God Level Demon

Chapter 1537: Subjugation or Death

When these words were heard, the twenty generals looked at each other, and they all saw that their minds were inconsistent.

Some of them are silent, they are old foxes, they do not see the development of the situation and do not know the strength of Xiaping, so they have not said anything, want to see what others do, definitely do not be the head birds.

Others have a fondness for Xiaping, because they also implicitly know some truth, know the cat tiredness of the main city, the city owner may be possessed by the underworld, the whole of Qingyang city has long fallen into the farm of the underworld ghost, people are not as good as dead.

Now it's probably a good thing that Xiaping killed these people.

But there are also people who have ambition, who think they are the owners of the city, and many other high-ranking people who have died, who have worked hard, who have mastered the army, and who have no reason to bend over.

There are also the ranks of the city owners, who are loyal to the city owner and naturally cannot obey the orders of the unknown.

Immediately, three or four generals stood up and smiled disdainfully.

“Mr. Xia, we respect you very much, but we also think that you want to be the owner of Qingyang City is a little excessive. ”

A black-clothed general said, “To be honest, whatever you say first is true, even if it is true, the city owner leans on the underworld, and many elders are raped, so you kill them.

However, the responsibility of the Qingyang City owner is great. It can only be elected from our group of Qingyang City generals. Even if it is not us, it must be Qingyang City residents. It cannot be that you have never met before, and you are the first person to come to Qingyang City. ”

He showed his attitude.

“You're right, the owner of Qingyang City can't be any cat or dog. ”

“Just by your words, I want to be the Lord of Qingyang City. I am really delusional. ”

“If you don't like it, we, the old residents of Qingyang City, have a lot of hard work to do, and it's not your turn to line up. ”

Many generals are also laughing at the company, and Xiaping feels that he is not suitable to become the master of Qingyang City at all.

“Gentlemen, what are you talking about with this tester? ”

Gao Ding furiously drank: “What kind of lord of the city has turned to the meddling ghost? It's human rape. It's bullshit. It's obvious that he tricked the position of the city owner, set up a conspiracy trick, killed the city owner and others.

In this way, the murderer of the city owner should be arrested immediately, completely eliminated and avenged for the city owner, and we should say nothing to this murderer who killed the city owner. ”

He looked at Xia Ping, revealing his fierce and spicy eyes, killing him.

Gao Ding's hatred is outrageous. Gao An, the city owner, is holy and dead. He has lost his greatest reliance on the mountain. He is afraid that he will have difficulty living in Qingyang City in the future and will no longer be able to make a prestigious fortune.

As you can imagine, his resentment of Xiaping prevented Sanjiang water from being washed away.

Speaking of which, Godington continued: “I will only say a few fair words here. Now that the city owner is dead, the dragons have no head, the so-called snakes have no head, the birds have no wings and do not fly, a city owner must be chosen.

All generals are senior citizens of Qingyang City, regardless of their parents, trying to choose a city owner must be difficult, but now there is a selection criterion.

That is who killed the murderer of the city owner, who is the next owner of Qingyang City, or how can you make the many brothers of Qingyang City angry? ”

He tried to pick the divorce and point the seedlings at Xiaping.

Hearing these words, the generals present were all moves. If Xiaping was killed, I'm afraid no one would dare object to their becoming the owners of Qingyang City.

Seeing these generals move, the high toes are cheerful, even if your son is strong in force, the world still depends on his mind, and any few words can put you to death.

He seemed to have seen Xiaping being caught by the crowd and chopped to death by a knife.

“Gentlemen. ”

Gaoding intends to fight while the iron is hot and continue to pick up the divorce.

“You're too loud. ”

Summer Plane had no expression and extended a finger.

The next second, a thud, Gao Ding's head was instantly shot through, like a watermelon burst open, he didn't know how to die before he died.

The people around them were even more frightened and the blood spilled on them.

“How dare you, how dare you? Is this Qingyang City, where murderers like you can do what they want? Surely, nothing you say is true. It is a joke to say that the owner of the city is a meddling dog. Perhaps you are the real meddling dog. Collaborating with the meddling ghost will kill the owner of the city. ”

A black-clothed general drank angrily.


Xia Ping didn't even look at it, his fingers bounced lightly, a terrible energy burst out and bombarded the general.

Immediately, the general was smashed to pieces of meat, and in situ a huge deep pit was smashed, with dozens of cracks, dust rolling and rubble splashing.

Everyone is a crow bird silent. This is a general who had the real fire in the early days. How could he just be killed by one finger?!

“I think you may have misunderstood something. ”

Xia Ping stood down and looked down at the crowd: “I am not here to make good friends with you, you now have only one choice, submit or die! ”

He had a terrible vibe, like an insurmountable mountain, that pervaded everyone's mind.

The entire city of Qingyang is trembling in Cesar at this moment, and every resident's shoulders seem to feel tremendous pressure, and even breathing seems to become difficult.

“Summer dog! ”

A tall general jumped out, he was the heart of the city owner's department, he drank angrily: “Fifty years on the horizontal battlefield, I have been fighting with the giant demons of the underworld, bathing blood, I have never seen a scene, you think you can stop me, if you have the guts to come kill me, you want me to give in, it's impossible, my army brothers will never agree. ”

He has a clear horse and will never bow down.

“You're right, a bastard who doesn't know where he's coming from, wants us to bow down. It's a joke. ”

“We didn't give in to the threat of the Middle-Ghost Giant Demon. Do you think that intimidating us would make us give in?! ”

“Stop dreaming, want to become the owner of Qingyang City, you are not qualified, get out of Qingyang City immediately. ”

One by one, his soldiers were outraged and drunk, at least tens of thousands of people, all supporting their own army generals, never surrendering.

“You're right, I don't believe so many of us are here. What can you do about us? Our troops also support you and will never let this unknown man be our city owner. ”

Another general leads the troops out, he goes back and forth with each other, he doesn't believe there are 20,000 army men against him now, what else can this kid do?

“Fine, if you don't submit, then die, Kim, shoot them. ”

Xia Ping waved gently.


The Golden Slime instantly appeared, turning into countless sharp blades, coming out of the ground, piercing the bodies of two soldiers, tearing them apart on the spot and bleeding.

In particular, the generals of those two forces were given priority attention, and a few breaths were cut into hundreds of pieces that could no longer be killed.