to be worth at least 30 billion federal dollars. ”

“It wasn't just that he had all sorts of high-tech weapons installed on the ship. It is also estimated to have undergone various modifications, armed with teeth, at least over $50 billion in federal currency. ”

“Tsk, with so much firepower, even if he is an idiot, he can use these weapons to kill bandits and destroy bandits. It's just crushing. Looks like the wind thief's in trouble. ”

“Humph, it's just the father Yu Yin. Without his father, he's nothing. ”

Everyone was jealous and jealous of Xia Ping.

“But the supervisor. ”

The eyes of one of the men flashed: “Although the wind chaser was a bandit, he did nothing wrong, killing people like hemp, but every year the treasures looted were handed over to us and we were unable to help sell them, of which we received great benefits. ”

“It can be said that the profits from the stolen goods of the wind thieves account for more than half of what we cannot help. ”

“If we divulge the news of the wind thief's lair, we can't help but lose a lot. ”

They've been working with the wind chasers for a long time.

In fact, it is not only their gang, but other Western Waste City gangs are also collaborating with other bandits to reap significant benefits from looting merchants, pedestrians, etc.

“The problem is that he can't refuse, and if he refuses, he can totally get help from other gangsters.” Another man squeezed his fist, "although chasing the wind thief's lair is very secret, it's hard to keep no other gangster from knowing. ”

“There will always be omissions under heavy rewards. ”

“After all, other gangs have not cooperated with the wind chasers and are not close enough to betray us. ”

He also took the risk of refusing to cooperate with Xiaping.

“Indeed, under a huge reward, no one can remain sane. ”

“Even if we can't help, it's not necessarily a piece of iron, and no one can betray us for a reward. ”

“The boy is a dude with no brain, but he possesses the Light God, and the kingdom of the Master can kill him, and the threat is immense. ”

“This must be done with caution, or the wind thieves will be destroyed. ”

A lot of people talked about it, they were all nervous, their faces were heavy, they didn't even think to kill them, they were forced into despair by a dude's brother.

Sometimes the power of money is horrible, so long as there is enough, even the priesthood dies.

Some people look at each other, they are suspicious of each other. Don't look at them as angry as they are now. If that dude really gives out hundreds of millions of rewards, if you don't allow someone to betray you, you can't help.

After all, there are hundreds of millions of them who go completely to other safe cities to survive, live happily ever after, and marry their wives and children.

“Hmm, this matter is confidential for the time being, can't be divulged, I have to talk to the Master personally.” The middle-aged man in black flashed his eyes and left immediately.