God Level Demon

Chapter 1454: Mountain River Pearl Reveal

“No, Chapin, he's going to blow himself up. Stop him. ”

The Cat Immortal's face changed and immediately knew what the Scar Man wanted to do. This is a unique and lastly desperate means of Kim Dan - Kim Dan's self-destruct.

Once the Golden Dane explodes, it's more powerful than a nuclear bomb, several supercities will be destroyed, and even returning practitioners will be seriously injured.

If you don't, you'll be blown alive.

This is also one of the reasons why Kindan realm-level practitioners can travel through the universe, and no one wants to provoke a madman who can blow himself up at any time and die with his enemies.

If Xia Ping is at the center of the Kim Dan spontaneous explosion, if it is affected, he will be instantly blown to death, and there is no reason to survive.

“It's over, the chief is completely mad. ”

“He blew himself up. Did he even want to kill us? ”

“Run, run, the power of Kim Dan's spontaneous explosion is so terrible that he must flee far away, or he will surely die. ”

Many lost people were terrified, and they had no idea that the newcomer was so powerful that he forced a real person from the realm of Golden Dan to despair to the point of blowing himself up.

One of them fled in all directions, reluctant for his parents to give him more legs.

If we do not go far now, when Jindan self-destructs, they will surely die. After all, the power of Jindan self-destruct is not recognized. It is indifferent to my enemies and I will die if I touch it.

“Hmm?! ”

Xia Ping's face was heavy, and he could sense the horrific destructive power of the Scar Man's Golden Dane, which was worse than a fission explosion and could not be stopped at all.

The only way to do this is to hide in the pearl space of the mountain river and avoid this explosion.

“Master, there is no need to hide. ”

Suddenly, the voice of Qingniu came out: “Recently, mountain beads have regained some power and can erupt some of the ability of Jiangshan society to map.

Once projected, within the realm of Jiangshan society map, even Jindan can't blow himself up, the kid will definitely die, nothing to worry about. ”

Upon hearing this, Xiaping picked an eyebrow: “Is there anything else like this? Then what are you waiting for? Repel this guy immediately. ”

“Yes, master. ”

As soon as the voice fell, the pearls of the mountain river flew out and immediately projected a huge picture roll in the void. There were countless mountains, countless rivers, trenches, valleys, plains, deserts, oceans, etc., as if a thousand worlds, all-encompassing and vast.

“What is it?! ”

Scar man was surprised, he was still thinking about what Chapin wanted to do, but before he had any ideas, the painting roll was covered like this, covering a thousand miles.

This scroll is like a realm, covering the place instantly.

Between moments, the entire heavens and earth seemed to be in a state of stillness, all energy, all life fluctuations stopped, no bouncing.

Even the process of Kim Dan's self-destruct stopped. Everyone stopped in place. Xiaping could see the stunned state of these lost people, as well as the running away movement.

So did the Scar man, who opened his eyes, couldn't move, even stopped thinking, didn't know what was going on, he couldn't do anything under the field.

And the only thing that can move is Xiaping, the mountain bead owner.

“Master, do it quickly, because the power of the mountain beads has not yet recovered, and the power of this projection can only last two seconds.” Qingniu immediately opened his mouth to remind Xiaping that this power cannot be sustained for too long.

“Completely enough.” Xia Ping smiled coldly, not to mention two seconds, even if only one second was enough for him to kill the scar man dozens of times.

The voice just fell, Xiaping deceived himself and slapped the past, as if to cover the heavens and the earth, oppressing them.


The scar man didn't know what was happening, and his body was squashed like tofu, and he just turned into a piece of pieces, shattered inches, and disappeared into the world.

And because of the death of the Scar man, the Golden Dan also lost his soul connection, and the process of self-destruct was terminated, like the formatting of a command computer program, without the motivation to self-destruct.


At this time, the power of the Jiangshan Society's map projection immediately disappeared, and the mountain and river beads returned to Xiaping. At this moment, the flow of heaven and earth returned to normal again, and everyone could move again.

But when these lost men regained consciousness, they discovered that they did not know when their leader had been photographed into a bloody mist, and even Kim Dan's self-explosion had stopped.

“What the hell is going on? Where's the chief? Isn't he going to blow himself up? ”

“The chief has turned into a bloody mist, shot alive by the boy, and Kim Dan's self-destruct has been stopped. ”

“You're kidding. Kim Dan's self-destruct can be stopped. I've never heard of it. ”

“It's lonely. Haven't you seen it now? ”

“What exactly is the origin of this kid, why is there such a horrible means, obviously just a real-world fire practitioner, but it can kill the real people in the realm of Jindan, even the self-destruct of Jindan can be stopped, too perverted. ”

“I don't know who this kid is, but I do know that if we don't run, we're all gonna die. ”

Many lost people finally remember, they tried to kill the boy, tried to kill the treasure, now even the chief is killed, where else can they win?


One was afraid to stop and quickly fled in all directions, like a bereavement dog.

“Chaos clock! ”

Xia Ping immediately activated the chaos clock above his head, trying to kill his enemies like this, he would not let go of any of them.

Imagine if he were at a disadvantage, without strength, caught by this group of people, on his knees begging for forgiveness, would this group of lost people forgive themselves? Don't even think about such good things, they will be reduced to slavery, life is better than death.

Now that we've all decided to fight ourselves, we're ready to die in battle.

Even if he is not prepared to do so, he will tell these lost men what happened to him against himself.

Between moments, the chaos clock swayed around and around, and an earth formation ran deep in Fabao, creating a horrible sound wave, silent, sweeping across all sides.

Knock, knock!!!

Every time a bell sounds oscillating, horrible destructive forces erupt, and such sonic destructive forces continue to overlap, one more powerful than the other, and one more horrible than the other.

And this is extremely fast, over a hundred times the speed of sound, and these lost people can't escape no matter how much longer they escape.

“Ahhh!!! ”

After a few breaths, the sound waves spread over thousands of miles, and all the strays were attacked, one by one with a terrible scream of pain.

Immediately, their bodies were shattered on the spot and turned into countless pieces. Even if they had a defensive treasure on them, they were all shaken to dust and their bones were empty.