God Level Demon

Chapter 1208 Pseudo

The launch of the new book soon ended, but what happened here quickly spread across the five stars of Lingyun's reign, and one journalist released the news.

“The prodigal son turns back? The path to invincible atonement?! ”

“Thirty-six tricks, whether it's a treasure book or a treasure book of deception, what do you think?! ”

“A hundred copies were ordered on the spot at a new book launch. ”

“I'd rather eat dirt than buy books. What's the charm?! ”

A news headline was released to thousands of households, and even headlines were placed, so that people in the five stars could see it and make a scene.

They are also fuelled by the propaganda of cosmic book media companies, who have long been responsive to such propaganda, have mastered many channels of propaganda and have cooperated deeply with major media outlets.

So, all of a sudden, the news spread and became the headlines of the day.

“In the wind, people are not old. These days, liars are starting to write books. Is there any reason? ”

“Why didn't the cops arrest this bastard? Didn't they say he cheated on a billion cosmic coins?! ”

“Nima, this guy is a liar, he's still here pretending to be a master of fraud prevention, it's bullshit, he's definitely doing some bad ideas again, don't trust him. ”

“What a bullshit book, I would never buy it if I killed you. ”

“Exactly. Don't buy this liar's book, make him homeless, and teach him a terrible lesson. ”

“Forward this message, and if you buy this liar's book, everyone is not human. ”

A lot of people were angry when they heard about the news. It was just furious. If you don't arrest this guy and hold him for decades, you can't believe he came out to make a scene, become a writer, publish a book, and want to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune.

Ask them how they can accept such things, especially those in Far East City who can't help but grab Xia Ping and beat him up, and think that buying a book is just delusional.


“Things are a little troublesome. ”

At this time, Jerma discovered that things were fermenting so badly that the people of Far East City immediately used a variety of forces to stop the book fire in Xiaping.

Some are still spreading the news everywhere, calling on the people to resist the books of Xiaping, preferring to eat si, and not buy the books of this liar, lest they continue to be poisoned by this invincible force.

At one point, the group formed an unbeatable coalition against the armed forces, and the situation was enormous.

If we continue like this, I'm afraid it would be delusional for books to reach tens of millions of sales.

“It's all right, let this group continue to dance, the more powerful they are, the wider the news spread, and the lower they are.” Xia Ping touched his chin and thought it was a huge opportunity.

Crises, too, often translate into opportunities.

“What do you want to do?” Jerma asked curiously.

Xia Ping smiled and said: “Of course it is to stir up the water and continue the stirring. ”

He is quite comfortable with speculation, and not many people are likely to compare to himself.

Thinking about it, he immediately ordered Jerma's men to register a number of vests and spread the message on the Internet.

“Everyone is crying out loud, but I have different opinions. ”

A vest wrote a post: "Yes, martial arts invincibility is a mistake that has been made and may have unintentionally harmed many people, but who is right about people and who can guarantee that they have not made mistakes? ”

“The most important thing is that after making a mistake, there is a determination to correct it, and this is the return of the prodigal son to gold. ”

“No one can make a mistake and then just shoot him with a stick, and he can't turn his back for life. ”

“Now Wu is invincible to know wrong, to know that it is wrong to cheat people, so he has used his years of experience to write a great deal of cheating, in order to prevent more people from being cheated, which is an immense good thing. ”

“But I think it's a little unreasonable to yell at someone who's turned evil, someone who's determined to do good. ”

Chapin's waistcoat sprinkled with a bunch of content, constantly washing himself white.

“Yeah, the owner kind of spoke my mind. ”

“Finally, there are people who understand the war speech, in fact, I also think that the group is crazy, when I see people, I bite them. ”

“It's just a book, I don't want to buy it, I don't want to buy it, it's a free trade, why is it like a cult to stop others, I think those people have a problem with their heads. ”

“That is, who do those people think they are, God? You still have the right to stop us? ”

Several vests flaunt underneath, constantly hitting and smearing others.

Many people see this information with deep empathy. After all, among the five stars, there are still very few people who have been deceived by Xiaping. At most, it is only one million, like a poppy.

So, they don't have the pain of cutting the skin of this group of people in Far East City, and naturally they can't feel it. Instead, they think that this group of people is invincible and insane.

If no one says that, they don't feel anything, but if someone leads the attack, they immediately feel like they've found the main bone, gathering together in a flash.

People in Far East City are so upset to hear these words.

“Navy, these are all fucking martial arts. Don't believe what they say, they're taking you astray. ”

“The prodigal son turns around, it's bullshit. Say something bad. Did the dog change it to eat si? The reason why he wrote the book was not to change evil and to do good things to people, was simply to make money. ”

“That is, if a liar like this is not punished, and becomes a celebrity, once he is turned into a master, the justice of this society will be lost for a long time! ”

“If the real prodigal son turns around, changes the evil, pays back the money, and asks the bastard to pay us back, then we will believe him, and we will never interfere again. ”

The popularity of Far East City continued to refute the words of those vests, and they felt that the distinction was that there were sailors at a rhythm, trying to change the direction of public opinion and using extremely smart means.

“It is impossible to repay the money. Never in my life will I repay it. Why should I repay the money they cheated on me? ”

“You're right. If you're foolish enough to eat, how can you be fooled? ”

“That is, this is what is called an IQ tax, which is paid now and will not be deceived in the future. ”

“In a way, you must also be grateful for your invincibility, or else you will not know how much you will lose. ”

“I blame others for my stupidity. If I can't pull out the si, I blame the planet for lack of gravity. ”

Several vests scorned and cynical.


People in Far East City heard these words, they got angry, their lungs almost blew up, and they argued wildly.

Both sides sprayed hundreds of thousands of pages directly, from the modern ancestors to the ancient ancestors, from the inner uterus to outer space. In short, it was very lively, many accounts were blocked, and it was forbidden to speak for three months.