God Level Demon

Chapter 2283 Intelligence in Strange Areas

“Cough. ”

At this point, Xiaping coughed and shifted the subject: “I want to ask you why you are still waiting here in the square, why not go through the space channel and reach the strange area? ”

He looked at the dripping saints and others.

“It seems that this is the first time that Du is really here, and the logic is simple, because these space channels are not always open. ”

"In order to conserve energy, in times of peace, regardless of the number of people, these space corridors will only open once every three days, and now only once yesterday, so we have to wait here for two more days. ”

“So that's it. ”

Xiaping nodded: “But there are nine space passages here. Is every space passage leading to a different part of the strange area?” He would like to continue to have some knowledge of the strange regions.

Though he had already learned a great deal from the information on the Holy Land in the early days, it was clear that the saints in front of him were old oil sticks and might know something that had not been shown in the information.

And now he's pretending to have just arrived in the strange zone, and it's normal to ask these things.

“Exactly. ”

Jinfeng Saint Sincerely: “These space passages are divided into one to nine, each passage leads to a different hazard, one of which is the lowest hazard, very suitable for immortal Saints to experience in the past, while the ninth passage is the highest hazard, at least it takes too ancient Saints to fit in. ”

He said that it was true that, as Xiaping had said, every space corridor went to a different place.

“The Strange Zone is a unique cosmic region, infinite, even larger than the East, West and North cosmic regions combined, which is the true core of the universe. ”

Dark Fire Sacred Humanity: “Compared to strange regions, other cosmic regions are just suburbs, remote soils in poor towns, real cosmic essences, all kinds of treasures appear in this area. ”

“What the hell is going on in that strange area? ”

Chapin continues to ask.

“There is no planet in the strange zone, only land and land are interconnected, floating in an infinite void in a strange land world. ”

“The spacing between land and land is also extremely remote, and sometimes it takes hundreds of years or even thousands of years to sail, even aboard a spaceship," explains Dropwater Saint.

And this distance, from time to time, blows terrible space storms. Even immortal saints who want to cross continents need to be careful and die in space storms by accident.

In addition to space storms, there are many cosmic catastrophes, such as doomsday molten pulp, star explosions, black hole eruptions, dimensional oscillations, and so on.

In the event of these cosmic catastrophes, even saints die, let alone other weak creatures, making it difficult for mortals other than saints to survive in this place. ”

Upon hearing this, Xiaping nodded, and this intelligence was similar to his own, a strange, terrestrial-dominated region of the Universe, each of which is a strange continent and home to countless Quebao.

But the saint of dripping water did not stop and went on to describe the strange region: “In the strange region, which can be called land, it is at least a million light years in diameter, less than this number is called an island, which floats near the land, stars and romances, tens of thousands, but scarce resources.

Bigger lands, some of which are called the main continents, are more than trillions of light years in diameter, with vast resources inside, and our people occupy three main continents in strange regions. ”

He had a proud look on his face.

Because among the many peak races, there is usually only one main continent, and some powerful, such as the Bugs and Demons, occupy the two main continents, but the people occupy the three main continents, which is a unique force.

And the power of many tens of thousands of races in strange regions is actually competing for strange regions of continents, islands and other lands, the more land they occupy, the more resources they get, the more powerful the race is.

But if their land was taken, the entire race would be destroyed.

In fact, there are not a few ethnic groups that have been eliminated in the Strange Zone, sneaked back to the General Zone, or even moved into the North-East universe. Without sufficient strength, they simply cannot mix in the Strange Zone.

“37190; du brother. ”

At this point, the saint of dripping water looked at Xiaping: “So much said, I'm sure you know the horrors of the strange region, this time to space corridor number one, which we immortal saints go to just a remote part of the strange region.

This is a place with scarce resources and islands everywhere, but few powerful people, most of them immortal saints, only occasionally emerge.

And this is the perfect place for us immortal saints to practice, but even so, if we're not careful, we'll probably be wiped out by our enemies, so we should form a team. ”

“Team? ”

Xiaping blinked her eyes and looked at the dripping saint.

“That's right, the squad. ”

Drop water saint nods: “In fact, this is also normal behavior in strange areas. Solo Man alone is too dangerous. Only by forming a team and having associates take care of each other can we increase our chances of survival in strange areas.

In fact, Brother Kim Feng, Brother Dark Fire, we didn't know each other before. We only met here. Ping Shui met, but everyone felt fine, so we planned to form a team to jointly explore strange areas, I don't know what you think. ”

After these words, the Drop Saints, the Golden Wind Saints and the Dark Fire Saints all looked at Xiaping.

Think about it, Xiaping felt that he was not familiar with the strange area at one time. Although his strength is comparable to that of a near-ancient saint, who knows what would happen in such a dangerous place in the strange area.

If you get too arrogant, sooner or later you'll all die in strange areas.

The first thing he needs to do now is get familiar with the strange regions before he plans.

“Well, then I'll join you. ”

Xiaping promised.

“Well, great, with brother 37190, then we're like tigers. ”

Dripping saints and others laughed and were very happy.


In a blink of an eye, two days passed.

A number of saints have also gradually arrived above the square over these two days, and it is finally time for the opening of the space corridor.

“Gentlemen. ”

At this time, a manager flew in from a distance: “Time has come, nine space corridors will open for half an hour. I hope that you will enter as soon as possible, hurry up and miss this time, you can only wait three more days. ”

Boom ~ ~

Between moments, the voices had just fallen, nine space passages had vibrated, and there seemed to be a huge light screen between the holes, thousands of kilometres long.

Wow ~ ~

Upon hearing these words, all the saints in the square were delighted and spiritually uplifted and walked into the surrounding space passage.

And Summer Equals also entered space tunnel one.