God Level Demon

Chapter 621: The Last Punch!

The rest of the audience, including the core students, were totally obsessed.

Just now, they were ready to cheer, and some even thought about getting their own dragonless yangdan, promoting them as kings, and thinking about the names of the cities they were going to build in the future.

But when Xiaping still stood on the ground, he quickly broke all their fantasies, a hateful bastard who had not yet been eliminated.

“The power of this technique is indeed good, and even with the previous Jia Zhijie's Nine Waves sword, it is a pride to have the blood of a mermaid. ”

Xia Ping stood on his shoulders with great emotion: “Almost, just so close, I couldn't resist. If I did it again, I guess I couldn't hold on. ”

He showed great regret, seemingly falling to the ground anytime, anywhere, and being eliminated.


Upon hearing this, integrity went green, and in order to make that move, he consumed all the true elements of his body, even his blood strength.

It can be said that now his body is as empty as a shell, with no power whatsoever, worse than ordinary people.

So how else did he make this move, isn't it hard for the strong?!

“I'm sorry, but it looks like you don't have any more power, so let me give you the power of the last punch to knock you down, and that's my respect for you.” Xia Ping was upright, held his fist tight, and hoisted heavenly.


Integrity went wild, he had no power, how could this seriously injured bastard have the power of a final punch, this is a joke.

What makes him think he's the one seriously injured, and this kid is alive and well.


At this moment, Xia Ping stepped on the ground and suddenly stepped out of a huge deep pit, with the cracks as dense and numb as a spider web.

His feet produced tremendous thrust, hundreds of meters away, winking through, a huge fist coming from a distance, the power of a tiger leopard thunder, as if a real dragon was roaring.

Shit, this is the power of the last punch, how can it be so much stronger than in his full-blown days, this kid can't help but leave too much power, no reason.

Feeling the power of this punch, it seems that the wind alone can crush a hard rock to pieces of debris, and integrity scares the heart to shrink.

He has no idea why the boy has left so much power at this point.

But now integrity is completely impossible to think about, because Xiaping is really too fast, and his mind just came up with this idea, and his fist was smashed.


One punch hit the honest and smooth head hard. If you use a slow lens, slowing down 10,000 times, it seems that the punch has all shaped the honest and smooth head.

With a bang, his entire body flew out, spinning for dozens of turns in the middle of the sky, and finally hit the wall of the ring, smashing a raw man into a deep pit.


His neck twisted and his mouth foamed, and he was suddenly unconscious on the ground.

The next second, an honest and smooth body turns into a white light that is transmitted out of the system for emergency treatment.

And Xiaping still stood on the ground, standing in a negative position, a shaky look that seemed to fall anytime, anywhere.

“Unfortunately, if integrity can resist the power of my last punch, maybe he can defeat me. Unfortunately, he can't hold on, and his life can.” Xiaping was very emotional.

At this point, the system announced the victory of Xiaping and successfully entered the four-winning game.

“No way. Lost? At the end of the day, integrity is lost! ”

“I just went to the bathroom for a dozen seconds. What the hell happened? ”

“Yeah, wasn't integrity a huge advantage before? Why did the plot flip at the last second? ”

“There is no way, integrity is smooth, continuously attacking Xiaping, which leads to the exhaustion of his own physical strength. As a result, Xiaping exploited the power of the last punch and completely defeated the integrity, which was too unjust to lose. ”

“It doesn't make sense. This is the power of the last punch. How do I feel about this punch? It's like a storm dragon attacking. Can this really be done by a seriously injured person? ”

“This is what it looks like to be back in the light, all of a sudden restored to the full state of life, almost at full height, but this state cannot be maintained for too long. ”

“Bullshit, this state of returning light, he has persisted for days, always to the last minute, nobody can defeat him, it's too weird. ”

Many viewers were stunned. They all thought that Xiaping would lose this game, and would definitely eliminate the game, but where can you think of it? At the last moment, Xiaping won the defeat, and it was a huge reversal.

Even teachers can't see why this is happening.

“Shit, what the hell is going on? Why did integrity fail? Didn't you say he won? ”

A core student looked very shady. He thought the bet had been won, but now that Xiaping has won, he has been beaten so hard that he has beaten him so hard.

“Integrity is in order. ”

Huo Gang squeezed his fist and cut his teeth: “The boy practiced an unparalleled protective technique, comparable to King Kong's unharmed body, and ordinary people could not easily break his defense. ”

“And that's how the kid used it to induce integrity to continue to attack. ”

“As a result, integrity went wild. I didn't want to understand this. I just wanted to make a quick decision, and eventually I ran out of energy and was defeated by Xiaping, who waited for me. ”

Hearing such analysis as Huo Gang's, the leader said, everyone was suddenly enlightened. No wonder Xiaping won. Turns out all this is a conspiracy.

Previous malicious provocations are also expected to provoke integrity and irrationality.

“Getting laid. ”

A core student grieves: “The kid knows that he can't attack each other at all due to his own serious injuries, so he can only induce them to attack themselves, so he can wait and save his strength. ”

“If we were careful and cautious, perhaps integrity and obedience could see through his conspiracy, but unfortunately he was not calm enough to fall in love with Xiaping and was defeated. ”

Those present were also angry and admired. At this point, in the face of such danger, it was remarkable that the boy could make such a plan through the game.

“Rest assured, after all, it's just a conspiracy. It's not worth mentioning if you see it through.” Cao Zhengbin bites his teeth, “the next round is the four-man race, his plot has long been well known, and he will not be able to do it. ”

“He's definitely going to lose the next game. ”

His words were cut to pieces.

A group of core students nodded silently, profoundly.