God Level Demon

Chapter 862: Space Virtual Networks

“How do you use it? ”

Xia Ping looked at this silver white ring curiously. He thought it was just a ring. It didn't look like a computer at all. Even if people found it, they wouldn't know how to use it.

“This is advanced intelligence, similar to a treasure vessel, bound with a soul.” Cat Cactus, “in the universe, pupils can fake, fingerprints can fake, but souls can't fake. ”

“So bind intelligence with the soul, and no one can lift control unless the master gives the order. ”


Xia Ping sighed and his spiritual strength immediately penetrated, and immediately he felt a hint of his soul energy seemingly entering the space of this silver white ring.

“Dip! Has the human soul Xiaping been detected, bound to the brain, identified as the first sequencer?” Immediately, a mechanical voice immediately sounded in Xiaping's mind.

“Yes, bind. ”

Xiaping did not hesitate to bind immediately.

“Well, Xiaping, who determines the first sequence of intellectual brains, has the highest authority of intellectual brains and the highest right of interpretation of all intellectual brain rules.” The sound of the machine went off.

As Xia Ping moved in his heart, he felt that he was intimately connected to this mind, seemed to merge, even if he wanted to, he could change the ring into various shapes, and could be invisible and not be discovered by others.

Even his spiritual power perceived a space of nothingness, as if he thought he could enter that mysterious space of nothingness.

“Host Xiaping, signal detected, is now connecting to the virtual network of the universe?” The mind opens its mouth.

Connect to the universe virtual network?

Xia Ping's eyes lit up. Of course, things like this had to be connected. He was curious about things between the universes, holding on to the excitement, and sighed: “Connect immediately. ”

Ding ~

Immediately, he felt a day spinning, his soul seemed absorbed into a black hole, and the next second, he appeared somewhere else.

“Is this virtual space? ”

Xia Ping blinked his eyes and discovered that he had left the ruins base and came to a mysterious lobby, full of white stones, emitting strange fluctuations.

The surrounding walls are engraved with many mysterious inscriptions, unpredictable, but nothing around them is just an empty hall.

He thought it was amazing, knowing he was in a ruin base, but instantly came to this place.

“So real. ”

Xia Ping pinched his fist and felt the abundance of power on himself. It was obviously just a virtual image, but it was almost like a real person. Every inch of power could erupt, perfectly simulated.


He punched out, like a barbarian treading the earth, bombarding the surrounding walls, making loud noises and sounding constantly, but the walls were intact.

Instead, Xiaping's fists were shaken numb and almost bled out.

“It hurts, it feels so real.” Xiaping shocked, is this really just a virtual network? It's amazing how real even the pain is simulated.

“Of course it's true, it's not just a virtual space, it's not a simple virtual projection. ”

With a chirp, a mini kitten immediately appeared in front of Xiaping and jumped lightly on his shoulder.

Xia Ping was very curious. He could see that the kitten was obviously a cat cactus. For this intelligent life, the shape you want to change into is the shape, depending on the mood of intelligent life.

“What do you mean?” Xiaping asked.

The Cat Cactus wore a white beard and said: "This virtual network of the universe is a robotic saint who masters the best technology in the universe. It combines many invincible saints to create a super virtual network with signals almost throughout the universe. ”

“As long as someone has a communicator, they can receive signals in every corner of the universe, and of course in some mysterious places, or even in dangerous places where saints can crash, they cannot receive signals. ”

“Such virtual networks are not mere projections, but soul projections, spiritual projections! ”

“It perfectly simulates any state of the user's body, and this projection also has a sense of pain, vision, taste, etc., similar to that of a real person. ”

“So don't be careless, if you die in a virtual network, it won't die in itself, but it will be traumatized and you won't be able to log back into the virtual network for a month. ”

It warned Xia Ping not to act rashly and that death on a virtual network was not without consequences and could result in soul trauma.

Xia Pinglian, it seems that this virtual network is not 100% secure. Hearing this warning from the Cat Cactus, it is estimated that some people will die in Nova's virtual network.

“What is this place? ”

Xiaping looked around.

"This is the entrance hall to the Virtual Network of the Universe," said the Cat Cactus. ”

“Entrance hall? ”

Xia Ping was confused.

“Yes, that's the entrance hall, the initial location of the virtual network.” The Cat Cactus explains, "From this place you can choose to go into a lot of virtual spaces, like entertainment spaces, where you can watch a variety of movies and videos, interact with virtual characters, and play a variety of cosmic games. ”

“Learning space, going in there, can learn all kinds of advanced martial arts knowledge and technology, which of course is not free and requires cosmic coins. ”

“In addition to that, there are social spaces, fighting spaces, etc., which can be transferred from this entrance hall anywhere you want to go, very quickly. ”

When it waved, the whole hall changed dramatically, with a space door that emitted a white light with the inscription of a space on it.

These words are universal in the universe. Xiaping naturally doesn't understand them, but there are intellectuals that translate into flaming yellow stars.

“Of course, the most important thing for the virtual network of the universe is martial arts space.” The cat cactus sank.

Xia Ping didn't talk, listen quietly.

“Martial arts space is one of the greatest inventions of virtual networks, which gives rise to a geometric increase in the development of human martial arts and the constant emergence of a saint, which is also the backbone of the race that has become the highest race in the universe. ”

"In this martial arts space, it's ten times longer than the outside world," said the Cat Cactus. “In this place, you can spend ten times as much time practicing martial arts. ”

“Moreover, the spiritual projection is practiced in martial arts space, constantly sharpening, and after returning to the real world, all martial arts experience will be fed back into the body, constantly changing, as if it were practicing here. ”

“It is precisely for this reason that people continue to emerge as strong people, manufactured in bulk and of constant origin. ”


Xiaping is also the saint who is increasingly admiring the creation of such a virtual network of the universe. This is an absolutely immense act of merit. I don't know how many powerful people will emerge.