God Level Demon

Chapter 2083 Burning Legion

“Now that you've attacked me, it's my turn. ”

Xia Ping looked at the six demons calmly.

Run! Run!

In the blink of an eye, the sweat of the six demons rises, and the sixth sense of death instantly spreads all over his body, as if his soul was being watched by the underworld god, and his soul was about to fall into the river.

Psst ~ ~

Needless to say, they are frightened to flee in all directions.

“Burn! ”

But Xiaping just glanced at them and said two words lightly.

Boom Boom Boom ~ ~

Immediately a flame broke out from him, seemingly communicating countless dimensions of fire, burning past them in all directions, creating an endless scourge.

Bang bang bang!!!

The six demons, including the snow tiger demons on the ground and the red demons, were lit instantly, burning from the inside out, from the soul to the body, completely hot.

“Ahhh!!! ”

These demons suddenly made a terrible scream, tried to fight back and dragged Xiaping to bury them together, but before they did, the flames burned them clean.

Wow ~ ~

When the wind blows, these demons become ashes and disappear into this space.

“This, this! ”

Many of the demon soldiers of the assault camp saw this scene, all sweated up, couldn't help but swallow a sip and looked at the new battalion commander with horror.

The Red Snake Demons are one of the eight pricks in the camp, commanding almost all the men in the camp.

The former battalion commander had clashes with the Red Snake Demon before being killed in the dark.

But the new battalion president had just taken office, and he actually wiped out all eight of his pricks. He was so cruel.

“I'm sorry, I just tried a little hard, and I burned them, so you wouldn't have a problem with that, would you? I can come up with opinions. I'm very democratic. I can speak freely. ”

Xia Ping touched his head and said with a sorry face.

“No, no, no, no, we don't have any opinions. Those bastards were the ones who tried to assassinate the camp owner and were wiped out. They were all wrong. ”

Many demons are frightened, even shaking their heads.

Democracy! Democracy!

The demons such as the Red Snake Demon just now were disobedient. After a few sentences, they were burned alive and had no bones. Where do they dare to give their opinions? Are they afraid that they will not die fast enough?!

Anyway, Red Snake Demons, they're long dead, dead people don't talk, and they don't have any objections, just throw any dirty water on them.

“I don't like the name" Battalion ", henceforth this unit will be called the Corps of Burning. ”

Xia Ping dropped the sentence and went into the camp.

“Yes, Captain, no, Captain. ”

Many demons are subdued. Since this burning demon has become the leader of the assault camp in front of him, everything listens to him. He just changed his name, which is nothing.


And the news of the slaughter of the eight demon pricks quickly spread throughout the army camp and was known by countless demons, especially the eight leaders of other rock cities.

They are also gathered here to discuss the matter.

“Interesting, what exactly is the origin of this burning demon? As soon as he became the battalion commander, he killed Keg, and his strength was not easy.” A black-haired demon commander spoke.

It has known the Red Snake Demon Kaigo for a long time, and naturally knows the strength of the other party, especially the killing mystery - the Million Snakes Poison Array.

Even according to its strength, it is unscrupulous and afraid to treat it carelessly, otherwise it will surely die.

But when the burner came to the assault camp, he actually wiped out Kaigo, and there was a bunch of friends around him, which really shocked him, and I didn't even think about it.

“Not a dragon, but a river. ”

Another long-armed demon ruler shrugged his eyes: “When it was said to have appeared in Rock City, it had clashed with the Black Lion Demon Bud, who had also been beaten miserably, and almost lost half his body. ”

It states some of the information it has received.

“What? Not even that Bud is a match for the Burner Demon? Is it that big? ”

Some demon leaders next to him were surprised. If you defeat Kaigo, then forget it. After all, Kaigo, even if more powerful, is somewhat different from these leaders.

But Bud is different. He is indeed one of the nine leaders of Rock City, and he is no less powerful than them.

“Well, do you think we're going to have a tenth ruler in Rock City? ”

A three-eyed demon leader grinned.

“Hmm, not necessarily the top ten, maybe the top nine, but maybe one of them got kicked.” Dark-haired demons grinned and looked at other demon leaders.

The rest of the demons are heartbroken, everyone is self-endangered, and this is not impossible.

After all, there are enough Rock City leaders, and if the strong in the demonic world are less powerful than people, they will probably be thrown out of power and put others in charge.

To be honest, each of them could be replaced.

“If that's the case, then we can't tolerate it. It's far from where we are. ”

Long-armed demons sneer, if the burning demons are weak, but more powerful, they are likely to threaten their position and drop them into the altar.

They've already enjoyed the taste of power, and if they lose it, it's worse than death.

“Recently, in the Loess Mountains, we discovered a vein of plutonite containing at least hundreds of millions of plutonite, a tremendous asset.” The Triple Eyed Demon commander said, “Unfortunately, this news has also been leaked to the demons on Lord Marsh's side to discover that there may be war in order to compete for this medallion vein. ”

It squints its eyes and reveals a hint of cold.

“Is that so, sending the burner over to use as cannon ash? If it dies in the Great War and is besieged by the Swamp Lord's men, then I'm afraid it's a hundred, a plot to kill demons with a knife. ”

Some demon leaders immediately understood what a three-eyed demon leader meant.

“Well, I didn't say anything. It's just the assault camp. Isn't it just some cannonball squad? There's nothing wrong with that. ”

Three-eyed demon leader smiled.

“You're right, it's not a knife to kill demons, it's just an ordinary military move. ”

“But this time you can see how long that burner can last in Lord Marsh's legions. ”

“Humph, how long can it last? I'm afraid it'll be the next dead Battalion Commander. ”

“It is said to have renamed the assault battalion the Burning Regiment. ”

“Ridiculous, even renamed the Combustion Corps? He's an ambitious guy, so it looks like he's gonna have to die. ”

Many demon leaders laughed and even set poison plans.