God Level Demon

Chapter 1638 Sealed Places

Along the way, Xiaping and the bear broadcast a joyous conversation. He almost burned yellow paper to chop off the chicken's head, and bled to form the alliance. He said that he and the bear broadcast were already living and dead brothers. If you need any help, just ask.

When he heard this, the bear broadcast was so moved, he also knew Xiaping's name at this moment: “Brother Xia, I really have a life and death enemies who want to kill and then quickly.

Because that bastard was so evil, so sick, so vicious, he didn't get paid for it, I couldn't breathe this vice, even nightmares every night became my biggest nightmare. ”

He bites and cuts his teeth.

“Anything like that? Even the kind-hearted bear brothers are regarded as scoundrels. It seems that the man is extremely evil. Everyone has to do it. Who is he? ”

Xia Ping blinked her eyes and revealed her curiosity.

“Demon monks are invincible. ”

"If that bastard showed up in front of me, I would have grown his flesh, and if it weren't for that damned bald donkey, I wouldn't have landed in such a field. ”

“Invincible? I seem to have heard that name somewhere. ”

Xia Ping seemed blind.

Rabbit Linglong looked at Xiaping with great contempt. The fact that this human being pretended to be stupidly stunning was first-rate.

Green shout, all men are liars, not a word is true.

“It is also normal to have heard of it, because this invincible sitting is a matter of common anger, he has done a lot of evil, the case is simply a very difficult book, there are already countless races in the Western universe who want him. Brother, the fur on me was shaved by this monk. This is the revenge of disfigurement. God, no. ”

When Bear broadcast remembered what had happened that day, he trembled in anger.

“It turns out, don't worry, whenever I encounter the demon monk Wu is invincible, I will go with you to kill him and promise to beat him into a shrugged turtle.” Xia Ping patted his chest and swore to Dandan.

Bear broadcast gratitude to Zero, deserves to be his own to make friends, one word down, live and die together, and avenge himself.

Rabbit Linglong increasingly despises this bear, shit life and death, this is plastic flower brothers, once the bear broadcast knows that this kid is invincible, I'm afraid he will immediately turn his face and fight each other life and death.

But she didn't say anything, and she wanted to use the power of bear broadcasting to find where the dragon tree originated.


A day later.

Led by Bear Broadcasting, Xia Qian quickly arrived at the sealed land.

It's a vast, boundless forest, lush, but covered by a supermatrix, with an energy shield like an egg shell coming down from the sky with almost no void.

If anyone dares to break in, they will immediately touch the forbidden formations of this place, instantly bomb it, and no one will die.

“Is this the place to seal it? ”

Xia Ping squinted his eyes, and he could sense that this vast forest had set up a giant formation, branding void, from heaven to earth, as a three-dimensional seal.

No one can pass through the sky, or underground, as if a separate cage space were formed, where the inscriptions of dense numbness are interwoven to reveal human scalp numbness.

This forbidden formation is nothing but a saint's pen. It's amazing.

“Strong. ”

Xiaping's consciousness continues to infiltrate, perceiving that this sealed land has planted dense numbness of dragon trees, each of which seems to have a lifespan of thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years, with a real dragon smell.

These dragon scents were fused together by this banned grand array into 18,000 dragons, like chains of order, that completely sealed off the place.

There seems to be a real dragon over the forest, swimming in the clouds.

“It's the smell of a corpse. ”

At the same time, Xiaping can also perceive the powerful evil smell that emanates from the depths of the forest, the deep darkness, a seemingly extinct beast, crawling awaiting the opportunity to escape.

It is hard to imagine that this corpse has been sealed for such a long time, but it is still ferocious and breathtaking and does not appear to have weakened at all with the passage of time.

“There are many camps here. ”

Looking around, Rabbit Linglong and Qingqing discovered that there were many camps around the sealed land, which were built by all the great races and forces of the Western universe.

They are also spread across all corners, without interference, and maintain a certain balance of power.

Obviously it is not only the Bears who know this place, but also the Angels, Rohans, Peacocks, Antelopes and other races who come here to hunt dragon trees.

As soon as Xia's equal appeared, he attracted the attention of a number of ethnic elites and looked away.


At this point, a tiger the size of a small mountain, all cast like silver, jumped out and growled: “This is my camp for all the Western Universe, not where you humans can come, get lost now! ”

Its voice is like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and the sound rolls, creating a very powerful deterrent, and ordinary creatures just hear this loud roar and immediately scare away their legs.

This is the famous race of the Western universe - Silver Tiger!

It looked very badly at Xiaping and warned him.

Seeing this situation, other ethnic elites are also frowned upon, and the arrival of Xia's equal is very unwelcome.

“Kitten, don't mess with me. ”

Xia Ping glanced at the silver tiger.

“What?! ”

Silver tiger was furious, a small human being dared to defy his will, it emitted a fierce qi, all silver light, very appalling.

“What are you looking at? Believe it or not, I'll kill you.” Xiaping faded.

A bunch of racially elite people have lost their minds, and this human race is completely insane. Don't you know that this is a multi-ethnic territory in the Western universe, and it's not the home camp of mankind.

Forget about soft, but now you dare to be so arrogant, and choke silver tiger in the face, it's just bold.

“Humans, you're dying. ”

When Silver Tiger got angry, he tried to kill Xiaping.

“Tiger Sea, that's enough! ”

At this moment, the bear broadcast stood out, and the hilly body was full of pressure. It stood in front of Xiaping: “This human being is my bear broadcast brother, you dare touch him. ”

He obviously knew this silver tiger and had an affair.

“Bear Broadcasting, you actually protect humans?! ”

The tiger sea roared and his eyes were red. I didn't think there were any bears out there to save this arrogant human race. My heart got angrier.

“Bear broadcast, you are so ashamed of our demon tribe. You are a demon tribe shame to be brothers with humans. ”

“Ever since the demon monk's martial arts crushed you and your hair shaved all over you, have you abandoned yourself and fallen into this field? It's just so disappointing. ”

“If so, then you are not entitled to be a part of our demonic clan, ashamed and united. ”

Immediately, a few monsters did not sell their bills, and they laughed.