God Level Demon

Chapter 991: Outrage!

“No wonder he didn't destroy the dead liar. He took Mengyao's sister as a hostage.” A girlfriend is suddenly enlightened and, if so, fully able to explain.

Otherwise, the Fairy Fairy Virgin, the genius Ye Mengyao from the first millennium, could not deal with the rural indigenous people who do not know where they come from, it is simply out of common sense.

“What a shame, the liar is shameless and takes a child as a hostage. It is a disgrace to mankind to be able to do all this. ”

“Mengyao, don't worry, if I encounter the invincible, I will definitely avenge you. ”

“Such a man is evil, and if he continues like this, it must be cosmic venom, and we will definitely help you get rid of him. ”

A bunch of girlfriends bite their teeth, they are angry, they didn't expect that the liar Wu was so despicable, and took Mengyao's sister as a hostage.

They all said that they would never show mercy if they met the invincible.

Ye Mengyao was very heartless and nodded, fortunately, the liar Wu was unlikely to know his girlfriend. Otherwise, she would definitely be ashamed of these sisters if what happened in the novice village were exposed.

“But after this, the bastard may not show up in the new village for a short time. ”

Ye Mengyao guessed that after such an ambush, he would surely be more vigilant. If he wanted to ambush next time, it would not be that simple.

“It's okay, that bastard is ambitious and cheated on so much money, there's no way he's just willing to stay in a novice village. ”

“Sooner or later, the bastard will leave the new village and come to the big city. ”

“Just wait slowly, don't freak out the snake these days, let the liar relax for a while, when we set up the Tianluo network, the kid will look good. ”

“When he leaves the novice village, he'll be dead, see how many more he can cheat. ”

Many of the sisters said with great certainty that, although they were reluctant to admit it, they had to say that they could cheat so much money and make so many mercenaries so futile that they could be considered competent.

How can someone with the ability to do this be willing to stay in a novice village and leave sooner or later?

Now, as long as they wait patiently, they will surely wait until the boy comes forward.

“That's it. Wait for me. Next time we see each other, we'll have to catch this bastard and beat him up for three days and three nights.” Ye Mengyao bites his teeth, and these words are almost revealed from the gaps in his teeth.

Having experienced what had happened before, she almost lost her innocence. She could imagine her outrage at Wu. There is no doubt that she now wants to catch the invincibility of Wu, more intense than the others, and the two of them are in a kind of vendetta.


And at this point, little Lori Yeager was caught by her parents and criticized.

“Gaja, tell me, who did this to you? I actually started skipping class and went to the virtual world to play. Do you know this is a very unwarranted behavior? I'm gonna punish you for not going out for a month, just staying home. ”

Ye Mother was very angry.

Not only is she angry with her little daughter running out to play, but she's also mixed up with that liar, she's been cheated so much money, and she's stupidly stuck with the liar. Is that what you want to be cheated on?

Why is my little girl so stupid?

“Mom, don't be angry. I know I was wrong. I will study hard in the future, try to practice martial arts and try to catch up with my sister.” Ye Jiajia was very nice and blinked her eyes wide.

“Really?! ”

Ye Mother was a little confused, but her little daughter had never been so good. Once she preached, she must have cried, and used tears to attack her, making her heart soft.

Don't cry now, but promise to study carefully in the future?!

Knowing that this little girl is lazy all day and lets her practice martial arts, she always finds excuses to lazy and not train, not to say she has a headache, but to say she has a sore foot, all kinds of problems.

If it wasn't for her talent, even if she didn't practise very well, she would be able to rush forward and martial arts would be long behind other children.

So she was shocked to hear Ye Jiajia say she was going to practice slavery in the future.

“Gaja, did you break your head somewhere? Let me see if there's a problem.” Ye Mother's subconscious desire to check her little daughter's head is not broken somewhere.

“No problem at all. ”

Ye Jiajia drummed up the parchment and blushed with anger.

“Are you sure? ”

Ye Mother looked suspicious.

“Really no problem, I have to break through the Purple House as soon as possible and grow up as an adult!” Ye Jiajia patted her chest and swore to Dandan that she was not lying.

Because she's leaving the new village as soon as possible, following her indigenous brother, to exterminate the bandits, something as fun as this, she'll never miss.

Of course, for reasons like this, she won't say it.

Otherwise, they will definitely get mixed doubles by their parents, and the pigu will suffer.

“Okay, good. Looks like Jiajia has grown up and knows the importance of martial arts cultivation. If you practice carefully in the future, I can meet one of your requirements and buy whatever you want. ”

Ye Father laughed, watching his little daughter's deity was very drowning, very comforting inside, his little daughter finally grew up, feeling a little familiar.

“Thank you, Dad. ”

Ye Jiajia pounded on it and said delicately.

“Really. ”

Ye mother-in-law is very helpless. She is truly a merciful father and a defeated daughter. She is a good baby daughter. She is not carefully disciplined. She will have a longer memory. She will grow up later. She will be deceived by the scum men.

“In short, this time you must learn a lesson.” Ye motherboard looked at Ye Jiajia very seriously, “the next time something else happens, I will lock you up for six months, and you are not going anywhere. ”

“Got it. ”

Ye Jiajia nodded forcefully.

This is happening to many other families.

Those children are pledged to practice hard and become strong as soon as possible and will never lazy and not train as before.

Parents of these families are very satisfied at times, and although they have lost a lot of money this time, it is also very worthwhile for their children to learn how to cultivate and change their previously lazy character.

There's nothing more important than a good heir, something you can't afford.

This is also a great blessing in the midst of misfortune.

Some parents thought it might be because of this that their son would understand.

But it was impossible for them to thank the liar for his invincibility, and if they knew where the bastard was, they would want to send dozens of superfleets immediately to destroy the planet where the bastard was, dozens of times.