God Level Demon

Chapter 450 Escape

“Well, let's go all the way. ”

Xiaping's eyes revealed a hint of cold, running through the real elements of the body, and instantly there was a huge flame all around, filling the surrounding space, just a few breaths made the space incredibly hot.

A flame flew out and landed on the surrounding wind chasers. Boom, these wind chasers could not resist, and were instantly struck by the flame.

Immediately, their bodies were burned by flames, just a few breaths, and burned to ashes.

“Fucking monster! ”

In an instant, the town killed more than a dozen wind chasers. The rest of the wind chasers were terrified. There was a lot of cold air in their hearts. The other party's qi power was too horrible to be stopped by ordinary means.

It's only a matter of time before the kid tries to kill them.

“If you want us to die, you die first. ”

Suddenly, there was an angry roar coming from afar, lying on the mountain wall, almost inexhaustible Kogao, and at this time he climbed out of the gravel pit, and there was a lot of blood on his body.

His face stared at Xiaping, and he came to a wall, pressing a rock raised by the wall in his hand, bang, he pressed hard, and immediately made a click.

“The boss activated the self-destruct switch here.” See, there was instant despair among a group of wind thieves who knew that Kogor was no match for Xia Ping and wanted to use the authorities here to kill him.

Boom Boom Boom ~ ~

At this moment, the ceiling immediately cracked, falling from the sky a huge rock, each with a person's height, weighing up to 100 tons.

They fall from high altitude, like meteors smashing into the ground, carrying a terrible threat. So many rocks have fallen, even the warrior realm has to be smashed into meat sauce.

Higher Kohl, who seemed to have been prepared long ago, immediately drilled into a hole that suddenly split in front of them and quickly disappeared into the lobby.

But the other wind chasers couldn't make it, and a giant rock fell on them, suddenly screaming like a pig.

A few bangs, they were smashed into meat sauce and lost their breath of life.

Four Seasons Swordsmanship - Spring Rain!

Xia Ping instantly took his hand, he held his anger into a sword, and the pounding sword momentarily erupted, condensing into a large number of sword lines, like a spring rain line.

A line of sword gas intertwined like a spider web, forming a giant web of sword gas that instantly burst towards the rock above its head.

A blast, a huge rock falling in the sky, was suddenly smashed by a powerful sword, torn apart and spread in all directions.

At the same time, his body erupted, the flames burned, some crushed stones fell, also burned into molten pulp, dropped on the ground, nourished and produced a lot of smoke.

At this moment, all the rocks fall from high altitude, except in the area where Xiaping is located, all covered by huge rocks, with no voids at all.

Those who had not escaped in time had been thrown into meat sauce by the rocks.

“Don't try to run! ”

Xiaping punched out, smashing past the hole in the underground passage just now, thumping, instantly smashing several rocks in front into a huge cave.

Immediately ahead, a dark hole emerged, hidden from the faint light, not knowing where it leads.

With a whisper, he didn't say a word. He stepped forward and manipulated the airflow. The whole person was like a big bird, extremely fast, and chased him up immediately.

This passage continues, seemingly emptied by the pursuit of wind thieves, with an electric lamp mounted on the surrounding stone wall, emitting a faint light.

After a few breaths, Xiaping caught up with the escaping wind thief.

“No way, the kid's not dead?! ”

“How is that possible? How could this kid not die when so many rocks fell? Does he have copper-skinned steel? ”

“Are you kidding me? Is he really a monster?! ”

“Run, you can't stay here, stay and die. ”

“Who is it, who is it? Forcing wolves into the room? You brought this monster here to kill all of us, and now we're all fucked. ”

“This kid is a hundred times more brutal than us murdering leper chasers. ”

Some wind chasers immediately noticed that Xia Ping was coming, and they were so scared that such an organ could not kill this dude, how could it kill this monster?

They completely lost the courage to fight Xiaping and fled towards the distance.

And chasing wind thief boss Ko Gao's face was white, he greased the soles of his feet, risked his life to escape, and now he can't wait for his parents to give him more legs.

Beast Fist Type 3 - Rift Bear Hand!

Xiaping slapped, like a violent bear out of the mountain, a horrible real yuan hand crushed, penetrated the air, shook hundreds of times, the surrounding air seemed to fill with mercury.

Bang bang bang!!!

The guardian Qi of the chasing thieves in the field was immediately shattered by this powerful force, and the horrible force passed through their bodies, shattering their five dirty hearts all at once.

“Pfft!” they threw out a lot of blood one by one, falling to the ground and dying.

Even Korgo couldn't bear this power, he was photographed flying out, his chest had a clear and visible palm print, he threw up blood on the ground, and he was angry.

“Give me a break. ”

When I saw Xiaping approaching, Khoglian shouted: “As long as you spare me one life, I can give you anything you want. I am the boss of the wind chase thieves. I have been running around the West Rough City for more than 10 years. There is no evil to do, I do not know how much wealth has been plundered. ”

“As long as you spare my life, the treasure on me belongs to you...”

He hasn't finished his speech yet. Xia Ping slapped him.

Bang, instantly Kogao's Heavenly Lid split apart, killing him on the spot, a lot of blood flowing out of his eyes, mouth, nose and ears, ticking and answering.

His eyes were so wide open that he was frightened and unhappy. Before dying, he didn't expect Xiaping to be so cruel. He didn't even hear him, and he slapped him.

If the boy had such a second of hesitation, maybe he would have lived.

“Hmm? Really hard. ”

Xiaping squinted his eyes, and he saw Kogao holding a remote control in his right hand, as if he could immediately activate the tunnel's organ with a slight press.

Unfortunately, he didn't give Korgo any time to react. He just slapped him to death. He didn't even have time to activate the organ. He died on the spot and died unjustly.

“Hmm? Is this smell, at the end of the tunnel, of these treasures of wind thieves?” Xiaping's eyes flashed, and he carried out a million miles of tracking to immediately perceive some unusual odors.