God Level Demon

Chapter 879: Master Five Heavens

Ye Mengyao immediately placed Xiaping's words in the chat group and immediately blew up a number of friends in diving and peeping screen.

“My God, what an amazing man who came out of somewhere, said all that, saying that women should be at home nai kids, nai butts, women can do a lot more. ”

A woman was angry and half to death, and she looked particularly badly at similar remarks.

“The slave age was long over, and this man lived in a dream. ”

“What else did the bastard come up with? ”

“Say, who the hell is this guy? How dare you offend the Leaf Goddess? He has too much nerve. ”

A group of girlfriends whispered that they were all goddesses, fairies and other figures of all kinds. Because they were in love with each other, they became close friends and often spoke in the chat room and drained water.

Normally, however, only two or three people speak, and the rest are diving.

But those words were to blow up a lot of diving girls, a bunch of enemies, angry.

“The bastard is indigenous, he's a super liar, he can't even spare a kid, he's a cosmic scumbag.” Ye Mengyao found a vent and immediately told Xiaping everything he had done.

After listening to these words, many women are quite knowledgeable, but they are also stunned by these things.

“The animal, who actually cut himself into pieces, sneaked into the novice village, cheated, dragged and cheated on children, could do all this, the man's face was thicker than the walls of the city. ”

“Still lying to kids about being indigenous, very simple, not lying, bullshitting, lying, not writing drafts. Is there anyone more shameless in the world than that guy? As a human being, I despise the emergence of such a scum. ”

“If he can't beat someone else, he can't even threaten a child. How dare he? ”

“It turns out to be an invincible object, the universe is super strange. ”

“Even his virtues dare to name him Wu Wuzheng, too arrogant, the appearance of the dwarf jumped on the watch. ”

“Where the hell is that man? I immediately assembled one hundred and eighty batters. If I don't call him Mama and Mama this time, I won't stop. It's too annoying, so angry. ”

“Get him arrested immediately and held for hundreds of years. ”

“If such an animal does not grasp it and then comes out and walks in space, there is no security left. ”

Many women were angry and itchy. Although they were not the parties to the incident, they were also angry enough by the incident to think that the man was brazen.

“But the bastard knew that everyone shouted and couldn't get out of the novice village on purpose, relying on his own strength in the novice village, right here to dominate Wang, now no one can do anything about him. ”

Ye Mengyao was very depressed. According to her true strength, she could hang 10,000 of the liars, but she couldn't get into the new village of the virtual network.

And for a strong person like her, self-cultivation is really a major damage to her energy, and even damages her martial arts foundation. Such a stupid thing can never be done.

So she can only watch that liar shine.

“It's okay.”

“Still want to invincible the new village? It was a dream. ”

“Sister Ye, don't worry, I don't have many people here, many masters can temporarily seal their own cultivation, dive into the novice village, such power is enough to beat the liar to the head rat. ”

“That is, once the liar is caught, he must not be made better. ”

“There's no justice in this universe if you're lying to a child and don't punish him. ”

Many of their girlfriends shouted, and they patted their chests, indicating that they had a lot of help around them, and could completely seal themselves into the peak realm of the Master.

According to this strength, there is also the martial arts realm, even in the novice village, can only play the strength of a master for nine days, but hanging a thick-skinned liar is only a matter of easy palm.

“Thank you, sisters. If this works, teach that liar to my sister, and when it does, it will be rewarded.” Ye Mengyao is very grateful. With the help of many sisters, a liar like the other party is easy to slap.

Wait, you liar, don't turn your head. Once you turn your head, you'll see what you look like. Ye Mengyao grips the pink fist, bites his teeth and reveals a harsh look.


By that time, Xiaping had withdrawn from the virtual universe network and stayed deep in Ruin Base 88.

“Hmm?! ”

Xia Ping's eyes flashed because he found himself exiting the virtual universe network, his soul returned to his body, and immediately practiced the vast amount of martial arts experience gained in the virtual network, like a tidal surge.

Countless pieces of martial arts essence, all blended into his body, seemed to come together.


Xia Ping took a deep breath and felt his whole body's cells tremble because of these martial arts experiences, as well as spiritual irritation, which instantly activated the pounding power he hid deep inside his body.

Boom Boom Boom ~ ~

Immediately, this drug poured into the Dantian Qi Hai, and instantly it turned into a lot of Qi, just a few breaths, and the entire Dantian Qi Hai was filled.

Bang bang bang!!!

With the rapid expansion and rapid increase of Qi, one of his body's tips was broken, and a great deal of Qi was poured into these newly opened tips.

One, two, three… until the twelfth tip!

In only half an hour, he actually raised the cultivation to the culmination of the Master's four heavens. If he breaks through another hole, he can be promoted to the Master's five heavens.

“Almost energy. ”

Xiaping's eyes flashed and he immediately pulled out a lot of spiritual liquid from the space ring, all of which he had obtained from the battlefield of the demons, which he usually didn't use up, and now it's just right for use.

Wow ~ ~

A lot of spiritual fluid poured out of his 18,000 pores, as if it had increased the Vitality Army, as if fuel had added flame and burned quickly.

Every meridian, at this moment, floating like a great river, seemed to have a strong vibration inside his body, constantly quenching every bone of his body.

“It's time! ”

Xia Ping held his fist tight, he felt the gas in his body to the extreme, immediately run the Pure Yang Immortality trick, and rush these qi into the new opening of the hole.


Immediately, as if a certain door had been smashed into a new heaven, those huge, seemingly nowhere to lean, were pouring wildly into this new know-how.

Master, five heavens!

Xiaping immediately realized that he truly and truly stepped into the realm of the five heavens of the master this time, and his strength greatly increased.