God Level Demon

Chapter 2068: Like a Sieve

Gubo and others looked at each other and found each other shocked.

The sudden appearance of the ghost just now is horrible, even if they met the ghost king before, the ghost appeared, and the cold breath was enough to freeze their souls, and they couldn't move one step at a time.

They all thought they were going to die and be slaughtered by this horrible underworld.

But before waiting for that horrible meddler to do it, the master of the city instantly did it and pinched it in the void. This horrible to the ultimate meddler was actually pinched on the spot and turned into a force.

What terrible power is this?!

Before, Gubo and others thought they had touched the edge of a little bit of the power of the city owner, but now it seems too far apart, the power of the city owner is simply not what they can imagine.

Of course, that meddling ghost appeared to be powerful, and the momentum was frightening. Maybe it was actually Kim Yu's external defeat. In essence, it was a water merchandise meddling ghost who was crushed to death by the Lord of the City.

“It's a meddling ghost, with a soul energy far greater than that of a fellow human practitioner, at least ten times stronger, but it's still too weak to plug teeth. ”

Xia Ping was a little excited and a little sad. He felt that the soul energy gained from killing this meddling ghost was really small, and he didn't know how much it was missing to unseal the wheel pen.

After all, in order to unseal the first seal, it is necessary to devour the soul energy of the 10 million people culminating in the Thunder Robbery. The district is still too weak for the true underworld.

“By the way, there should be more than one Middler invading Qingyang City. Maybe there are some Middlers lurking in Qingyang City.” Xia Ping's heart moved and immediately burst into a horrible power of consciousness, paving the ground.

In an instant, the entire city of Qingyang was covered, penetrating every corner of this void, and no living spirit could escape the erosion of this spiritual power.


At this moment, many of the meddlings lurking in Qingyang City immediately perceived this terrible threat, and they couldn't help but hide and fly from all directions.

Suddenly, Nodak Qingyang City immediately flew out of seven black smokes, rushing straight into the sky. Even the city's main house had three black smokes coming out of the three leaders and fled quickly.

“Damn, the strong ones found out. ”

“What's going on? Aren't the people of this world weak? Why is there a strong race at this level? ”

“Run, run, run, the strong on this level can either resist or die. ”

“Damn, this was supposed to be a probing mission, but I didn't expect to be in such danger. ”

“Don't talk nonsense, you won't be able to escape one step later, you can't fight this strong man, or you will die. ”

Full of black smoke, trying to tear apart the great array, they panicked and almost ran for their lives, as they felt the immense crisis and were in danger of dying at any moment.

Faced with this absolute power, they are irresistible, like ants.

The whole city of Qingyang can feel the shady cold smell of these black smokes, it seems that the whole city pool can be frozen in an instant, and there is a kind of cold that penetrates the soul.

They all seem to feel an instinctive fear, Cesar trembling.

“Holy shit, there are other ghosts here?! ”

Gubo and others were scared to death. They saw the three leaders of the capital, all of whom were high-ranking generals of Hehe fame, brave and unmatched, killed countless enemies and had a great record of war.

Even the three leaders and Evergreen waves are not right with each other, there are frequent conflicts, but I didn't expect that Evergreen waves, like Evergreen waves, are all in the same group, all possessed by the underworld.

This place was invaded like a sieve by a meddling ghost.

Some generals thought that they used to call themselves brothers and brothers, such as Chang Yongbo, and suddenly their faces were all green. They almost ate themselves because they were brothers with the Pluto.

“Running away? Do you really think I don't exist? ”

Xiaping's expression was very faint, the clouds were faint, and a horrible force spread out on him. The whole of Qingyang City stood still at this moment, and everything stopped.

The wind stopped blowing.

The current stopped flowing.

The ground gravel stopped rolling.

Everyone stays like a wooden chicken, unable to move, and even the blood stops flowing.

Ten springing meddlings were also frozen in the middle of the sky, frightened and completely unanticipated of the emergence of such a terrible human expert in the city pool.

They tried to escape, but in the face of this powerful force, there was no way.

“Humans, damn humans. ”

How dare you kill me? We are about to arrive, and your people will be destroyed. ”

“It is best to release us immediately, or when the armies of the underworld arrive, you will surely die without corpses and without armor. ”

“Humans, we, the underworld, are not the only ones you, the weak races, can provoke. Surrender immediately is your only way out. ”

“If you do not surrender, you will be exterminated. You will be exterminated. ”

“Knowing what you are doing, you are making a terrible mistake. Release us and surrender on your knees. Otherwise, the whole city of Qingyang will be buried with you. ”

Many of the meddlings were howling, and although their bodies could not move, their consciousness was able to pronounce itself, revealing threats, trying to intimidate Xiaping, and allowing Xiaping to release them.

Xia Ping did not speak at all, the big hand gently pinched, a blast, ten real-life level underworld ghosts instantly smashed, split apart, the soul was shocked into powder.

They explode in the middle of the sky like fireworks, and even a little struggle is impossible.

Wow ~ ~

As soon as Xiaping grabbed it, he immediately swallowed up the energy left over from the ten underworld ghosts, transforming it into a soul crystal and putting it into the mountain river bead space.

At this moment, the whole city of Qingyang was restored to its original state of affairs, and everyone regained consciousness. They looked at each other and had no idea what had just happened.

But many generals of the city's main house clearly saw the scene, and they saw that Qingyang City was lurking with ten horror meddlings, and each side was terribly powerful.

Wherever such a ghost appears, a pool of humans can be slaughtered.

But such meddlings were easily annihilated by the mysterious city lord in front of them, who immediately feared Xiaping, which was an absolute respect for the strong.

“Is this the owner of Qingyang City? Too strong. ”

“Killing meddlings is like killing chickens. It's horrible. ”

“Isn't it? Those meddlings, who had surpassed the rank of ordinary king of ghosts, were easily pinched to death by the master of the city. This strength is simply unimaginable. ”

“No wonder we can create super pools like Qingyang City, which is so amazing. ”

Many Qingyang city generals are sincerely obedient. Even if the man in front of them is a tyrant, they admit that only tyrants can kill a piece of Lang Lang Kun in the midst of the turmoil.