God Level Demon

Chapter 1865: Absolutely Not a Man

“The demon? You think I've killed less than one demon? Everybody dies. ”

Xia Ping smiled coldly and prompted the thousand-handed Buddha.

Suddenly, thousands of arms waved simultaneously, each arm as if it were too ancient dragon, just unmatched, this strength is simply unspeakable.

As if each hit possessed the power of surrendering the dragon to the tiger, Gestapo was unrivaled and invincible.

Knock, knock!!!

Between moments, overlapping golden palm prints appeared in the middle of the sky, reaching hundreds of millions, each palm printed with the power of a terrible Tianlong, like a blow of a Tai Gu Tianlong.

With so many golden palm prints bombarded down, the heavens and the earth were put in a vacuum, all the air was completely excluded, and this Horcrux was struck unimaginably.

Click-click ~ ~

Immediately, a dash of French lines broke and slight cracks appeared to be breaking down.

“Pfft! ”

Every Elder of the Infinite Demon Palace above the formation node was shaken to vomit blood and traumatized the heart of his lungs, but they still died to support it, draw the magic from the depths of the dark dimension and barely resist.

“Too strong. Is this still the practitioner of the first phase? How could his heavenly and earthly laws be so powerful? ”

“It's not human, it's so powerful it scares the shit out of me, even if it's the power of thunder. ”

“Damn, if we continue like this, we will not be opponents, and the whole law of the formation will collapse. ”

“There is no other way, to provoke the supreme auspiciousness of the Pandemonic Phantom Array - the Pandemonic Phantom, the First World War decided to succeed, to drive the myriad of demons, to instantly kill the boy and devour his soul. ”

Many Infinite Demon Palace elders sipped with anger and poured a breath of blood from their bodies and sprayed it beneath the Great Battle, which was their natural energy source and contained enormous amounts of energy.

When these sperms of blood were poured over the Pandemonic Phagocytes, the whole array was running wild, the opening of a dark dimension was opened, and a vast abyss of magic gushed out like the Yangtze River.

In an instant, the entire planet was wrapped in abyss magic, as if completely eroded, and the planet had completely eroded into the abyss.

In the depths of the Great Battle, the bodies of tens of thousands of Heavenly Demons have condensed into the essence, emitting a monstrous atmosphere and instilling a magical symbol from the depths of the Dark Dimension.

“Humans, there are humans here. ”

“The smell of blood seems to be on my nose. ”

“Eat him, eat this human immediately. ”

“This is good food. Eat him, and we shall surely make it a great increase. ”

These demons see Xia Ping, every one of them is like a hungry dog grabbing food, revealing the madness, they feel the strength of the intense blood in Xia Ping, which is a great complement, equivalent to no immortality.

They would have been demons, invisible and intangible, ignoring the attacks of heaven and earth, and would have arrived directly at Chapin itself.


A cephalic demon bursts wildly into the depths of Xiaping's body, invading the sea of consciousness, trying to devour his soul.

“Ha ha, he's dead, this kid's dead, he's in the devil's body, and all he's gonna do is die. ”

The elders of the Infinite Demon Palace laughed and were extremely excited. They all felt that the boy in front of them would surely die. He was invaded by the demons. Where is the reason for immortality?

In too ancient times, the demons ravaged, not knowing how many too ancient powers were extinguished. This is a frightening and frightening demon head with few means of resistance.

“Taotie! ”

Xiaping's mind moved, and deep in the sea of consciousness, a heavenly and earth law rose, turning into a taunt of one of the ten fiends of Tai Gu, a mad fierce atmosphere diffused out, amazing.

It stands in the void, opens its mouth, turns into a black hole, and produces a horrible swallowing power.

“No, this is Taotie, the beast that devours everything! ”

“How did this happen? How could this human have anything to do with Taotie? ”

“Run, run, or you're dead. ”

Tens of thousands of days the demon was still proud of Yangyang, happy, intending to eat a full meal, but just entered the deep sea of consciousness of Xiaping, immediately scared to want to escape.

Taotie, but one of the ten ancient culprits, there is nothing in the legend.

Such a vicious beast is not only famous for the human world, the entire universe is famous, even the abyss world spreads the name of the vicious beast, and is not to be provoked by any other existence.

It can be said that Taotie's appetite is all-encompassing, even the intangible celestial demon is on its recipe, and nothing in this universe can be swallowed by Taotie.

In the face of such an ancient beast, even the demons are frightened and scattered.

But they wanted to escape, it was too late. Because they were too anxious, they were afraid that the other demons would get ahead of them, so they rushed in a desperate queue, so that they could fight their own speed, so that they could stop?

Not to mention, Taotie waits, and running swallows the divine, generating a terrible swallowing power, waiting for labor. Even if they want to escape, it is impossible.

Boom Boom Boom ~ ~

In an instant, tens of thousands of Heavenly Demons were swallowed up by Taoting, while entering the depths of Xiaping's consciousness, and the flames of Hellfire burned, instantly transforming them into a soul crystal.

It has to be said that these celestial demons contain more than ten times the energy of the soul than the common law, and the crystallization of the concentrated soul is ten times larger and of extremely high quality.

“Tastes good. ”

Xiaping hit a burp, as if eating a good meal, he felt that after refining the crystallization of these souls, his powers were climbing in the knots, boosting a great deal, saving hundreds of years of concentrated power kung fu.

At the same time, the power of his Numen is also improving, upgrading, and upgrading. It's like taking a dozen pills.

“Impossible. Tens of thousands of demons have been eaten by him. Are you kidding me? Who the hell is the demon head?" ”Seeing this scene, many elders of the Infinite Demon Palace collapsed and were scared to death.

Killing them didn't expect this to happen. Tens of thousands of Heavenly Demons came together, not only didn't kill the kid, but was swallowed up by the other party as if eating sugar beans.

Oh, my God, that's the demon, invisible, frightening, most brutal, evil head. Is that what you want to eat? That's outrageous. It's unreasonable.

Even if they think they've lived for tens of thousands of years and seen countless things, they've never seen anything like it. Has anyone been so fierce that the devil ate them alive, or is he human?

“No, no, no, no, this kid is not a man, he is an extinct demon in human skin, too ancient a beast, to fight him. That is to seek death, retreat, retreat immediately, cannot continue. ”

An Infinite Demon Palace elder shouted in horror, and he had been scared to death.